Monday, 18 January 2021


Biden is making the same mistakes as Trump in forming his cabinet. His administration will be one of extreme dogmatists just as Trump’s was. This will most certainly move America ever closer to outright civil war.

Trump claimed he was going to end the U.S. foreign policy he inherited of regime change and toppling foreign governments. But what did he proceed to do as soon as taking office? He tapped a group of absolute neocon warhawks to be his Praetorian Guard. There was not a single moment over the course of his presidency when one or other of them did not rabidly seek regime change in one country or another.

Venezuela was the first target for regime change. John Bolton led the charge of other demonic individuals within the Trump coterie of willing helpers. Iran followed on very quickly from Venezuela with Trump and others seeking to demonize its leadership. The attempt to unseat the president in Syria continued using the Caesar Act which imposed brutal sanctions on any attempt by the Syrian government to restore homes and infrastructure after the misery of years when the USA attempted to spread chaos, death and destruction nationwide. Trump also ensured Syria could not use its own oil in this crucial task of bringing some semblance of normality to the people of Syria who had suffered so long. In recent times both Trump and Pompeo have targeted China relentlessly using any cooked-up issue to generate hatred toward the country. In the final days of Trump’s infamous administration Pompeo has begun to spew hate-filled tweets toward China at an ever-increasing rate, desperate to use every remaining moment of his vile status. In recent days Trump’s aggression, shown in the early days of his presidency against Cuba has resurfaced with an announcement that Cuba will go back on the U.S. list of countries supporting terrorism.

This is the net result of Trump’s lies about ending regime change and seeking harmonious relations with other countries.

If you would like to read his exact words here they are:

“We will pursue a new foreign policy that finally learns from the mistakes of the past. We will stop looking to topple regimes and overthrow governments. Our goal is stability not chaos. In our dealings with other countries we will seek shared interests wherever possible and pursue a new era of peace, understanding and goodwill.”

Donald J. Trump, December 1st 2016

The statement above and others he made gave the impression he intended to end the policy of regime change and cooperate with other nations and is arguably the biggest and most misleading lie of his presidency.

Biden of course has made no such promise, his words to date and the cabinet picks he has made point to a diametrically opposite intention. Biden’s administration will follow on from that of the Obama era which despite the hopes for it of a general anti-war sentiment became just as warmongering in its own way as the GW Bush administration which preceded it. Trump quite obviously used the same trick of  indicating he was going to pursue an anti-war policy also while initiating the opposite when in office.

Biden has gathered the neocons around him that were in the Obama administrations. The anti-war rhetoric that got Obama elected after the warmongering GW Bush years was long forgotten by the time Obama left office. At the tail end of it Russia became U.S. governmental enemy number one. In these various ways and changes of administration one policy marches on as a constant, the regime change policy predicated on America’s self-awarded inalienable right to attack any country, anytime and by any means whenever it likes.

Biden has set up his cabinet to forward this goal to the max. And unlike Trump he will do it in full cooperation and consultation with all America’s European allies. The rhetoric will mirror that of Trump, Bolton and Pompeo save that it will incorporate those allies that Trump was equivocal in his support of, NATO and those the West chooses to call members of ‘The Free World’.

Regime change as a policy has remained alive and well throughout all the years from 9/11 to now and due to the decisions made immediately after it will continue into the indefinite future.

Having said all this, arguing that the Bush, Obama, Trump and Biden administrations are all locked firmly together in support of regime change despite differences of emphasis and tactics, what divides them?

What are the differences that will perpetuate and fuel the civil war of extremes between the people of the United States if not their two primary parties?

A cursory observance of the behavior of the two sides in the war which has already begun will tell you.

The USA may have been divided into partisan groups in past years, many conspiracy theories were heard even decades ago from militias tooling up against the United Nation’s black helicopters and suchlike. This mania for a conspiracy to rob such people of power has spread far wider since those times. Now there are two utterly different views and versions of reality completely out of reach of each other where no possibility of trust or understanding exists. This has been exacerbated by years when millions of Americans felt neglected by their elites, when jobs fled overseas, industries collapsed and communities fell into ruin, wages stagnated and hope of better times for them disappeared while families suffered ever greater indignities as they descended into poverty in the richest country in the world.

As millions of Americans suffered seemingly without limit or possibility of assistance of any meaningful kind the elites of America grew rich beyond the wealth of Croesus. A tiny percentage of Americans were creaming off all the riches available while the vast majority struggled in fear, stress, penury and decreasing quality of life year on year. Millions were deep in debt and living paycheck to paycheck, thousands went bankrupt each year due to getting sick and being unable to pay their medical bills, others worked every hour taking two or three low-paid, menial jobs just to get by and feed their families. America was dividing more than ever into the haves and the have-nots.

Meanwhile liberals found it hard to get the idea anything was wrong. They were doing quite well in their rather satisfying, fairly secure and well-paying jobs in media, art, education, culture, politics and all the symbiotic functions needed to maintain all those like them at the comfortable top of the tree.

So, is it such a big mystery that the American “peasants” who hardly received an education at all and who have staggered from one redundancy/foreclosure to another down to the angry depths of a degrading lifestyle amid an elite luxury beyond all previously seen limits, are beginning to revolt?

This was the dissatisfaction and desperation Trump played to. And he played his part well. It was easy. His targets were obvious and the subjects of his rhetoric were right there in a glaring light... for those with eyes to see that is. No liberal eyes did see however. They had different preoccupations. The filthy masses struggling to survive were of no interest whatsoever. But Steve Bannon and Stephen Miller saw the enormous latent potential in all this largely unfocused energy and knew it could be directed to win one of the ultimate prizes, the presidency. They searched for a candidate and after some mishits they found Trump and used him as a loaded gun to destroy all in his path whether of the right or left, Democrats or Republicans. They instigated a crusade that stepped outside of any moral or ethical concerns and had Trump say whatever they knew would push the emotional buttons they knew would draw total support from the American “peasants” desperate for change.

This is the army that you see on your screens. They REMAIN desperate and ready to fight as hard and as ruthlessly as necessary. Bannon and Miller had hit paydirt and through Trump, their moronic but effective attack dog their predictions of success were borne out. The promises delivered and loud aggressive warring rhetoric worked perfectly. And still does... because that part was easy... delivering solutions was not. The Trump administration was riven by incompetence, idiocy, egotism and a crazed inability to get anything approaching solutions planned or accomplished that made any inroads into massive problems the “peasants” faced. Thus the anger, frustration and desperation remains. As does the blind faith in the man who at least recognized their pain (or seemed to, as well rehearsed by Bannon and Miller).

Biden’s words of bringing America together are saccharine pap, the usual political bullshit that means precisely nothing in real terms. He is going to present token policies of too little too late, a cheap band aid on a festering cancer... in response to his failure he will seek to turn the focus on “enemies" overseas... all while the civil war of extremes erupts everywhere around him.

1 comment:

  1. Yes. There are far more similarities between the US-regimes than differences! They all have the aggressive foreign policy! An none of them are taking care of their own people. That counts for much of Europe,too, always agreeing with them.



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