Tuesday 20 October 2020


He was the intermediary offering continuance over termination, obedience over rebellion, wealth over integrity, life over death.

They had a choice. Make a deal with him. Or deal with the jackals.

His name is John Perkins. He was an economic hit man for the government of the United States. His job? Persuade Latin American leaders that their interests lay with his bosses, not with the well being of their people.

The consequences of their stubborn refusal to accept John’s deal? It might be a coup, it might be death squads... but quite often it was simply a matter of their death.

John had long been primed for his vocation as U.S. hit man. Back in the Sixties while in business school he was recruited by the National Security Agency (NSA) but then began working for private corporations. At this time Mossadegh, the Prime Minister of Iran was overthrown due to the machinations of a single American, Kermit Roosevelt, a CIA agent. This model of overthrowing a leader was seen to be much cheaper, safer and more deniable than others and so the concept of the economic hit man was born and the CIA and NSA began recruiting agents to do the work. John among them. They would be sent to work for private consulting companies, engineering firms and construction companies so if there was any scandal there would be no connection found with the U.S. government.

The problem seen in the countries most often visited by economic hit men such as John Perkins was that leaders were being elected that believed in land reform whereby the indigenous people who were extremely poor could have a foothold on a decent life. The countries of Latin America had largely been taken advantage of by America’s wealthiest corporations and were running them essentially as their fiefdoms using virtual slaves. When leaders rose to power on a ticket that included changing this situation plans were put in place to nullify them in one way or another.

So, what was the deal John offered to these men? Men (for they were all men in John’s time) who had reached the pinnacle of political success in their countries, mostly by democratic means.

The deal had various parts, each one designed to lead to the next. Each part would involve visits from John to negotiate subsequent parts of the deal up to the final make or break conclusion.

Step I.

John had the authority (rather the duty) to offer huge development loans from The World Bank, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) or USAID to Latin American nations in order to cripple them with massive debts they would find impossible to repay.

‘Economic hit men (EHMs) are highly paid professionals who cheat countries around the globe out of trillions of dollars. They funnel money from the World Bank, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), and other foreign "aid" organizations into the coffers of huge corporations and the pockets of a few wealthy families who control the planet's natural resources. Their tools included fraudulent financial reports, rigged elections, payoffs, extortion, sex, and murder. They play a game as old as empire.’

Step II.

When it becomes clear to everyone that the country can’t pay its debts so then the next part of the deal comes into operation. Pressure is put on the leadership to have the country’s oil sold cheaper to U.S. oil companies, allow a U.S. military base to be built or send troops to help the U.S. in some place such as Afghanistan, or vote with us at the United Nations, have their electricity companies privatized along with their water and sewage systems and sold to U.S. corporations or other multinational corporations.

To increase the squeeze on the country the massive debts are then be refinanced so they have to pay off even more interest. The quid pro quo, the conditionality involved is that they must sell off many of their resources including many of their social services, their utilities and sometimes their school systems, penal systems and insurance systems to foreign corporations.

Step III

Dealing with intransigent leaders who refuse to play ball.

If a leader was being obstinate and not falling in line with U.S. wishes he would be given an ultimatum by the hit men. He and his family can become very rich if he play things the U.S. way and he will be assured of staying in power. However, if he continues on the path he is on with the policies he was elected upon he will then be targeted for removal from power. This is when the Jackals take over... after the economic hit men have been unable to fulfill their task.Time after time those who would not listen were assassinated.

Step IIIa

If all efforts to bribe or threaten a leader fail to achieve the desired goal then the next stage will be to engage the use of force to do the job. This is what occurred in the case of Iraq in 2002 when Saddam Hussein would not allow himself to be bribed. However he continued to be intransigent and was finally completely eliminated in the course of the second Gulf War.

Step IV

The new president and administration of a country taking over after the previous leader is overthrown or assassinated cannot help but be aware of what will happen to them if they don’t toe the line and play the U.S. game therefore they are, at least in the initial stages where they can find no other strategic allies, extremely vulnerable and malleable by U.S. economic hit men and their offers of “help”.

The steps above can be reduced to three:

1. The U.S. economic hit men do their level best to bring leaders to their senses, accept the loans, privatize and sell resources cheap.

2. If the hit men fail in their task then the jackals of the CIA are called in to take the leader in question out by whatever means are most available to them.

3. If both the hit men and the jackals both fail in their tasks then a military solution to the problem is then considered and sometimes effected.

(In more recent times with the enormous and ever-rising costs of military intervention and those of the post-attack/invasion costs the emphasis is more on achieving regime change through internal destabilization via a variety of means including the mobilization of paid elements, dissidents and activists and the external application of crushing sanctions, trade tariffs, exclusions and other mean of financial and economic terrorism and sabotage.)

You are now invited to listen to John Perkins himself describing the work of an economic hit man, the role of the CIA jackals and U.S. military in enforcing U.S. political and economic will and the end goal of successive U.S. administrations within the context of their global power ambitions. His words are those of an insider, a highly intelligent voice, of a man who now realizes the full effects of what he has done.

These are the confessions of an economic hit man.

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