The spider caught up in its own web is of course the USA and its “children”, the UK and EU. Every move these self-interested powers make embroils them in counterproductive activities that bind them ever more thoroughly within an insidious web of their own making. This inevitably increases the focus and attention of other nations on them as their longterm enemy.
How did it come to this point? Why are the western nations now seen as the enemy of freedom and democratic values?
Their insistence that only they should be obeyed and that no nation should have any truck with any others but them has led to this state of counterproductive struggling by the western powers. Their insistence that they and they alone are exceptional enough to govern, that their superiority over all others should be self-evident, has led directly to this point.
Nations are queuing up to abandon the U.S. dollar as the world’s reserve currency. Why? Because the nations of the collective west have quite obviously been using it as a means to bully and cajole others into remaining within their sphere of dominance by which they maintain their control over them.
Could this situation not have been predicted? To a large extent yes. But who could have predicted that Saudi Arabia would act against the petrodollar as it has, turning its back on the western nations who treated it as its ‘best friend’ in the Middle East. That has come as a major shock to those who had their eye on a different ball altogether.
Ukraine is the ball that excludes all other geopolitical attention for western states and has done for years now. Despite the game being lost as the nations of the global south and Eurasia rise against them, the West has become obsessed with its war against Russia via Ukraine. Ukraine is their obsessive and exclusive focus into which they are pouring all their resources. It remains a black hole for their attention, devouring the intellect and insight that would otherwise be used to examine and respond to the global rather than local crisis they face.
More than this, the very emphasis on Ukraine is in itself making the international scene for the West so much worse due to nations seeing that sanctions could well be applied to them also eventually if the USA and its allies consider they have not bowed to their wishes sufficiently. Why should they wait until the USA and its allies start to turn the screw on them via sanctions backed by the enforcement of the petrodollar? Abandoning the petrodollar sets them totally free from this threat.
Abandoning the petrodollar, the use of local currencies and later and the forthcoming BRICS currency, will see the USA steadily relegated to the position of just one more nation among many, largely stripped of its ability to bully others into submission. No longer will it be able to foster its own self-interest and that of its allies through the ‘big stick’ that was the petrodollar. Its threat of sanctions can then be laughed at as nations worldwide choose whatever relationship with others they wish and trade with them with impunity no longer having to look over their shoulders at the USA.
The western nations who have acted as warders in a global prison based on the petrodollar weapon are acting in almost every instance to make the present situation even worse and are bringing on the very multipolar world which will render them impotent. They will have equal say perhaps… but certainly no longer the final say.
These nations have become so used to being top dogs, holding power over others, that they are now addicted to this as a permanent and unchanging reality. They have become power-junkies and are now reacting to losing their fix. The cold turkey they are experiencing makes them act in reckless ways that only makes their situation worse and loses them whatever means they previously had to ensure that fix.
Truly the West is caught in an insidious web from which there is no obvious escape. They struggle wildly to escape yet these very movements bind them and entrap them even more securely within that web. The Catch-22 situation they find themselves in inexorably brings them to the very fate they so rabidly seek to escape. Their quarantining within this web, vulnerable and exposed due to the obviousness of their criminality, deceit, terror, torture, global blackmail and dictatorial venom, displays every sign of becoming permanent. What will ultimately be seen of them apart from their iniquities over time? Can they emerge as nations willing to share the world equally with all others? Only time will tell. Until then the web only grows thicker and more binding around them, continually added to by their own actions.
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