Friday, 31 March 2023


All the positive and wishful thinking up to now was never going to affect the inevitable final outcome in Ukraine. None of the one-sided commentary, Kiev-stimulated misinformation and hopelessly skewed reporting is not going to affect it either.

Russia, in the next few months is going to achieve its goal of securing the Donbass region against further Ukrainian military attack, prevent Ukraine from ever joining NATO, and will ultimately reduce the Ukrainian military so that in future it has only a purely ceremonial role.

The goal of autonomy, first sought by the people of the Donbass in the Spring of 2014, after the insurrection in their then capital city of Kiev, will be more than accomplished, full sovereignty separate from Ukraine is about to become a reality as integral regions within the Russian Federation. They will fear no more. The nightmare of almost a decade of daily and nightly shelling by Ukrainian forces will be well and truly over.

This event will be a body blow to a western world that has been telling itself fairy stories about the Kiev authorities and assorted military and militia forces winning against a Russia absolutely sure of the need to secure not only the Donbass but through this its own security in perpetuity. What will the reaction of the western world, specifically the western political elites, be regarding these facts?

Up until now in the Spring of 2023, the West has thrown everything it could at Russia to no avail. The big financial and economic guns have been deployed and have missed their targets. Most of the shells have in fact boomeranged back to their gun-emplacements causing financial and economic damage at home within the unfriendly nations of the collective west.

Russia began its 'special military operation' with all its financial and economic resources presenting a sound barrier to the western attacks known to come no matter what it did. In late 2021 it was absolutely vital for the future of Russia that the prevailing circumstances be changed from the ever-worsening situation regarding NATO, the aggression of the uSA, UK and EU and the ever-increasing belligerence of the Kiev regime and their known plans to deliver a military solution to the Russian-speaking region of the Donbass.

A little realpolitik rather than the hysteria and breast-beating by western powers that we have seen up to now would have resolved this matter. But they squandered every chance. Russia wished to take a peaceful path to resolve the question of the long-suffering Russian population of the Donbass. The West and its puppet in Kiev were not interested. War was what they sought since 2015, never reconciliation.

Western leaders chose to make Kiev fight, to keep on supplying it and its dwindling military power with money and weaponry. The incentive was always clearly there for the USA, and the UK in particular, to try to do as much damage to Russia as possible.

The goal of weakening Russia was certainly the goal these close allies had in common and there was the constant enthusiasm of the hawks within their hierarchies to keep the war going even when Russia was calling for negotiations leading to peace. This policy will increasingly be seen as a totally callous one, quite uncaring that through it deaths continued in their tens of thousands even when Russia was clearly calling for an end to them.

We all await these coming events where Russia totally ends all western hopes of weakening the Russian resolve. This is the only way to peace now, this much is clear. Hopefully the western leadership will recognise the defeat that has been dealt them and accept it with some humility and perception of reality. But, as ever with geopolitical events where national interests are involved it may be a mistake to believe that the usual and best human characteristics of compromise and agreement can prevail.

We will soon see...

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