Wednesday, 1 March 2023



Major changes are afoot across the globe. The geopolitical glaces plates are shifting and before long will shake our world to its core. What could be behind the clear decision of China to rally its forces and choose to draw close to its allies. What possible impetus is causing the coalescing of world powers we see emerging in the east?

I don't think it will take you many guesses to arrive upon the correct answer. How many nations are there in the world that could make China feel threatened enough to reach out in order to strengthen its response to attack? I am sure you need no further clues regarding where all the outright aggression has come from over these last several decades.

The United States, along with its allies in the so-called 'Coalition of the Willing' has been virtually the only major source of instigated death and destruction and interference in sovereign nations far from its own shores. It is in the united States now that we hear the rhetoric about the "Threat of China" and the need to "Contain China", along with the labelling of China as an "adversary". And where do we find China exhibiting this great threat they talk of? Precisely nowhere. certainly nowhere near the USA or its allies.

China, instead has been building a trading network called the 'Belt and Road Initiative' (BRI) which will be the most impressive system of transportation since the days of the Silk Road. China has been engaging in creating ever-improving relations with a host of nations across what used to be called 'The Developing World' and are now more often called the nations of 'The Global South'. This is dangerous only in the sense that western self-interest, ability to reap big profits through exploitation and continuing influence across these regions will diminish.

But China a military threat, an adversary requiring containment? No.

The neocons and mindless affluent liberals of the western world and beyond will point to Taiwan as the reason China should be considered a threat. But look closely at the situation between China and Taiwan and examine the facts. Until the USA began to heighten tensions with China regarding Taiwan the situation had been stable. Yes, China seeks unification... but the goal was to achieve this slowly and crucially, peacefully, sometime around 2045. It was not China that sought controversy and tension over Taiwan, it was the USA and its allies who sought them. With what purpose?

The purpose appears to have much in common with the purpose these same states had in ensuring that Russia was in a perpetual state of consternation regarding NATO and specifically of its next-door-neighbour Ukraine joining NATO along with another neighbour, Georgia. Russia was kept in a perpetual state of pressurised anxiety primarily by the USA and its European allies. The goal was very clearly to push Russia to breaking point and instigate whatever pressures it could internally to make internal chaos manifest itself with a view to regime change.

This tactic of the USA and its allies is playing itself out in Ukraine at this very moment and things are,  fairly clearly not going according to plan. However, the western powers are still placing their bets and doubling down. For how long they can sustain the level of their bets is unclear. But what is very clear is that they have no Plan B, no alternative route to their goal, to weaken Russia and take it out of the league of great powers.

The tactic against China, though with its own specific nuances and issues, is pretty much from the same playbook, apply pressure relentlessly until something breaks. As the pressure applied to Russia finally resulted in the desired outcome (the invasion of Ukraine) so these same powers are seeking to achieve this outcome regarding China and Taiwan. The western political elites care nothing for the Taiwanese themselves just as they care nothing for the Ukrainians. This is great power politics in action, nothing more.

In the interval between 2014 when the USA and EU instigated the coup in Ukraine's capital and February 2022 when the Russian military crossed the Ukrainian border both sides prepared their forces. In eastern Ukraine the West created a NATO-style military force poised to entice Russia to attack. In this period also Russia strengthened its economic and financial infrastructure to withstand the sanctions that were bound eventually to come. The strength of the Russian economy can now be seen to have withstood almost every attack upon it. Though the western coalition still continue to double down hoping against hope to find an as yet undiscovered vulnerability.

Now we see China preparing for a similar economic and financial onslaught. China is steadily disposing of her U.S. dollars having seen how willing the western powers were and still are to steal those dollars Russians had invested in the West. China is steadily building her relationships with those around her and building too her military might. However, most impressive is how those under threat from the USA and the collective west in general are growing ever closer in the face of the western threat.

The true threat is indeed from a western world that is on a long decline from its glory days when it was top dog, able to get its way by a variety of means including a variety of threats along with various bribes. Those power-junkies who created a matrix of self-interest across the world through that power are fast losing their fix. The emergence of powerful economies in nations far from U.S., UK or European borders has provided a strong reason for these power and cash junkies to see them as a threat. No one likes to lose their status, power and ability to influence others and western powers are no different.

It has become clear to the Chinese therefore that along with Russia and a host of other less powerful nations they are top of the list for targeting now and, as seen by those targeting her, sooner rather than later. You might think Russia in Ukraine was enough for the neocons but this would underestimate their ability to think logically and in something approaching a reasoned manner. If you think this then you are not crediting them with the right stereotype designation. These are zealots, akin to cult members. They have no chink in their impermeable belief bubble that might let in some possible Plan B. For them it is all or nothing, global dominance or Armageddon.

Some, perhaps most of these people, those such as Mike Pompeo of recent memory, are born again Christians of an extremely fervent stripe. Pompeo is a fanatical believer in 'The Rapture', a state of transference in bodily form to the heavenly realms once Christ returns post the apocalypse. Such people see our world as a transient and almost insignificant physical reality that will be wiped away when the Holy Father arrives to lead them all in an ascent to the heavenly domain. A little chaos here and there to generate the conditions required by prophesy doesn't phase them at all, in fact, this is exactly what they seek.

Risking 'bringing on' an 'End Game' while telling themselves they have the best of all motivations in the intention to bring 'freedom' and 'democracy' to the world appears to them to be a completely 'win win' situation. If the world is devastated in a nuclear war this hastens Jesus down to trigger 'The Rapture'. If Armageddon doesn't come about well, they will bring about the end of all forms of government that don't suit them... if they just keep applying the pressures that instigate chaos within their chosen targets and never stop doubling down.

But, you could say, belatedly, China has opened her eyes wide and has understood the danger she is in. And for all the reasons mentioned above... but also because she is not only the main peer competitor to the USA, but also because she is not Christian. And you will find that the neocons still think of Russia as communist too in their heavily blinkered and fixed mentality. Add in Iran, Syria, Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia and a few others and I think you will get the picture.

China and Russia are now closer allies than ever before. Now Belarus adds another link in a strengthening chain. In addition, around twenty nations appear ready to join the BRICS trading network (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa). Iran is quite far along the path to joining, Egypt and many others are on the way. The nations of Eurasia and the Global South now have an alternative source of assistance that can stave off the need to cower in front to the western powers. There are new kids on the block that are muscular enough to face down the malignant bullies who have threatened them till now.

China is stepping out of the shadows, emerging from the wings and walking confidently onto the global stage and taking her rightful, and crucial place, right at its centre. And the world will never be quite the same ever again. 

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