Waging war from a comfortable distance brings a sanitizing effect to minds cold as ice, but for those who lose their loved ones the pain never ends.
The war in Ukraine is a tragedy for all concerned. The loss of life and injury is sickening in the extreme. None of this grotesque plague upon humanity should be happening. Anyone who has had any experience of war knows how absolute the horror of war is. It is humanity at its worst despite any individual acts of self-sacrifice or bravery that may occur.
The political and media elites of the western world are the true progenitors of this tragedy. Their overwhelming desire to weaken Russia has resulted directly in all we see occurring now. That desire which ultimately stemmed from the desire to undermine all entities not directly supportive of the West has led to this. That project demanded that global interference now be a constant. This ideological imperative has thrown us all into war, even those far from the battlefield.
The threat of yet another world war dominates our thoughts. The war in Ukraine was a war Russia did everything possible to avoid. However, the western elites desired it and they found a way to foment and create it. That they are losing both the war in Ukraine and the sanctions war that they believed would bring Russia down is a reality they cannot face. Russia will now of course win.
The western political and media elites who pushed Russian into this war and who are still, to this day pushing hapless Ukrainian men into this war, will not be made to pay any price whatsoever. But that Russia will win and the entire nation of Ukraine will lose, is certain. Not that Russia will emerge unscathed. A great many Russian lives have also been snuffed out and the number of injuries on the Russian side must also be immense. Families on both sides of this conflict have suffered grievous wounds through their losses that will never truly mend.
Plenty of commentators and those who take no trouble to learn the details of the timeline of this situation blame Russia and in particular blame Vladimir Putin for this conflict. For whatever reason they lay the entire blame at his feet. This is unjust and fails to recognize the near decade that he worked tirelessly through the Minsk process to avoid the consequences of the West-supported coup in Ukraine’s capital in 2014. Those who blame him resolutely fail to acknowledge the part western political elites played in this war that should never have been.
Once it was clear that no good options remained for Russia this conflict became inevitable. No amount of requests by Russia to resolve this peacefully bore any responsive reaction from the West. Every new offer of cooperation to resolve things where peace could be maintained and a permanent level of security for all be set up, was rejected by the West. NATO refused to countenance limiting its power or influence. Along with those who funded it NATO put its own priorities high above those of preserving life and security.
Once a proper accounting for this tragedy is completed by the historians of the future the entire story will be told. They will, without doubt, find faults on both sides, however if an honest, independent appraisal of events forms the core of this assessment it will be very clear who ultimately wanted war and who peace. From the experience of earlier wars undertaken by the West no doubt some harsh words will be heard from some quarters but no true accountability will result. Sadly, those who wished for this war will wish for others. All in the name of the “idea” that is the USA and those neoconservative zealots across the western world who are its co-conspirators.
When all the talking and hand-wringing is done and the elites on both sides get back to the everyday work of running their states, when politicians that ought to be on trial are writing their memoirs comfortably at home instead, when the vast bulk of humanity goes back to earning a living and caring for their families as usual… those Russian and Ukrainian families who have lost their loved ones will continue to live with painful reminders of all they have lost. Mass media will turn to the latest big political and geopolitical story they wish to wring as much drama from as possible. And in their plush offices in Washington, London and Brussels well-heeled elites will plan their strategies for their NEXT war…