Monday 12 August 2024


Without a continued flow of military and other financial aid from the West supporting its army, payrolls, and government institutions, Ukraine and its malignant regime will quickly collapse.

It seems no one on the Ukrainian regime’s side, including the regime itself, is willing to admit that it cannot possibly sustain itself against the growing power that opposes it. With the Russian economy going great guns and volunteers for the Russian military running at somewhere over 1,000 per day Ukraine doesn’t stand a chance without NATO putting boots on the ground.

The fast reducing Ukrainian army is getting ground down at a rate approaching 2,000 men per day, dead or wounded. Recruiting is a matter of kidnapping men off the street and bundling them into a waiting van (many of which vans are now being torched by Ukrainians who will do anything to avoid being sent to the front lines, largely untrained, to die as cannon-fodder).

Russia’s military industrial complex is running in high gear with military vehicles, weaponry, shells and ammunition being efficiently transported to the battle front by both rail and road. (A new rail line across the landbridge to the Donbass has recently been constructed making transportation via the Kerch Bridge unnecessary.) Updates to older tanks is underway putting new barrels and electronics inside. The factory doing this work produces a newly refurbished tank every month. Volumes of munitions are many multiples of earlier production. Bullets, shells and missiles are streaming out of factories to the front line.

Meanwhile in Ukraine Russia has targeted and destroyed all the industrial capacity that it has spotted via drone or satellite and the tally of liquidated sources of weaponry plus the warehouses where they are stored must account for the vast majority leaving the regime running short of the means to fight. Even if it had adequate means to fight in terms of munitions and weaponry most of the trained soldiers that it had at its command initially are either dead or permanently incapacitated, no longer able to be of any use on the battlefield.

Even if the regime could muster the men to send as cannon-fodder to the front lines it would still avail them next to nothing. The superiority of weapons and air power on the Russian sides means the vast majority of men sent forward would never even see a Russian, they would be eliminated by the sheer overwhelming superiority of Russian firepower. The Russians have no problem with the supply of bullets, bombs or missiles and vastly outgun the Ukrainians.

Now the Kiev regime is reduced to relying on various public relations stunts such as the current Kursk offensive. Such largely idiotic operations combined with momentary western media applause have been characteristic of the vacuous nature of those at the top in the Ukrainian regime, and especially characteristic of its so-called president. (Zelensky’s legal time as president expired several months ago. Now he is a simple and rather tawdry and largely empty-headed dictator.)

Ukraine is incapable of beating a Russia whose capacity for prolonged military capacity is almost infinite. Ukraine, having lost a good half of its industrial capacity, has been struggling to oppose Russia’s relentless campaign of attrition for two years now after a reasonable first few months. For two years now the Russian military has been incessantly and relentlessly grinding the Ukrainian army down. While the other side creates its usual theatrical idiocies and delivers a constant stream of lies for the western press Russia has simply kept acting in its always professional way, getting the job done.

Ukraine is essentially finished as a viable state. It is only just hanging on due to massive western tax-payers contributions and the hire of thousands of mercenaries. It could not survive otherwise. As soon as it runs out of men to replace those dying and injured each day and the West runs out of its capacity to supply weaponry support and the amounts of cash dwindles to crisis levels… then we will see the entire panoply of institutions in what is left of Ukraine crash. It simply cannot continue at that point and this is why it can be clearly seen to have no staying power on any level. This will most certainly be its undoing. 

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