Tuesday, 14 November 2023



There has never been a greater disconnect than now between the interests of western elites and that of their populations. This disconnect is so great that the ostensible purpose of those elites, to make life increasingly safer and ever more liveable for their people has been turned on its head. Their everyday acts now actively endanger their people rather than protect them or enhance their lives.

What might the purpose of those elites be that is so inimical to the interests of their populations? Put another way, what could make the men and women who have most say over how western societies are run act to actively endanger them?

Those most affected have a number of simple requests of their governments:

  1. Keep us safe.

  2. Help us prosper.

  3. See that our kids get a good education.

  4. Make sure there are enough jobs around for us.

  5. Ensure medical facilities are good enough to keep us all healthy.

The most important request/demand is naturally the first on the list above, keep us safe.

This is where western governments are woefully straying from the duties their populations expect of them.

War after war has been initiated by western politicians over the past several decades. Westerners were told these wars would keep them safe and that through them all the other requests listed above would then be provided in the ideal state of peace that would result.

Do we see these wars resulting in these promised outcomes? We do not. Westerners feel less safe now than they ever did. There has been no peace dividend. And no prospect of one as wars seem destined to become ever more prevalent. Living standards are falling, life expectancy is falling, the likelihood of the majority achieving prosperity is diminishing, employment has become scarce with more and more people living from paycheck to paycheck. Something is wrong with this picture and more and more westerners are waking up to that fact.

After 9/11 most western populations were willing to believe that the decision to wage a war on terror was an unfortunate necessity. Now, almost a quarter of a century later that majority must surely be in doubt, especially as ever more wars appear to be in prospect as western leaders evince a desire to take on ever more adversaries.

The apparently undiminished wish of western political elites to use means of all kinds, both overt and covert, to undermine the leadership and systems of governance of a variety of nations appears as strong as ever. The belief in U.S. and western exceptionalism appears to override and overcome all failures such as the multi-decade war in Afghanistan. The conception of having a ‘manifest destiny’ to mold the rest of the world in the image of western nations is clearly still strongly present. It is best seen under the guise, not of the two buzz words used before, ‘freedom’ and ‘democracy’ so much as the ‘rules based order’, rules decided upon by, of course, western political elites and no longer by the United Nations or any other body.

What is the goal that is truly being fought for here as we know that politicians rarely say precisely what they mean or what their true goals are. Words are used as weapons in this field and can only be rarely trusted to convey the message they appear to at face value.

The goals of western leaders are as follows:

  1. Remove and replace all world leaders not acknowledging western supremacy.

  2. Remove and replace all systems of governance that are found to be non-compliant to the western requirement for global supremacy.

  3. Through 1. and 2. above to enable a system of universal surveillance through which no such event as 9/11 could ever recur to undermine western global supremacy.

In short 9/11, as perceived by western elites, required the elimination of anyone and anything that  might in ANY WAY act in the disfavor of western interests for all time to come. This goal required, a) a global clean slate and b) a means of ensuring complete future docility.

These goals are why the western world is at war, by one means or another and in one form or another, with at least a dozen nations worldwide. This includes any activity from infiltrating governmental institutions to spy upon them to acts of virus contamination and other means of sabotage to arranging “accidental” deaths to a variety of acts ranging from entrapment, blackmail, psychological operations, black operations, bribery, organization of anti-governmental protests to a variety of threats and influence abuse to outright missile attacks and invasion. 

The overarching goals listed above and all the intermediary goals within them are what comprise the majority of problems and areas of turmoil we see in the world today and the vast majority of these are initiated by the West. A West that conceives itself to be inherently entitled to rule our world and determined to do so no matter the cost.

Now, if the targets the West is aiming at were all as evil as Hitler and the Nazis you might say all this turmoil and mass death was worth it. But this is not the case and far from it. Take China as an example. China is the topmost target of the now neocon-run West. A China that has not invaded anyone and that has quite clearly materially advanced the lives of the Chinese people in recent years more than in any other nation. Yet this nation must be brought into the zone of turmoil, death and destruction that has been the fate of all recent western targets. Does this scenario make any sense to you? Destroying the fabric of a nation to rebuild that fabric again from scratch to suit the needs of a foreign power? What could possibly go wrong, right?  Yet this is the West’s clear goal. And not just with China, with at least a dozen other nations both great and small.

It’s insane. But this is where we are and this is the goal. This is what we see happening now in myriad locations, in the vast majority directed from the West with its insistence that some, in reality,  unattainable goals be achieved no matter the expense, no matter the levels of chaos, anarchy, internecine strife, death and destruction attempts to achieve them will inevitably cause.

The above is why these people who have achieved ascendancy in the West through the means you have seen occurring in recent decades and to this very day, are putting the entire world at risk.

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