Saturday, 16 September 2023


Western media coverage of Ukraine has been uniformly positive, depicting a poor, helpless and infinitely lovable Ukraine that deserves every possible help that can be given her. On this basis February 24th 2022 when the Russian military crossed the border into Ukraine was the beginning of the timeline regarding the relationship between these two nations.

With all else out of sight and mind Volodomyr Zelensky became the new Winston Churchill and Vladimir Putin the new Adolf Hitler. With nothing before February 24th 2022 to ever be taken into consideration it could be said that Russia had made an unprovoked attack and who in the western mainstream or among western populations used to believing what their mainstream news outlets said, would contradict it?

It was so black and white. Amnesia ruled the airwaves regarding anything preceding that day in 2022. The fact that the Ukrainian military had been shelling the Russian-speaking civilian population of eastern Ukraine for eight years previously was written out of history at a stroke. The fact that upwards of 15,000 had died between 2014 and 2022 was not considered worthy of report. Things had to be kept good and simple so as not to confuse anyone with too many details.

The Ukrainians were as pure as driven snow and the Russians were as evil as the Nazis if not more so. Memories of how similar narratives had been used in the past to convey things as eminently simple were forgotten along with all the consequences that came along with the certainty of convictions based on falsehoods, distortions, knowing deceit and downright lies. It was a new time, new circumstances and a new media who for sure wouldn’t stoop to the tactics used before to manufacture the general public’s consent.

That consent was vital when hundreds of billions were to be fed to a regime in a nation that few had ever given two hoots about only days or weeks before. This clean slate of the mind was soon filled with data however, very selective data, filtered with a view to maintaining consent and obscuring too many inconvenient facts. Just as between the year 2014 and 2022 there was essentially zero reporting on the men, women and children who had fallen victim to Ukrainian army shelling so now the narrative would run that any negative aspect regarding Ukraine was the work of those vile Russians.

Have eyes been opened to the reality that has been the sorry fate of the entire population of Ukraine and specifically that of the Russian-speaking population who live everyday normal lives in one half of a nation that by rights ought to be two? Have a greater number of people become aware of the hatred that a large minority in western Ukraine feel for the Russian-speaking population over in the East, the names they call them, the contempt in which they hold them, to the degree that they would wish them dead? Every last man, woman and child? Hopefully many more are now aware of the true Nazis in this tragic conflict and have realised just how completely they have been hoodwinked into believing otherwise.

The cult-like belief in the merits of those Ukrainians who fought alongside the actual Nazis in world war two are the stuff of nightmares and horror films. Their mindset, it can be argued, shows just how much of that known Nazi evil has survived, passed down grandfather to father to son to arrive to horrific consequence in western Ukraine today. The articles and television specials which showed something of this mindset in the early months of 2014 were soon to vanish and be replaced by those created with a view to presenting alternate facts. These alternate facts would depict these modern day Nazis as patriots and Ukrainian national heroes.

Even today you cannot utter one negative word about the holy warriors of Ukraine or their valiant Churchillian leader in the western mainstream. The facade of perfect integrity in face of overwhelming evil must be maintained at all costs. Nothing can be allowed to sully the purity and grace of the Ukrainian sacrosanct quest to save the entire world from the evil Russian hordes led by their heartless criminal leader. The torture and murder of Russian prisoners of war must not be dwelt upon but be called ‘Russian Propaganda’. Recent footage from a deceased Ukrainian soldier’s mobile phone showing how Russian prisoners were made to run into minefields and executed if they survived will also no doubt be called the same.

Anything that might taint the picture of Ukraine as the poor hapless victim is not to be dwelt upon. Not the shelling of civilians (which goes on to this day, every day bringing civilian casualties) not the clear evidence of the Ukrainian being guilty of sending missiles into a marketplace to impress Anthony Blinken on a visit to Kiev, not the wholesale massacre of civilians in Bucha, not the shelling of civilians hoping to catch a train out of Kramatorsk, not the blowing up of civilians hiding from attack in a beautiful theatre in Mariupol. Nothing must interfere with the meme of Ukrainian purity of mind, spirit and deed.

Some will see the work of the Devil in all this. Only he could be so deceivingly evil. But no, this is all the work of humans, most of them holding high office, whether in Washington or Fleet Street, London’s Whitehall, Wall Street or Langley, Virginia and of course never in Kiev. Not in pure and unsullied Kiev where reside the purest souls ever known who wouldn’t hurt a fly or tell even the most inconsequential lie. Believe these latter “facts” delivered daily by all western political and media elites, editors and so-called journalists. Believe them and see if like Iraqi WMD that certainty of purity does not become a thing of vast ugliness and utter disgrace over time. The West’s leaders have made their populations complicit in this crime of the century and time will reveal that they and those in Kiev are in fact those who are the closest thing to pure evil on this planet.

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