Sunday 10 September 2023



The growing excitement in the Global South about a multipolar world being just around the corner is clear for all to see. Hopes nurtured for many decades now have a chance to be realised. Gone will be the days of unquestioned western domination where the narratives projected by western politicians, industrialists and media elites put the rest of the world in its place. That place was always one of subjugation and often too of humiliation where the threat of consequences for resistance to the western will forever hung in the air. That era is dying and the clear hopes now being expressed and acted upon signal a new one about to be born. However, one issue demands resolution before the surge forward to full multipolarity. That of Ukraine.

Should Russia be defeated in Ukraine then all bets are off and the future hoped for above will once again be in question with all the ambitions for a new world embedded within it put in abeyance. With a Russian defeat the West, composed primarily of the USA and UK with most of the EU backing them, would see a resurgence and without doubt would grasp the chance offered by that defeat to maintain its dominance. What then for the hopes and dreams of those who have suffered under the western whip for so long? They will certainly be dashed, perhaps forever.

If the collective West (including proxies such as Australia and New Zealand) wins in Ukraine then an entirely different agenda will be effected than that dreamed of by the Global South today. Far from the new freedom to create sovereign and independent policies, free of the fear of western obstruction and threat, the western elites are sure to push forward with an agenda that has even greater power over them. That future, one that the West has long sought, especially since 9/11, has the goal of ‘full spectrum dominance’ at its heart. The mechanisms through which the West has asserted its control over others would be enhanced to the nth degree using every means possible including the power of surveillance.

The West has sought to remake the world in its own image for generations now and in recent years gathering data through ground-based and satellite surveillance has been an important tool with which to identify those it considers its enemies and therefore targets. If Russia should fail in Ukraine then one more barrier to the levels of control the U.S. seeks will have been eliminated. The next target, along with those such as Iran, Syria, Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua and a host of others, will be China. And with each successive undermining, the dream of a multipolar world of shared power based on trade relations, multilateral agreements and mutual trust crumbles and becomes lost from sight.

This is why the Global South is so very determined not to give in to western pressure to condemn Russia over Ukraine. It is seen clearly that to do so is to acquiesce to the plans of the West to ensure retention and further expansion of its hegemonic control over them. Western leaders have expressed shock and dismay over this development, apparently completely unaware of how they are seen by the rest of the world so caught up in their projected image of being the world’s guardians, the white knights of goodness who no one should ever object to.

That Russia is winning and will win in Ukraine is then the most crucial event possible in the context of a multipolar world to be. Without that win all hope will certainly be lost. Each national leader across the world not beholden to western power knows this implicitly and can be seen acting in accordance with this knowledge. We see this now in the expansion of the BRICS group from five to eleven nations and in the knowledge that thirty four wait in the wings to join and with Türkiye/Turkey now also contemplating joining. There now seems no stopping the trend away from what has been assumed to be the permanent status quo of western influence being insuperable. That trend however could be stopped in its tracks if the West gets its way in Ukraine. Thankfully Russia is winning the day and this fact, secretly or openly expressed, must gladden the heart of every idealist today who seeks the multipolar world of tomorrow.

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Though western politicians and media have long sought to present a positive spin on events in Ukraine they are now confronted with an unav...