Tuesday, 2 May 2023


You don’t have to be Sherlock Holmes to deduce certain clues regarding Russia in recent times.

If we take it as read that neither Vladimir Putin nor the Russian secret services are incompetent nor stupid then it should be possible to add one and one to make two in certain cases.

The cases we will explore here comprise separate occasions when it made no sense for what Russia is said to have done to actually have been done by Russia.

Two events near the beginning of the conflict in Ukraine exemplify the way Ukrainian propaganda (communicated as Biblical truth in western nations) turns everything negative to an “Evil Russia” scenario. These cases concern what happened in the Kiev suburb known as Bucha and the town of Kramatorsk where there were a great many civilian casualties.

Having taken it for granted that the Russian authorities have precision-guided muitions and are not willfully reckless, stupid or totally incompetent, along with an arguably strong case that they certainly care very much for Russia’s image in the world, the contention that Russia perpetrated these atrocities for gain makes no sense. That they make sense only when used AGAINST Russia is however, rather obvious.

A very similar case is that of the supposed poisoning of the Skripals by Novichok and then not so very long after this failed case of poisoning the very same Novichok is used in a apparent attempt to kill Alexei Navalny. I should also add here that the Skripals case came just weeks before the Russian World Cup, not exactly an event likely to create good PR for the event. The main nonsensical element however is the use of the selfsame poison. Again, assuming neither Putin nor the Russian secret service are stupid or incompetent or uncaring of Russia’s reputation this should be considered extremely odd.

The missile that killed so many people waiting to take a train in Kramatorsk was of a type the Russian military no longer uses, however the Ukrainian military do use it on a regular basis and had reason to attack these fleeing civilians. There is evidence from multiple witnesses that the extremist elements within the Ukrainian forces had earlier attacked and killed many of those attempting to flee another town in the Donbass, Mariupol. Add to this the known fervent antipathy these extremists of western Ukraine view the entire civilian population of eastern Ukraine, they call them the pejorative term, ‘Moskals’, i.e. Russians and consider them with a level of derision where their lives are considered worthless. According to reports the missile that killed so many had an obscenity scrawled upon it concerning children.

In Bucha the story was similar but even more gruesome. The Russian military vacated the Kiev suburb after a stay of some days during which Russian military rations had been distributed. The Ukrainian intelligence and special forces arrived and began ascertaining who had made contact with the Russian military or had taken rations from them. (This is the process they call ‘filtration’.) They were found, made to wear white armbands and shot. These are the victims seen strewn along the main road of Bucha, many of them lying in proximity to the Russian military ration packs.

It should also be well known by everyone by now that the Russian intervention in eastern Ukraine was mounted to save and protect the very people who were so callously and brutally murdered in Kramatorsk. What sense would it make then for the Russian military to attack and kill them. But for those who look down on these ostensibly Ukrainian citizens as ‘Moskals’ and traitors to Ukraine… why would they not wish to teach them a lesson for trying to flee to Russia?

Does it make any sense that Russia would perpetrate not one but two separate atrocities and provide two consecutive propaganda coups (Bucha and Kramatorsk) for their enemy, the Kiev president and his regime? It makes no sense. Does it make sense to use these atrocities to demonise the Russian military? It certainly does.

These incidents are reminiscent of the claim that the Syrian government, about to win its decade-long war against West-backed terrorist forces, initiated a chemical weapon attack on the town of Douma, providing a possibly conflict-changing coup to their enemies both within Syria itself and in the West?

Russia is accused of harming its image again and again just as the Syrian government is supposed to have done when it risked everything it had fought for by crossing Barack Obama’s red lines concerning chemical weapons use and him then saving the day for the anti-Syrian government forces by making missile strikes on Damascus.

There is something decidedly fishy about all this, wouldn’t you agree?

Without investigation Russia is assumed guilty. No evidence is supplied and all the available evidence indicates that Russia is not guilty. But is any investigation carried out? It is not. Does this stop western mainstream media blaming Russia? It does not.

President Biden and every mainstream media news outlet across the West immediately say “Russia did it!!!" Just as we have been asked to believe Russia did almost everything that was negative for over a decade and a half now at least, we are constantly expected to simply accept the word of Biden and the state-compliant mass media of the West… with no investigation and no evidence provided. No if’s or buts… simply, “Russia did it!”

Anyone with a modicum of intellect can tell something is very wrong with all this black and white, good and evil demonization. Even a moderate level of insight should be able to see that Biden and co are adding one and one and arriving at least four, or whatever number is most convenient to them.

Yet the facade of being factual is insisted upon, flying in the face of all common sense and logic.

‘All’s Fair in Love and War.”

It is as if all honesty and integrity has disappeared across the political and media establishment in the western world, along with the abandonment of objectivity and most absent of all is any attempt to seek peace through diplomacy. The only object of importance to both mass media and the western political elite now appears to be to create war, war and ever more war. A forever war to blight us and every generation to come… using whatever lies convince western populations most effectively.

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