Sunday, 16 April 2023


The title of this commentary doesn't refer to the Russian plan for its campaign in Ukraine. 

I don’t even intend to give any comment on that subject.

This commentary is on a related, but quite different subject.

It strikes me that given there is a clear goal by the western powers to replace the leaders and systems of governance of both Russia and China the current situation in Ukraine has many convenient aspects to it in this regard.

If you wanted to achieve the object of first isolating Russia (or isolating at least Europe from Russia) and then later isolate China for not forsaking Russia as a partner over its Ukrainian campaign, you could do no better than plan things as they are currently panning out.

First you would do everything possible to frustrate Russia in regard to both NATO and Ukraine, keep Russia hoping for a settlement to both and never seeking to make good on one and ensuring Ukraine never does either. In fact keep pushing Russia further and further into a corner with one more reason after another to explode out of it. Then of course, once the desired explosion occurs (the Ukraine campaign) you have the justification you need for all that follows, the various, continuous and expanding raft of measures that push Russia out of Europe for good.

This could be seen as the first stage. The second, once Russia is fully engaged in Ukraine, is the manufacture of a series of incidents/events that deliver additional “justifications” for ever broader secondary sanctions, cutting of connections and permanent burning of bridges.

Meanwhile, China is pressured to condemn its partner Russia, something it is judged China will never do. This gives “cause” to begin a similar isolation of China, bringing NATO into the fray with warnings to China, contradicting of course Biden’s stated position to better relations with China. This last technique of seeming diplomacy followed by betrayal having worked well with Russia is simply a case of rinse and repeat. Stirring the pot, creating confusion, shaking stability and exerting pressure while seeming at one point to wish to find agreement then immediately having the State Department issue aggressive statements creates unease and potential instability while encouraging angry responses that give the casual observer misgivings.

Is it all a conspiracy theory too far?

Why would the USA, UK and their allies wish to take such a potentially devastating course that could destabilise the entire world provoking global division and worldwide instability if not outright war?

Is there any basis for the notion that the stakes could be that high for the collective west?

In fact there is.

9/11 made the U.S. elites aware that to make America totally safe they needed to eliminate ALL potential sources of threat and this required the elimination of all opposition, great and small.

Putin and Russia became the first target in 2007 when he stated quite clearly that Russia was not in agreement with the imposition of a unipolar world run by one nation of a coterie of allied nations.

Then China unexpectedly rose and rose economically without changing its communist leadership. It had been expected that with greater and greater reliance on capitalism that the communist system of central control would atrophy and die. It did not. It became even stronger and more deeply entrenched.

But the decisions made after 9/11 demanded that ALL opposition and potential opposition must be made to disappear and be replaced by West-friendly leaders and systems of governance.

What now?

The now may just be what is happening in Ukraine, what is happening across the western world and the actions against Russia that may well be seen happening also to China very soon.

Is it all just a coincidence that what was seen as an absolute necessity in the hours after 9/11 is now playing out? Is there nothing odd about that?

Or, just maybe, is everything going according to plan?

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