Western elites have become one with their intelligence agency liars in a war of words and deeds against both China and Russia for the sole aim of propping up their ability to dominate the world.
None of the headline explanations for the verbal attacks on China and Russia are factual. They are merely the PR froth generated by the impulse to preserve western elite control over both narratives and nations.
China is the primary target, Russia secondary. The only reason China was not chosen as first target over the last few years is that western elites have profited vastly through its connections with China, not least the saving of its entire financial industry and many others due to the availability of loans from China.
Western elites have chosen to target other, weaker nations along with Russia in their attempt to hold onto their ability to wield power as they wish across the planet with relative impunity. The targets are easy to name: Syria, Iran, Cuba, Nicaragua among others.
Russia was a natural target from 2007 when Vladimir Putin made a speech in Munich to the assembled elites of all western powers. In that speech he made it plain that Russia was not going to be some eastern pawn or proxy of any other nations or grouping of nations. He stated plainly that Russia would cooperate fully with all other nations in regard to common threats such as terrorism but it would not be taking orders or let Russia be taken over by outside interests.
Putin became public enemy of the West from that speech onward whereas before it was clearly expected he and Russia would fall in line with western elite command.
The waterfall of lies about Putin and Russia has been ceaseless from that day to this.
But it is China that has now become the primary focus of western elite attention and the waterfall of lies in its case is now starting to flow at a more voluminous rate then ever seen before.
Why so?
This is due in my opinion to the corona virus epidemic and the fact of western elites previous worries concerning their relatively imminent loss of control leverage worldwide now becoming ten times worse. The USA and UK are embroiled in a turmoil of controversy and incompetence as they seek to deal with the virus while maintaining their economic dominance. In the UK of course this could not come at a worse time as it leaves the European Union with an inevitable loss of trading partners. In the USA the level of incompetence and downright idiocy has brought the country the brink of collapse which will begin to become evident as next month begins.
The desire to hurt China, to weaken it and stop it from eclipsing the West’s economic power and thus its global military and geopolitical reach was already present before the virus hit but hindered by the fact that the West would be hurt also by any attacks on China it made. Now however all caution is being thrown to the wind in a blind panic paying next to no attention to the self-harm involved because the western epoch of control risks being ended even sooner than predicted.
Before the virus China’s upward economic progress would have gradually superseded the reach and power of western elite’s hegemonic control in something between fifteen and twenty years. After the virus with China having largely mastered it and beginning once again to get her industries moving this time frame has been foreshortened to between five and ten.
THIS is why you are seeing attacks on China under the pretext of other issues such as patent law, Hong Kong or the Uighur minority in China. These are mere pretexts, the usual intelligence agency playbook seen over Iraq and Libya are being used once again. And many well-meaning, idealistic people are being duped again also.
The waterfalls of lies emerging from the lips of people like Sir Keir Starmer, Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, Mike Pompeo and others aimed at China and Russia should not be convincing ANYONE. Not after similar waterfalls of lies emerged from the sale elite western class on Iraq, Libya and most recently Iran and Venezuela.
It behooves people of all persuasions to look deeper than the headlines in western mainstream press, the talking heads of western media and the self-serving red-baiting, McCarthyite smears from notable politicians primarily in the USA and UK. You know the history of these people. Did we live through the decimation of the Middle east based on lies with upward of a hundred thousands of dead to forget so quickly?
The West is run by liars. Their past lies have been obvious. Their present lies are obvious.
Listen once more to the most salient track in recent rock music history once again: 'Won’t Get Fooled Again’ by The Who and, if we want a world without these interminable waterfalls of lies, live by it.
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