Thursday, 19 October 2023



There is only one way, our way, only one set of rules, ours. You will obey or be destroyed. Continual punishment will be inflicted until you conform. These demands are reflected implicitly in every western mass media source. There is only one narrative possible, only one source to be adhered to, only one voice and one genesis of rightful thought and command. Ours. 

We have seen these precepts applied to Ukraine and now we see them applied to the conflict in the Middle East between Israel and the Palestinians. Only one message, only one agenda, only certain narratives are allowed as valid. All else is suspect or to be condemned outright.

Where is even the slightest reflection of democratic principles to be found? Where is the diplomacy that seeks to bring sides together, to find a way to stop the bloodshed, build bridges and bring an overall lasting compromise into being? All absent. All relegated to complete absence, replaced continually by a completely partisan, thoroughly one-sided prejudice, a bias that precludes all hope of anything resembling peaceful stability.

Democracy, we are told, allows the voicing of diverse views seeking expression, voices that believe in their solution to current problems. A dictatorship simply states what MUST be accepted, enforces views held and punishes those who deign to express another. Democracy is meant to deliver the best solution through stakeholders arguing their case without prejudice or punishment in free expression. Where is the free expression of opinion to be found on Ukraine or Palestine in the western mainstream? Instead of this we have fixed narratives, opinions, assertions and political demands that take only one side and will hear of no alternative view. That is dictatorship, a dictatorship that bears no resemblance whatsoever to democracy.

The political leadership of the western world and its mouthpiece, western mass media seeks to limit all thought and activity to its own demands. These demands are not to be questioned, only obeyed due to the assertion that they are unquestionably correct and will be enforced in each case by extreme violence if necessary. The fixed nature of the group thought mentality of western political elites grows ever more obvious by the day. No diplomacy is possible when all that is heard are a series of lectures about the complete rightness of one side and the complete wrongness of the other. Name calling bears no relation whatsoever to diplomacy, it corrodes it and destroys any possible foundation for it.

When you name others as your enemy this excludes you from any form of meaningful communication with them that could lead to a lessening of the vitriol and enmity between you, it heightens these. This approach is the approach of ever more heightened levels of war with all that brings, increased death, destruction and hatred between the two warring entities. Simply lauding your side as all good and castigating the other as all bad brings nothing but more of the same pestilence that diplomacy (and we are told democracy) seeks to assuage. Nothing the political elites of the West are doing now on either Ukraine nor Israel/Palestine can bring lasting peace, only ever more devastating war.

The dictatorship over others that the western powers seek will, if successful, ultimately lead to a prison planet where they are the ever-observant warders, always seeking enemies to eliminate and always demanding continual obedience to their commands. There will be no semblance to anything related to true democracy, no free speech, no right to assembly, only a strict administering of certain rules designed to limit freedoms and ensure conformity to the rules these elites insist MUST be obeyed. This and all of the above describe what we are facing as a species if the West wins its war to maintain and increase its power over us. That power will be increased to a level where no one can ever feel safe again, presided over by a dictatorship that will STILL, even then, proclaim itself to be democratic.  

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