Saturday 5 October 2024


For how long now can we in the West look on (or look away) quietly tolerating all the evils done in our name?

It must surely be clear to most now that western politicians are fomenting ever more wars in a last ditch attempt to win back their fast declining ability to dominate our planet. Whether they truly believe in their statements espousing a noble quest to bring freedom, human rights and democracy to all, or their actions are purely self-interested, the fact is their incessant aggressive use of diverse means of attack on other nations is now proving counterproductive.

The limit to which populations round the world, for whatever reason, ignore the belligerent and destructive tactics of the West to maintain its domination over others is now being regularly breached. The genocidal war the Israeli elites are waging against the Palestinians and now the Lebanese and Iranians, staunchly supported by the West may well be the last straw. The reputation of the West for subversion of targeted states and its insistence on using violence in pursuit of its aims appears to have blackened the name of the USA and its allies to an even greater degree than before.

The long list of western military attacks upon weaker states, the covert dirty wars waged by the CIA and its counterparts across the West and the general untrustworthiness of western governments in respect of their “diplomatic” tactics make the western allies the greatest threat to world peace. This fact has been obvious for a good half century and more, yet a mass media kow-towing constantly to western political elites have provided an effective shield of conditioning keeping western populations virtually blind to this fact.

Now however, the stark evidence of the West fomenting discord and violence in its own self-interest has been revealed for all to see. Driving the Ukrainians to fight and die for its geopolitical ambition to re-establish itself as the dominant world power, assisting the Nazi-like Netanyahu to perpetrate mass murder in Gaza and in general seeking to destabilize multiple nations and regions worldwide all in its own interest has opened the eyes of the world to its iniquity. It is unlikely that those eyes can be made to close as in the past by the conditioning efforts of western mass media. The ugly beast beneath the false mask of pretended sanctity has been revealed and can no longer be concealed.

That millions have been enjoined to ignore what has gone on in the West by modern day versions of the distractions used in the past, those of ‘Bread and circuses’ is unsurprising and has worked extremely effectively during the past decade or two when western nations have busied themselves with mass murder and destruction in the Middle East. Most people would much rather be distracted by pleasurable activities than directed toward excruciatingly horrifying events… even if they are told they are fully justified by a litany of lies from politicians and their media whores. It’s just human nature and it suits western nations well.

Again however, the lid has come completely off Pandora’s box. What is seen now cannot be unseen. The slaughter of tens of thousands of Palestinian children can hardly be easily consigned to some memory hole. The awful reality stares us right in the face nightly that those politicians we see being questioned ever so politely on our TV screens are mass murderers and complicit in acts of mass murder that cannot easily be excused as they might have been before. If millions have not been shocked awake by current realities in Ukraine and Palestine then we must expect that they never will be. I am confident however, that the present shock and awfulness of western acts of violence perpetrated through their Israeli and Ukrainian proxies will instead have the desired effect.

The populations of the nations of the western world who have acted in complicity with the world’s foremost terrorist nation, the United States in the events of mass murder, both in the past and present times, with a clear-eyed focus must now act to drag the monsters leading them from power. Some talk of ‘The Zelensky Curse’ that has begun this process. This will, with any luck, be joined by ‘The Netanyahu Curse’. Western populations we must hope are now fully awake to the evils that have been perpetrated by their political elites due to the evils they are committing on a daily basis in the present. It is time they were all swept away in a purge of all the hawks, warmongers, neocons and other mental savages that have led us for far too long now. It is finally time to sweep all the rot away… and finally begin anew.

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