WWI was so horrific it was thought to be impossible that humanity could contemplate another world war.
WWII was equally horrific for many of the same reasons and for others also. Surely humanity had learned its lesson at last?
Since that time there have been no further wars that involved the mass bloodshed and sheer horror of the two above.
The Cold War took place using proxy forces and propaganda, largely without loss of life.
However, since the Cold War ended and the counter force to western aggression was now absent the West, primarily the USA and UK grabbed the chance to instigate many more wars, ostensibly in response to the events of 9/11.
Western elites also took the opportunity presented by the fall of communism in eastern Europe to bolster its position and begin a war characterized by propaganda, economic sanctions and a variety of proxy forces combined with fake narratives that impugned the character of remaining targets.
Those targets were primarily Russia and China. Russia because it was led by a man who put Russian interests and sovereignty ahead of western interests and demands. China because it remained communist and presented the greatest economic challenge to the West.
This has led to the final world war.
The world has been at war at least since the year 2007 in Munich when Vladimir Putin made his most controversial speech ever to the assembled elites of the West. At that time Vladimir Putin was in good standing with the majority of these elites, at least with the major figures, world leaders such as Bush and Merkel. After the speech in which he pointedly delivered the very clear message that he did not agree that a unipolar world with one country or a group of countries in charge was a healthy option for the planet. He also stated plainly that Russia would have its own sovereign foreign policy quite separate from that of the USA and those within its orbit. He did say Russia would work closely with them when common threats presented themselves.
The final world war can be seen from this point on.
Articles concerning Putin were largely positive until this point, presumably because Russia was still weak and because Yeltsin could surely not have advocated Putin if he was not going to be compliant with their wishes as he was. The disbelief that the new pipsqueak Russia deigned to stand proud must have been enormous. Putin and the Russian state became a primary target after this shockwave hit western elites and they remain so to this day.
Regarding China the West was slower to react and even now all the guns are not quite out across those in general compliance with U.S. narratives and agendas. Obama made his so-called ‘Pivot to Asia’ as one of the first salvos in the war however. Trump has taken a more economic tack. But China remains a primary target on both military and economic fronts.
The backdrop to the war on China contains several reasons why it is unlikely to end soon. Russia also appears in one of those reasons, the first below.
1. Global Hegemony & Elimination of All Enemies.
Post 9/11 it was determined that for the USA to be safe for all future years all enemies large and small must be neutralized and completely eliminated if at all possible.
Full Spectrum Dominance was also to be enforced globally.
All nations were to be made to comply to the necessities perceived by the U.S. elites who completed their post 9/11 review and drew up the forward planning that was to keep America safe.
The regime change wars were begun with western mass media in full support. That support, despite the exposure of multiple lies in the propaganda manufacturing consent to them, remains in place to this day.
The effort to achieve global telecommunications overview, full spectrum dominance, was begun using the NSA and is ongoing using a multitude of means including of course satellite surveillance.
2. Maintenance of U.S. and Western Patrician Control
This factor is equal to and acts in complementary fashion to the first.
Since the end of WWII, carrying on from earlier colonial times when the USA dominated Latin America with coups, assassinations and general manipulation and previously when the british Empire covered a great part of the planet, western powers have had the ability to be largely in control of global events. If they lost control of any areas of interest briefly they had many means to assert their power and bring situations back in their favor.
After 9/11 the imperative to keep this power over other nations became of paramount importance to western elites. How could they assert compliance with their interests and achieve full spectrum dominance if Russia and China were asserting their independence? Clearly this would be a hopeless task left as they are.
Thus they became targets along with their allies, great and small.
Thus the economic wars against those broadly aligned with Russia and China, chief of them Iran, and the ever-closer relations with Iran’s primary enemies in the region, Israel and Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia’s brutal and constant attacks upon poverty-stricken Yemen are aided by the West to this day as these are in fact due to these ultimately being strikes against Iran.
In Syria the use of terrorist and criminal proxies goes on, though stymied to large extent by Russia entering the theater four years into the crisis there. Economic sanctions are cruelly designed to ensure Syria stays weak, another strike ultimately aimed at Iran while ensuring Syria cannot be a strong player in the region.
Against Venezuela we have a range of weapons in use from economic strangulation to humanitarian propaganda to the use of mercenaries in an attempt to undermine the state and bring it into line with U.S. interests.
Cuba remains a constant target for a variety of methodologies designed to bring compliance to U.S. wishes or regime change. Bolivia was dealt with for now. Nicaragua is next in line for similar treatments from the armory of the U.S. Treasury, Military and State Department.
Meanwhile the the initial protocols of the CIA playbook to soften up all targets are in effect wherever there is an entity that is even vaguely guilty of having views or espousing policies that are contrary to the 9/11 protocols above.
The Final War is being waged across many fronts.
It is the Forever War as seen by the elites of the USA in particular and those in meek compliance to its needs and interests.
It will not end unless U.S. and western dominance is ended.
U.S. and western dominance will not be ended until their economic dominance is ended.
By a quirk of fate and the inherent failures within the so-called democracies of the United States and its European allies Covid-19 is currently the main instrument bringing about the end of their economic dominance which has largely prevailed until now.
With their economic dominance steadily weakening with their continuing inability to deal with the pandemic, and China now recovering, the trend toward the world ‘Changing Horses’ is set to continue. If the current trend does continue there will come a tipping point where China, along with the leaders of nations such as Russia who think in similar fashion, will be seen as the new leaders to look to for guidance. The USA and its fellow aggressors will lose their dominance. The Petrodollar will ne longer be the world’s primary currency for trade and the western nations who for so long created instability, fomented war, spread propaganda and murdered hundreds of thousands in the process will be impotent and automatically quarantined.
A new global environment will arise, one where negotiation, dialogue, diplomacy and the recognizing of difference in a spirit of tolerance will then begin to emerge.
The Final World War will be over.
Wednesday, 23 September 2020
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