Sunday 19 May 2024



As seen in the aftermath to Iraq & Afghanistan where respectively no WMD were found nor solutions to increasing resistance to US military domination, humiliation does not necessarily lead to justice being served.

No western politician will pay even the smallest price under the law for the needless and pitiable slaughter that has gone on in Ukraine for well over two years now. No judges within the jurisdiction of international or national courts will find the guilty men and women behind that slaughter before them. They will be free to promote future, similar conflict situations, across the world with impunity. All this because they consider this planet their fiefdom to rule as they see fit as judge, jury and executioner.

Pushing NATO inexorably toward Russia’s borders caused one important, high-ranking commentator after another to protest. From William Burns, now CIA director to George Kennan, the man ascribed with developing the West’s containment policy for the Soviet Union, have spoken out against that folly. To no avail. Relentlessly successive western powers have urged the process forward totally ignoring Russia’s protestations. All the warnings given by the most knowledgeable and experienced commentators urging a halt to this process were totally ignored.

The warhawks within successive western governments, seeking world domination (no hyperbole this) are determined to destroy all nations taking an independent line from the demands of the West. No amount of death, destruction and increased chaos makes them hesitate for a moment. They fervently desire full control of our world and no amount of chaos within and fragmentation of national sovereignty of targeted nations will make them draw back from this endlessly destabilising and massively destructive goal. These zealots have been in charge of western foreign policy since 9/11 and have remorselessly used Ukraine as their latest tool.

The leaders of the western world who have run with the concepts promoted by the neocon zealots in their midst are fully culpable for the needless slaughter we see occurring in Ukraine. Fully culpable along with those zealots in the wings who have been urging them on remorselessly to do their bidding. The front men, Biden, Sunak, Scholz and others act as their puppets immune to the unfolding reality of total defeat in Ukraine. This mass insanity is assisted by the western mass media who relentlessly concocted fantasies where the Ukrainian regime is winning and the Russians are suffering terrible defeats. Nothing could be further from the truth. 

Russia will win because Russia always HAD to win, its national survival as a state depended upon it. The ultimate plan of the neocon zealots and their puppets was to break Russia into easier to manage pieces. The process of building enough pressure to do this began at least as early as 2007 with Vladimir Putin’s Munich speech where he made it clear that Russia would remain an independent-minded state following its own path, never commanded by others. This was the starting gun for the neocons that initiated the policy we have seen again Putin and Russia ever since. The policy that has led us directly to the continuing slaughter we see in Ukraine now.

But no will pay except the Ukrainians and the Russians who have lost their lives and the families who grieve for them. No western politician or NATO official will lose very much. Only their reputations if the full truth of what they have done is revealed. The people of Europe, UK and the USA will pay in part, with prices making their life chances fewer and economies crippled by the actions of their leaders in support of the neocon goal described above. The elites who own the so-called ‘Defence Industries’ of the West, those within the Military Industrial Complex have gained and will continue to gain massively as the blood continues to flow. They will reward the politicians handsomely while they continue to feed and fuel the war in Ukraine. 

Those who benefit are truly the most cynical of all players in this deadly game of world domination. For them this time is theirs. Endless profits, endless investment and endless opportunities to sell their weapons of destruction to fear-filled buyers across an increasingly destabilised world. This is the world we now occupy as helpless bystanders, a world run by a western criminal elite posing as regular do-gooder politicians defending our freedom, democracy and human rights. By their acts you will know them. And by the blood dripping from their hands.  


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The end of the Ukraine war is approaching and with it will come all manner of finger-pointing, blame-gaming and of course... a waterfa...