Monday, 14 September 2020


They complain about their nation being interfered with yet they interfere everywhere across the world.

The hypocrisy they display can hardly be adequately described. It is immense and continuous.

These are the global mischief makers, the hubris-laden, group-thought possessed, the malicious and mendacious who run the USA from administration to administration.

They are born of the U.S. cult of arrogance with no base, hubris without limit and exceptional stupidity. They are the ultimate self-deluded “victims” of unwarranted paranoia imbued with the stupefyingly violent emotions of the irrational and exceptionally blind unworldly thugs that they embody.

These aggressive elitist morons use every possible trick to motivate those with even partial intelligence in their nation to act and react like them. Their mischief is even inflicted upon their own. Such is their incredible stupidity and dedication to their moronic cause that they have engendered multiple infections of irrationality within their people and continue to do so as almost a national habit.

No insight into their own mentality is available to them. They are tightly shut in and bonded without hope or intent to escape within a belief bubble that is impermeable to enlightenment. They are fixed irrevocably within this bubble of belief that negates every fact that does not correspond with those inside it. Like zealots and cultists they constantly enforce and reinforce each others lies and irrational views.

All this deluded and irrational mentality is rewarded with praise by their allies both abroad and in their mass media when that irrationality spouts accusations against others of things they do to their own and to those targets of their self-created fear and hatred.

Institutionalized destroyers of peace such as the CIA are the weapons used to manipulate the rest of the world including their allies if necessary. The destablization process of undermining targeted nations, of the various ways listed in their playbook of creating internal discord is taken to their desired conclusion by any methodology available to them irrespective of any moral or ethical code.

One of the latest goals of the mischief makers is to have global reach in the gathering of telecommunications material through the NSA to recognize the existence of further targets to apply their malign methodologies against.

Another is the ability to create the impression that there is reality to their malignant rhetoric by creating false flag events, copycat malware, the use of activist dissidents and terrorists as “humanitarians” and the emotional button pushing of the gullible via social and mass media. Tens of thousands are employed at Langley and elsewhere to effect the totality of this worldwide interference.

Diplomacy, having been brought to a halt after 9/11 is now just another weapon against whatever targets have been assigned for destruction. There are to be no compromises. There is to be no true dialogue. The extermination of the “enemies” dictated by the insanity within the mischief makers belief bubbles is their sole concern.

For the reasons above the world will remain in turmoil until there is some reckoning with the elite insanity that prevails in the USA. Until they are forced to acknowledge their delusions and undo their own constantly reinforced idiocy they will cause havoc across this planet. Until they are economically weakened they will remain militarily strong. Only by their economic power being reduced will their aggression be reduced, their political reach weakened and their potential for global mischief curtailed.

The Chinese economy is the primary potential force that could effect all of the above. And that of course is why it is now the primary target for attack. Allies of China have been focused upon in recent years, Russia, Iran, Syria, Venezuela, Cuba and others. The Chinese belt and road initiative is a major concern for U.S. elites as it heralds their demise as patrician manipulators both in Europe and wider afield.

The elites of the USA are en route to quarantine and they know it. This adds to their self-inflicted paranoia enormously. That and the fact that their sovereign goal, full spectrum dominance seen as an absolute necessity after 9/11 is also being thwarted, again primarily by China but also by Russia and others.

The mischief makers will not reduce their activities in this time but will of course increase them. They are fighting for their ability to retain control, to remain the ultimate arbiters of right and wrong globally, to effect influence, to manipulate leaders, to cajole effectively, to dominate, threaten, bribe, assassinate and make war with impunity.

The mischief makers are fighting for their degraded, cynical and self-imbued insane lives as the self-appointed judge, jury and executioner, the primary malignant world power sustained by active use of every possible dirty trick, propaganda and callous misuse of the power awarded by their fast-failing economy.

The mischief makers are panic-stricken. Their ability to make mischief is under threat. The world must ensure they are finally put out of their self-induced misery as quickly as possible. China should be supported in every way possible to effect this as quickly and as humanely as possible and render these mischief makers toothless and in a state of permanent quarantine.

At this point and at this point only will a world that can hope for stability become a realizable possibility.


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