Saturday, 12 September 2020


Since 9/11 there's no in-between for U.S. elites and all those who echo them.

You are either good or evil, with no middle ground.

Good is agreeing to the mass murder of people with brown skin for the sake of American security.

Good is applauding ‘America First’ (and always) and the retention of the West’s rights as global judge, jury and executioner.

Good is reacting like one of Pavlov’s dogs every time your emotions are targeted to manufacture consent and cry “Something must be done!”

Good is criticizing anyone who criticizes the foreign policies of western states.

Good is spreading whatever derogatory information or slander you can find about leaders of foreign nations targeted for regime change.

Good is condemning those leaders for acts which you have been told they committed without any question that they are anything but evil, murderers, despots and dictators.

Good is agreeing any policy that seems to make you safer no matter the murderous consequences for others.

Good is closing your mind to all facts, opinions or viewpoints that do not correspond with your state’s chosen narratives.

Good is insulting anyone purveying alternative facts, opinions or viewpoints that are other than the requisite western state narrative as one of ‘Putin's Puppets’, a ‘Kremlin Troll’ or an ‘Assad Apologist’ or any other insult you feel would negate their words.

Good is remaining permanently in a robust belief bubble that excludes all contrary facts and ignores all evidence mitigating against western state narratives.

Of course bad is the opposite regarding any and all of the above and if you are inclined that way it of course makes you unquestionably evil.

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