Thursday, 5 September 2024


Whether you think the motivations of the USA and its allies are good or bad there is no denying their global effects.

There is much to be said for the USA and the vast majority of its people. Anyone who has toured extensively in the United States knows just how beautiful the country is in those areas not yet transformed into industrial modernity. On those journeys many of you will hopefully have made and on other occasions through your lives you will have come to know the general warmth and friendliness of those who count themselves as Americans. Though parts of the USA and some of its people lack similar positive attributes, there are only very few aspects of North America that concern and constantly trouble the rest of the world.

The first such negative attribute I would like to talk of which affects many populations world wide is the apparent obsession elite America has with interfering in hundreds of nations far, far from its borders. While unashamedly engaging themselves in the internal politics of other nations, elite America comes down extremely hard on even the remotest possibility of any nation doing anything similar within its borders. This even extends to nations entirely independent of the USA within Latin/South America which has been referred to as ‘America’s Backyard’.



‘The Monroe Doctrine is a United States foreign policy position that opposes European colonialism in the Western Hemisphere. It holds that any intervention in the political affairs of the Americas by foreign powers is a potentially hostile act against the United States. The doctrine was central to American grand strategy in the 20th century.’


The American elites have used their influence over the centuries since the founding of the USA to reach the preeminent position of the world’s most powerful superpower. They are extremely focused on maintaining this position and the power at their disposal. You will hear them talk of their determination to protect and maintain their ‘national interests’ worldwide and their determination to strike out at anything threatening those interests. The global reach of the USA with its hundreds of military bases spread out across the planet is testament to this determination. Through hard power, always ready to strike out at those who may diminish U.S. influence and interests, and soft power, the ability to manipulate events positively for American elites through “diplomacy” American elites exert their overbearing influence.

All of the above was seen to be more or less adequate to maintain America’s national interests… until 9/11. 9/11 utterly transformed the view taken of the world by the U.S. elites, primarily those in the political sphere of course, but also, and irrevocably and with enormous consequences, by the mainstream media sphere also. After 9/11 we saw the attitude of America’s elites change to the world beyond U.S. borders. No longer content with the level of hard and soft power that preceded 9/11, now it had to be boosted exponentially toward unspecified and in fact unlimited borders. The rest of the world, contained to a certain degree within reasonably acceptable boundaries before 9/11, now had to be TOTALLY contained. If it was not totally contained, America would, to that degree, be rendered unsafe. And vital national interests would be at risk.

The ambition post-9/11 was to have full control rather than partial control, of world events and the people, groups, governments and systems of governance who brought those events into being. The only safeguard was to know as close to all that was going on as possible, to monitor the progress of every vector of nascent force and be able to punch down swiftly to snuff out potentially dangerous activities at will with no risk of negative consequences. The perceived, overwhelming urgency of the situation after 9/11 meant that the relatively background control that these elites had beforehand now required to be brought fully into the foreground. Thus ‘The War on Terror’ began. And consecutively, the project to attain ‘Full Spectrum Dominance’ was to be progressed where all individuals, groups, governments and systems of governance that did not align with America’s national interests were to be weakened, then eliminated and replaced. 

While the USA engaged with its allies in ‘The Coalition of the Willing’ in its regime change wars after 9/11 those outside this fraternity looked on with at the very least, skepticism and undoubtedly in the case of a great many, with fear. All nations outside the U.S. sphere of semi- or full control knew what this change in U.S. foreign policy meant. And what it meant for the future. They would have been under no illusions about what this radical change now being acted upon U.S. foreign policy prefigured. This was nothing other than the American elite acting determinedly to engineer what would be in effect a prison planet as the solution to the lack of their control that had resulted in the events of 9/11.

Only full, overarching awareness in depth could provide what the American elites desperately required in order to feel that they and their nation’s interests could be protected. This of course required the safeguarding of their present abilities to control, manipulate and predict outcomes across the widest possible range of strategic concern and of the expansion of these abilities to the absolute limit, that limit being the objective of ‘Full Spectrum Dominance’. No more was anything going to be left to chance. Not after 9/11. Threat surveillance would be expanded toward total insight and response. No nation harboring even the remotest anti-American sentiment could be allowed to escape its transformation to being fully compliant with the U.S as world leader. In addition, any nation rising economically, and thus presenting a threat to American national economic interests, was to be engaged with a view to undermining, weakening and if possible eliminating it in that form.

The nations of the global majority, including those of the global South, Eurasia, the Near, Middle and Far East plus Asia, Eurasia, Latin America and elsewhere saw all this and exactly what it portended for them. There was to be no true sovereignty of nations outside the U.S. orbit. Semi-sovereignty would be allowed only within the confines of a compliant relationship in the context of supreme western domination. No national interests of other nations could ever possibly be allowed to attain the level of importance accorded to those of the USA and its allies. Master and slave after 9/11 would not have been the semantic framing U.S. strategic planners would have used… but this was the reality awaiting all but ‘Coalition of the Willing’ nations if they continued to wish obstinately to remain independent of outside control.

Now you can see very clearly what is at stake for both sides in, for instance, Ukraine. And also in regard to Taiwan. Add any other area of major conflict of interest such as Iran, Syria, Venezuela, Cuba, Bolivia, Nicaragua, Yemen, Somalia et al. The selfsame factor as described above is at play. American elites talk of the ‘Manifest Destiny’ of the USA to transform the world, into its own image. But also to transform the rest of the world so that it permanently, in everlasting perpetuity, bows down to that image also. This is, in a nutshell, what is going on this very day across the world, the fight, instigated by one nation and its allies to subvert the notion of sovereignty enshrined in the United Nations and replace it with a western stipulated rules-based order where the rules are entirely determined by the elites of the collective west.


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