Monday, 21 September 2020


As a species we are a disgrace.

If John F. Kennedy had lived to this day he would be sick to his stomach by so much potential for cooperation being thrown away, disposed down the toilet of division and war.

As Vladimir Putin stated it some years ago “Do you see now what you’ve done?”

But the fact of acts breaking of international law and causing the deaths of hundreds of thousands across the Middle East is met by a political shrug in the West. They are “allowed” to do such things and not only not be punished, excoriated for them or even severely criticized for them they are even allowed to lie about them, pat themselves on the back for them, say they were “in the right” for them and go on to do more of the same.

All this while western mainstream media whistles some inane tune and looks away.

All while a sizeable minority if not a majority of western populations are so brainwashed, so interminably fed subtle narratives that assume western elite probity, so used to accepting that their elites do everything the right way, that they are upstanding members of the higher classes and dress nicely and always speak authoritatively.

Hitler was known for his neatness of dress too. Hitler spoke authoritatively. Without doubt the majority of docile burgers of each German city, town or hamlet regarded him initially with the same respect accorded to U.S. and UK politicians.

Those U.S. and UK politicians have recently decimated a number of Middle Eastern nations causing mass death, suffering and cataclysmic destruction rendering those nations unlikely to recover in several generations, if ever.

But where’s the outrage? Where are Tony Blair and George W. Bush now? Behind bars in high security prisons? No, they are treated as well-respected politicians, given important work to do or regaled with smiles by such as Michelle Obama.

Such is the mass irrationality of the West and such is the mass irrationality that will kill millions to come. 


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