Thursday, 19 November 2020


It is as if western elites are looking in a mirror when they make accusations against China & Russia.

The suspicion must be that their constant & obvious lies are designed to hide their weakness & growing inferiority.

China and Russia represent the hope of humankind for a better future. The elites of the West represent the outdated aggression that won them economic resources but also a reputation for ruthlessness, enslavement, exploitation and mass murder.

I suppose it was inevitable that the deeply embedded belligerence and sense of innate superiority over those they exploited, enslaved and murdered would not fade with time but would continue to the bitter end of their irresponsible and ultra-violent era.

This is tragic however, and takes their irresponsibility to new levels of primitive behavior where they would rather destroy the world than work hand in hand with the powers rising to eclipse their economic empires. Empires of self-interest they clearly cannot contemplate sharing.

The increasing mental dysfunction inherent in the behavior of western elites now is obvious. There is hardly a trace of sanity to be found within it. The elites of both the USA and UK build massive new and very expensive weapons of war, even contemplating filling the near-earth space with such devices. They create monstrous enemies out of thin air to frighten their populations into agreement with jingoistic rhetoric that has no earthly basis in fact.

China is building a trading network in the Belt and Road initiative which will link the economic benefits of the nations it passes through with the stability that comes through trade, trust and cooperation. Russia is similarly only interested in expanding her trading potential and linkage to nations across the planet. These activities were for decades lauded across the West as the most praiseworthy aspects of capitalist endeavor. But when it comes to Russia and China the tune is now about danger and risk, about adversaries, even enemies. Why?

The economic potential of the West remains high... but it is faltering. Its economies are laden with debt, its societies riven by disputing political factions and general disharmony, it engages in interminable internal squabbles that drive it always in circular arguments and disputes that lead only to what are increasingly troubled societies where solutions are illusive. When everyone wants their own way, then no one gets their way. These are societies with no decent future before them.

This is especially so when their leaders use the methodologies of lies and fear from above generating a chaotic maelstrom of confusion, strife and at times jingoistic hysteria below. The societies of China and Russia are so much more unified in this respect. There is little to no such fervor within them of this kind. Naturally no human society is completely free from a certain degree of division, misunderstanding and strife... but any fair-minded person making a comparison between these societies and those in the West cannot be in any doubt which is more free of these aspects.

There are no totally perfect societies and there is no reason to believe there ever will be... but better societies where the happiness quotient is high certainly are possible, societies where cooperation breeds trust and these together generate higher and higher degrees of harmony.

China has deep cultural legacies, both ancient and modern that emphasize harmony and Russia too has had this emphasis as a necessity in the world's largest nation which has within its borders over 190 ethnic groups. In contrast the USA and UK and lesser so within mainland Europe the strife between the various nationalities within them has been obvious for generations.

The history of the USA and UK has been of national interests exploiting other nations using their economic and military power, subjugating them, even at times enslaving them and exploiting both their people (for slaves) and plundering their resources. In recent times this plundering has been in the form of mega-corporations demanding special favors within weaker economies than those back home. The drive to increase their bottom lines has been all to them and the conditions of those they exploit, next to nothing in terms of priority.

It is primarily China that has shown the more equitable way forward, bringing net worth to the societies, nations and peoples it greets in partnership with investment in all aspects of the relationship where it will remain committed, unlike western corporations that stay only as long as the initial tax breaks remain as an incentive for them.

The lies which have been told by the U.S. and UK elites in recent times have been about the ongoing legacy stemming from their abuses of others and the encroachment of long-term planning and investment by others, primarily China. The lies attempt to convince western populations that Russia and China present military threats whereas the truth is that the only threat they pose is to the economic and military systems of the West that have only succeeded through threats, coercion and exploitation.

The period we are living through currently will more and more clearly evidence these facts. The USA & UK will without doubt use wrecking ball tactics in an attempt to stave off the inevitable... that their era of threat-enforced economic and military dominance is ending. The coronavirus pandemic has brought the demise of their malignant empire ever closer to its end and China rising after her efficient approach to dealing with the virus will ensure she rises to the needed tipping point even faster now than expected.

That tipping point is when the UK and USA are no longer able either economically or militarily to hold the rest of the world to ransom and we will see their influence noticeably wane due to a multipolar world manifesting itself in plain sight. At this point a safer world will inevitably emerge where the constant threat of invasion, war, destabilization of sovereign nations and mass murder can no longer be used by the criminal elites of the West.

During the above process we will see the lies of the western elites increase even from their already high levels due to their panic and desperation, the signs of their long-held grasp on the world noticeably slipping. They may well take even more irresponsible, destructive and murderous acts than those already perpetrated to date and they will inevitably use false flag events as claims of how evil ‘the other side’ is. The ‘other side’ however will simply carry on building the better world that will come after the old one based on the West’s criminal activities expires. The West is like a dying animal striking out at the false enemies it sees all around it... but like that animal it will eventually and inevitably weaken and die just the same.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice and right my friend

    They reflect everything on the people and
    do not see that the people are not looking at them but that they are the mirror.

    Of course they lie, it is their nature.
    About one year ago I heard a democrat in the USA say: it is unfair that Russia has so many resources and is so big.
    It is envy and resentment

    I would feel better if all the elites could be cleared away and the poor people would not have to die of it again

    It is unbearable
    I thank you

    Translated with (free version)



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