The nations of the collective west are caught in a Catch-22 situation whereby they need to exert maximum pressure on all nations to support them against Russia. Russia meanwhile has the better card to play, that of energy (oil and gas) when it comes to the nations the West wishes to blackmail into obedience. The greater the pressure the USA and those allied to it attempt to bring to bear the more they alienate the nations they target and the more certain they are to protect themselves by abandoning the U.S. dollar. (This by the way is why we are currently seeing a change in policy by the USA whereby an effort consisting of a softer approach composed of clearly insincere charm is being applied instead.)
The above love-bomb approach can only work to a limited extent however as the nations it is applied to can hardly mistake the wolf in sheep’s clothing or the dagger held behind the back while the other hand offers flowers. The USA has ruined its reputation regarding trust so many times over the years that what is likely to happen in response to its blandishments is an equally insincere welcoming thank you. The old saying by Theodore Roosevelt still fits in respect of the USA on the world stage still holds true and describes its foreign policy well currently: ‘Speak softly and carry a big stick’.
How long will the USA be able to continue to threaten nations who don’t immediately obey its commands? Not for much longer if the clear intent to align with the BRICS nations is anything to go by or the signs that de-dollarization has become an unstoppable trend. Past times when the USA and its allies had only to snap their metaphorical fingers for the world to immediately stand to attention are fast ending. No longer will they be able to order other nations to jump, the only response from them being, “How high?” From the days of slavery through the colonial era the nations of the West have been abusing their positions of power to exploit the rest of the world. We are seeing the end of their ability to continue this abuse currently.
The nations of the west led by the USA and UK are suffering from the trends above just at the moment when ironically they are fighting for their top-dog position at the most crucial stage of all across their centuries-long period of global dictatorship. In Ukraine Russia finally broke free from the pressure-cooker policies the West had attempted to break her with. Subsequently the collective west attempted to crush Russia using all the power it thought it still had. This was a potentially fatal mistake. The nations it thought it could command no longer jump to attention as in the past. They saw where this would lead if they did so.
The world the USA, UK and their allies seek to create is one where they have even MORE power to dominate and control than before. Due to the events of 9/11 it was decided in Washington, then in London’s Whitehall and subsequently across all governmental elites within Europe that they could no longer tolerate the independence of states not willing to accept their dominance. So they set about destroying the foundations of all such incalcitrant nations.
Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria were only some of the first tranche of nations to be undermined. All others until complete subservience was achieved were to follow. All the western collective powers were to work in unison, all speaking from the same geopolitical hymn sheet, all delivering the same narrative, working from the same agenda. And every last one of their mass media news outlets were to conform to all of the above also. The goal to undermine all nations not conforming to a future permanent western dictatorship was to be accepted without question or run the risk of being targeted yourself.
All may have gone well if Russia had not foreseen the above eventualities and planned for them and if China had not risen to a point where to assail it risked the destruction of at least half, if not the entire world. The western coalition was in a hurry due to the immensity of 9/11 for them. It had made them seem weak, vulnerable when they needed to project only strength. Therefore this had to be corrected in no time, an unconscionable event that had been considered a virtual impossibility had delivered an enormous blow to the facade of unassailable power that the West required to continue its dominance across the world. Now this had to be reinforced… and then some.
There were to be no half measures and no ethical or moral barriers to achieving the goal of supreme domination supported by total oversight using wall-to-wall 24/7 surveillance along with the undermining and replacement of all governmental systems that refused American/British/European command. 9/11 made this imperative. To not achieve this goal comprehensively and universally would leave them to that degree vulnerable at some undetermined future date. The danger could not be left to grow. It must be wiped out at its roots and never be allowed to grow ever again. This required a total restart for the world and the three allies (US/UK/EU) determined to achieve this.
That determination is growing stronger just as it becomes clear that these three (US/UK/EU) are growing increasingly weaker and unable to achieve the ambition they have set themselves. Total Global Control. Full Spectrum Dominance. As time goes on and Russia becomes ever clearer to be the winner in Ukraine the dismay and determination of the western political elites grow stronger in tandem. Doubling down is seen to be the only solution, not backing down. There is no plan B, only the unquestioned forward movement to absolute control worldwide. To fail to achieve this is unacceptable. But… the West is running out of time. Things are not at all going their way, quite the geopolitical movement is in quite the opposite direction.
What ultimate weapon might they bring to bear in their absolute desperation when no plan B can exist or even be contemplated? As the clock ticks down to no time left to achieve their goal what might these totally fixed-minded men and women dedicated to an impossible goal with no alternative contemplate? Would they even see NO world as being better than a world they are unable to completely control? These are the terrifying questions we are likely to ask ourselves as the collective west fights its war against the time that remains.
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