Tuesday, 28 July 2020


It’s time to choose.

Are you content with the world you live in where the governors of one side say the governors of the other are invalid & use all means fair or foul to trip them up, weaken them & wage war upon them?

Mark you this is only coming from one side, the western side which has set itself up as ultimate arbiter of right and wrong. Judge, jury and sometimes, executioner.

Does this strike you as good governance?

Is what they did in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria and what they intend for Iran, Russia and China good governance?

Let us examine their objectives and the consequences of attempting to achieve them.

They didn’t like what was going on in Afghanistan, Iraq or Syria. So, they set about involving themselves in these sovereign nations. Had these nations attacked them directly? No they had not. But this didn’t stop them.

So, they didn’t like what these nations were doing. But international law doesn’t give you the right to attack a nation or attempt its destabilization without that nation attacking you first. As you know, this didn’t stop them.

And what was the result? Peace, freedom, democracy and smiling faces all round?

What was the ultimate result of ‘Shock & Awe’ of a hundred thousand dead and more in Iraq alone? Were flowers showered upon the U.S. army and other coalition armies who took over in Iraq? No they were not.

Nor was this the case in Afghanistan.

Certain photo shoots were arranged by the psychological teams of the CIA to give the impression of stability and progress but in both Iraq and Afghanistan we saw a veil of tears transformed into a constantly flowing river of blood through fractured lands by the actions of the western powers.

Good governance? I think not.

Leaving aside the motivations and inspirations behind the rise of ISIS can anyone even remotely claim that these nations are better off now than before?

Yet Iran is in their sights. As is Venezuela. Also Cuba and Nicaragua.

And of course the big prizes are Russia and China.

What do the western governors want to do to these latter nations? Much the same as before?

How much blood do they want to see flow exactly? How much chaos? How much destruction? How much misery, poverty, internecine warfare, political strife and power struggles do they hope for?

Unless you think all of these nations will have ‘Velvet Revolutions’ whereby a west-friendly system of governance is agreed in a matter of two or three peaceful weeks and the entire world becomes one big love fest for big business supervised by western eyes in the sky at all times.

Much more likely, indeed inevitable in my view, is that these nations will resist the undermining of their systems of governance and act in robust fashion against the agents of the West who are subsidized, supported and provided with training by the National Endowment for Democracy NGO and all similar clones and symbiotically-aligned entities.

Take China for example. The system of governance there has seen millions of Chinese rise from abject poverty year on year for decades now. Is that system to be swept away in an anarchy of competing forces all vying for overall control? Is it a price worth paying?

Is any of it a price worth paying?

Clearly the majority of the elites of the western world think so.

What does that say about their true sensibilities and principles rather than those they claim regarding human rights, freedom and democracy for all?

No one should be duped.

The realities behind all we have seen in recent years and all we see now are underpinned by two factors and two factors alone and unsurprisingly they are not freedom and democracy.

They are power and money. And only power and money.

So, you can decide right here and right now, which world do you want?

The present one controlled by the West. Or a potentially much more stable, tolerant and peaceful world where diplomacy, compromise, agreement and negotiation are the order of the day where nations do not judge each other as the elites of the West judge everyone now... plus a world where war is avoided at all costs.

Which world do you want?

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