It was on September 12th 2001 that everything changed to such a degree that the process began where twenty one years later Ukraine would be destroyed. On that date the decisions were made which sealed its fate irrevocably. On that date and the days and weeks following the men and women who would ensure Ukraine's demise were put in place and others removed. Pragmatism died that day as did diplomacy in its truest sense. Warriors replaced peacemakers, hawks replaced doves, bridge-burners replaced those who would build them. Good sense and logical thought were dispensed with. North American foreign policy was altered irrevocably that day. And from that day onward Ukraine was doomed. Of course Ukraine was not the first victim of this unquestioned change in U.S. foreign policy. There were other, more important targets to attend to, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Iran, Libya and so on but it was from that day, the result of an inside job or not, that the road to the destruction of Ukraine would be taken. It was the dogged determination, uninformed to any degree by particular insight that put the feet of those involved on that road. The simplistic mindset of totally aggressive instincts after a major blow to the U.S. body politic and nation. Exemplified by an already simple-minded man who headed it at that time, George W. Bush. He it was who insisted, despite the warnings of many that Ukraine (and Georgia) would join NATO announced at the NATO summit in Bucharest in 2008. This as a direct result perhaps of Vladimir Putin's speech at the Munich Security Congress of the previous year where he told in no uncertain terms that Russia was not signing up to be dictated to by the USA or any grouping of nations. Russia would walk her own path as a sovereign nation. The western elites present at Munich could not have heard a more unwelcome message from Putin. Wasn't their every impulse post nine eleven to move the USA irrevocably to the role of world policeman, a role that till that time was unofficial so to speak but which now became seen as a vital and official necessity due to nine eleven. Putin was flouting every signal that the western powers were delivering. That signal was the imperative nature in light of nine eleven that the guardianship of the world must now rest without question in the hands of those who had suffered on 9/11. Putin swam against the tide that they desired, to swamp all resistance. His resistance was recognised as totally contrary to all they felt compelled to set in place. He was thus public enemy number one from that day in February 2007 onward. And in Bucharest he was told that fact explicitly. Those who took over from September 12th 2001 had been waiting decades to assert the authority they considered vital to bring the USA to the position they considered was its destiny. That position was as global warden, the position that reflected its already acknowledged role as leader of 'The Free World', winner of World War Two and economic powerhouse of the world with all that these attributes and victories entailed. These political zealots were the warriors George W. Bush called upon now to wage the 'War on Terror' which was also a war on all opposition to the United States assuming the role of ultimate controller of our planet. The neoconservatives were thus placed in positions of power where they would act as they had always wished to, to generate what they had long called, 'The New American Century'. When it came to Putin there had been only cooperation until that February day in 2007. He had been wined and dined across the West, greeted as a partner due to the belief he was going to accept the vastly upgraded role the neocons were building. Bush Junior looked into Putin's eyes and saw a man he could trust, or so he said. It was expected that Putin would toe the line. He had put many things in place for the western powers assisting in their war against the Taliban. It appeared he would be useful and compliant. This was the prevailing attitude until his Munich speech after which all positivity fled from the relationship and Putin became the latest to be added to the list of mortal enemies to be attacked, eliminated and replaced. From Munich onward the largely successful attempt to destroy Putin's reputation began. Without doubt the CIA used all vestiges of influence left over from 'Operation Mockingbird' to organise the mass media attack upon Putin that has prevailed from that time to this. The volleys of verbal bullets aimed at Putin began and continued non-stop for what is now over a decade and a half. The die was cast for all that was to come in regard to Ukraine. Putin was set up to be the mirror image of Adolf Hitler in a concerted attempt to have him destroyed by whatever means were found possible, by internal means within Russia if possible, but in any case through character assassination in the West. NATO became the next weapon to be used against a Putin-run Russia. Russia was to be pressured inexorably to initiate the internal discord that would lead to its collapse and potential era of governmental replacement resulting in the West-friendly regime that was seen as imperative for the global project to assert full western dominance. Ukraine was merely the ultimate piece in this strategy where Russia would be destabilised to the degree that a new anarchy would reign and its leaders topple from power. Ukraine was to be the ultimate chess piece that would bring checkmate to those who had been targeted for this next round of regime change. Nothing Russia attempted to avert the situation in Ukraine becoming worse after the west-assisted coup in 2014 would be allowed to work. No meaningful diplomacy would be engaged in, only trickery and a sophistry almost beyond imagining among those who apparently offered a diplomatic way out through Minsk. Putin, apparently convinced of the sincerity of the western powers worked tirelessly to make Minsk work. For seven long years. Seven years in which he was consistently made the dupe of the plan that had its true genesis all those years ago, in 2001. The strategy of the neocon warriors, unquestioned, required all enemies to fall and Putin was the primary enemy at that time. (To be followed by the Chinese leadership as quickly as possible after his political demise.) All possible means had been agreed to achieve the neocon goals set after 9/11. Diplomacy and pragmatism having been dispensed with. And so the war in Ukraine. It had been inevitable all along. The push toward Russia by NATO was deliberate and had its origins in the warrior determination of the neocons brought into the highest levels of the U.S. state from September 12th 2001 where it remains to this day. With no Plan B to the total elimination of all opposition to U.S. power no brake is to be applied, and no questioning of the forward motion of the project is permissible. It is all or nothing and has been since 9/11. Russia still stands in the way with Putin at the helm. All possible means are still order of the day for the western powers still firmly in the grip of the neocon zealots. And Ukraine, destined to be completely destroyed as the project to destroy and remake Russia continues unabated.
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