Both dialogue and democracy have also fallen victim.
9/11 killed diplomacy for the U.S. elites who gathered to discuss the next steps after the atrocity.
Those attending decided on a number of primary policy decisions which would have far reaching effects and stipulated forcefully that no future president would ever have the power to weaken them except by unanimous decision across all the arms of government including the intelligence community.
1. That the USA would not restrict itself or allow itself to be be restricted in ANY way from defending itself from further attack no matter from where that attack might come and that its tactics in eliminating each threat encountered would equally have no restrictions placed upon them.
2. That there would be no compromise with any persons, nations or any other entities that in any way showed an inclination that was negative in respect of the USA. No such inclinations were to be ignored, all were to be logged and acted upon to the appropriate degree.
3. The discovery of all potential persons, nations and any other entities inclined to act negatively toward the USA necessitated global surveillance systems be developed by which to discover malign intent and report it at the highest level.
4. No compromise with the above persons, nations and other entities that showed any negative inclination toward the USA were to be countenanced. No agreements short of their submission to U.S. requirements would be accepted. No diplomacy would be engaged in which might result in such a compromise. There could be no compromising the safety of the USA.
5. All persons, nations and other entities must be with the USA or they are against the USA. No middle position is acceptable. No alternate viewpoint, narrative, opinion, speculation or paradigm was acceptable. All those persons, nations or other entities expressing alternatives were to be classified as enemies of the USA and acted upon appropriately.
6. The USA would work as speedily as possible toward achieving full spectrum dominance of air, land, sea and space to fully monitor, spot and act upon any communications or physical movements which ran counter to the policies expressed above. The end goal, complete knowledge across every spectrum of activity worldwide to create a consistent, continuous and reliable oversight to deliver a comprehensive, global context of total U.S. security.
For the reasons above diplomacy was effectively dead from the perspective of all U.S. elites post 9/11.
And for these reasons too, the USA was now potentially at war with every person, nation or other entity that showed any inclination to hold negative views regarding the United States.
There would only be friends and enemies. Enemies could eventually be defeated and their replacements made into friends or controlled liabilities. Nothing else was acceptable. No alternate systems were allowable which did not conform to the wishes of the United States. Any alternate modes of governance were to be weakened and destroyed. Weakened in order that they posed less of a threat and ideally then destroyed in order that others willing to submit to U.S. requirements would take the place of those formerly governing.
Regime change became the set-in-stone permanent foreign policy of the USA. Any errors made in the pursuance of regime change goals were unfortunate but were never to stand in the way of the policies outlined above.
There would be no requirement to be fair in any way as all routes to the goal of U.S. safety were paramount. As in previous operations in Latin America and against the Soviet Union and its Warsaw Pact allies there were to be no holds barred. Any entity that could be used and persuaded to be used to further the preeminent goals set out above could and would be used without limit. No moral or ethical concerns of qualms would be permitted to stand in the way of the goals decided upon.
Whatever the rest of the world might say about methods used whether this related to torture, extradition to black sites, indiscriminate violence or any means felt necessary would be handled by means of soft power pressures however nothing was to stop, hinder or lessen the means used. Furthermore no entity inside or outside the USA would be permitted to judge the regular military or military high command of the USA.
No dialogue would be permitted to weaken the resolve to achieve all stated goals. No diplomacy would be permitted to do so. And no concerns regarding the lack of democratic oversight were to be given more than lip-service.
Psychological operations, based at CIA, Langley would coordinate with the highest levels of the media, military and within the political sphere to ensure all were acting in accordance with all stated goals. The robust maintenance and continual assurance of the stated goals was paramount. No weakening of those goals under any circumstances was to be countenanced. Any weakening of the stated goals would be acted upon as acts of high treason perpetrated against the security and safety of the United States of America and the most stringent punishments were to be consistently meted out. This was to be seen most clearly in the acts of Obama in regard to a number of whistle blowers and continued in regard to Edward Snowden and then Julian Assange.
The strictures against those countering or displaying an intent to counter the stated narratives of the USA would eventually begin to work down toward private individuals using the social media platforms of the internet. But first and foremost would be the regime change policies toward national leaders and the countries they represented.
Every means, fair or foul were to be used against them up to and including military attack and invasion but including every other method from sanctions to tariffs to economic hot men and the special forces jackals including also the use of proxies of any kind not excluding criminal and terrorist entities.
Nothing could be allowed to impede the attaining of the primary goals stated above. The militarization of space, false flag events, assassinations and slandering targets with intent to destabilize, the use of agents and dissidents, informers and paid disaffected, greedy and criminal in target nations... there was to be nothing out of bounds. All and everything was to be deployed as the goals decided upon overruled ALL considerations of right and wrong.
The USA was to be wholly preeminent, able to assert total global control.
Nothing and no one was to be allowed to stand in the way of this goal.
All the post 9/11 goals were to be achieved without question, none of them were to be subject to amendment, they were to stand unchanged until the moment of their achievement in a spirit of total unquestioning commitment.
No true dialogue. No true democracy. No true diplomacy.
Only submission without question would be acceptable now.
Wednesday, 2 September 2020
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