Looking down its collective elite nose at the rest of the world, constantly blinding itself with notions of enemies everywhere, the U.S. national security state is deeply and irredeemably fascistic.
There are Americans and then there are those demons who inhabit the elite levels of the USA both within the state security apparatus and those who supposedly control them. Each tells the other the lies that keep them both equally insane.
Above the intelligence agencies the political hierarchy, deep within its group-thought ignorance, incessantly spreads a self-reinforcing wall of misinformation one to another. The themes are monotonously repetitive:
1. The USA as global savior, endlessly good, protective of all decent values everywhere.
2. The USA, exceptional in everything, a holy presence guided always by God.
3. We, God’s servants, saintly, all-wise, sacrificing all for the good of humankind.
4. We, the sword of God, destroyers of mankind’s evil enemies, holiest of the holy.
5. All others beyond our shores are inferior and potential enemies to be destroyed.
6. We have no reason to doubt ourselves or our motives as we are never evil like our enemies, we are God’s chosen few.
Those who have not the slightest doubt about their goodness are capable of the most heinous evil imaginable.
These few U.S. elites, occupying the commanding heights of North American society are utterly fascistic in their mentality, as fascistic as any that went before them in Germany or Italy. For they are imbued with self-awarded perfection, uninspected godly wisdom and an unending mission to attack all forms of those they perceive to be of lesser worth and existence.
There can be no end to their work as all are perceived as lesser than them.
No atrocity will be called into question when perpetuated by them as it is the holy work they have sworn to take on and bring to its final conclusion. Torture becomes simply ‘enhanced interrogation techniques’. Prisoners are no longer prisoners requiring the rights granted them by the Geneva Convention, they become ‘unlawful combatants’. But such is the status of those who create evil in these ways that the so-called ‘International Community’ says almost nothing. For they are their fascist friends, their U.S. fascist friends. Sacrosanct. Infallible because they need to be seen that way. And protected to do the further evil that the future requires.
This is what is meant by ‘all necessary means’, the allowance to wage war. This is supposed to be granted only by the United Nations in extraordinary circumstances. But the U.S. fascistic elite consider themselves far above such entities that concern themselves with preserving peace or human rights.
The fascist U.S. state does what it likes whenever it likes to whoever it likes. The United Nations is a mere irritation to it, a stumbling block to its self-interest and its desire to use every overt and covert evil imaginable to achieve its goals.
It is the world’s primary terrorist state. It is the instigator of the vast majority of destructive acts across the planet. It has tens of thousands of staff dedicated to spreading fear and forging a path to mass murder and the destruction of nations.
It is the blood-streaked, saintly, grinning skull that offers you a “Have a nice day” before it destroys everything you have ever loved.
It is the fabulously wealthy, unbearably unctuous, horrendously lethal and brutally self-forgiving, U.S. fascist state.
Thursday, 12 November 2020
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Great articles, thank you!