Thursday, 8 October 2020


In one way the rise of socialism in the USA is a surprise. In another it is a completely predictable phenomenon.

The United States is where the negatives of full blown hyper-capitalism are seen most clearly.

The form of capitalism seen there has spawned a multitude of abuses, several of them have already cost lives, at times hundreds of thousands of lives.

The lives lost as a direct result of capitalism and the mind-set of the worst kind of American capitalist have been lost over a span of many years and across many nations.

Taking Latin America as our first example we can see clearly the effects of the gross interference of this particularly form of hyper-aggressive capitalism in combination with the capitalists of each generation who wield power in Washington.

Financing and training death squads is only one aspect of weaponized capitalism. Actively interfering with lethal force in the assassination of leaders within the borders of Latin American nations via the CIA and their hired killers is another.

Working to foment coups, again via the CIA and their hired killers is the third aspect which stems directly from perceived threats to the assets of capitalists based in the USA.

The threat to assets arrives through the disproportionate power of in-country elites alongside U.S. corporate interests compared to the power in the hands of a generally dirt poor population who are treated as medieval serfs. Leaders have risen to power by means of democracy promising to reset the balance of wealth and abject poverty through land management and nationalization. The hyper-aggressive capitalists, both in-country and in the USA then deploy one or all of the means described above to maintain their total control and keep their serfs cowed and poverty-stricken while they continue to rape Latin American countries removing its resources and its wealth in acts of total self-interest.

Latin America is far from the only place where we see hyper-aggressive capitalism used in coordination with U.S. political, military and intelligence elites. Almost every war begun and waged by the United States has been initiated for the same, totally self-interested, goals.

Does anyone still believe the usual cover story, that America’s wars of choice are to bring freedom and democracy to the nations it undermines, sanctions, destabilizes, attacks and invades? We are asked time after time to believe that these utterly destructive and misery-causing fragmentation of nations are all done with their populations’ interests at heart and that the fact of hyper-capitalists doing these things have nothing at all to do with these outcomes.

Holding themselves always ‘in the right’, pure of intent and act, pristine in their motivations and beliefs, never ever telling lies knowingly, straight arrows through and through has a purpose. It allows them to continue to present themselves as suitable holders of three important positions:


It is all so very convenient and we are to believe, largely bloodless... for we are invited to believe that those with colored skins by comparison with us are lesser human beings, much less important, not like us and their loss of life is relatively unimportant.

Just as those of the native population of what came to be called The United States of America were relatively unimportant. And likewise those millions of slaves brought to be the initial slaves to ‘Americans’ who were (and to a large extent still are) considered less valid as humans as they are not white and therefore not as ‘pure’ as us, expendable without much thought expended on them.

Hyper-capitalism cares little for the migrant population that lives and dies in their employ. They come and go and are used as long as use can be gained from them. At best they deliver the profits needed. At worst they are an expense, potential trouble-makers to be employed in as few numbers as possible and kept weak enough to offset any danger to profits they might present.

The process of hyper-aggressive capitalism in the USA has, as we have seen, been running more or less in unlimited style since its founding. Read the racist comments of Lincoln before he modified his stance sometime. They are an eye-opener and display the general view of the slaves American capitalist land-owners kept at the time.

Corporate owners, directors and executives have learned how to present an image of inclusion for purposes that almost never come from a change of heart. They come from advice given by public relations advisers as means to retain their power over others while avoiding the negative effect on profit that may arise from the expression of their true views, attitudes and intent.

While western MSM, and particularly that in the USA has concentrated on lauding big business, encouraging economic growth and the always primary totem of the Wall Street indices along with, in recent times, reinforcing and supplementing a craven devotion to militarism it has failed to offset a significant trend to the left in America.

Mainstream media is treated with utmost skepticism now by increasing numbers as a criminal cabal aligned intimately with and conjoined in most cases with political, military and intelligence elites. Other sources regarding the most fundamental facts of the American way of life, war and doing business are referred to for the exposition delivered by minds independent of the above elites. This thirst for truth as opposed to elite-sanitized deceptions has led to the re-discovery of socialism, long buried by intent by those with everything to gain by burying it.

The socialist cat is now well removed from the bag it was bundled into in the Fifties by McCarthy and others. Social media and access to original texts describing the primary beliefs and practices of socialism have been turned to in a deep sense of loathing for the clearly majority-failing economies that have emerged via the hyper-capitalism as practiced in particular in the USA.

So, we can see why it is no great surprise that the nation that epitomizes the most ruthless form of capitalism is the same nation where socialism is rising far faster than any other economic or social philosophy. Capitalism as practiced in the USA in the 21st century is seen to have failed the majority and only enriched a tiny minority, it is seen to dominate politics through its donor class and lobby groups to the exclusion of the democratic will of its general population and supplied the impulse for its puppet politicians to undermine, destabilize, attack and wage war against nations who have not lifted a violent finger against them. The USA labors under industries which squeeze as much income from the population as they can rather than make their lives better, healthier and safer as promised. The Military Industrial Complex, Big Pharma and the Prison Industry collectively hold the U.S. population in bondage for the benefit of the kleptocrats who run things solely for their interest and that of their peers and the upper elite echelon of their intimately cooperative elites.

For all these reasons and more we can see that great changes are in store which are still being suppressed and held somewhat submerged by both factions of The Business Party, the Republicans and Democrats. But this suppression cannot last forever.

America’s socialist revolution cannot be stopped, only held back from full expression and inevitably the overthrow of the present corrupt, corrupting and failing hyper-aggressive and solely self-interested capitalism that has existed for so long now in the USA.

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