Western mainstream media appears to have had little choice but to become a collective of government-sponsored liars. In most cases they hardly make any effort to hide the fact anymore.
Whether this extends to other fields than that of the geopolitical is debatable. However, that there is no impartiality in reporting geopolitical issues is surely an unquestionable fact. Why should this be and what could the underlying factors be that have generated this abuse of journalistic principles?
Where do we see such bias occurring in the past? We see it in times of war. This is where we have to look to discover why certain nations receive preferential treatment and others scant respect when it comes to the output of western mass media.
We should also look at the transformation of reporting from myriad diverse sources, some of them delivering news without fear or favor, criticizing the so-called ‘great and good’ at home as well as abroad narrowing down to a few titles and channels operated by a small group of corporations. In this transformation to today’s media coverage we can see how far to the center and right the industry has moved and how it is a vehicle for expressing views rather than communicating news.
It wasn’t always about money or building audiences using an entertainment or jingoistically nationalistic format. In earlier times there was sufficient diversity along with what appears to be a real dedication by those who admired journalistic heroes of the past to search for real news, stories that enlightened rather than conditioned.
There have been many wars but until relatively recently they were not covered wholly with intent to propagandize. The war the USA waged against North Vietnam was notable in this respect. Unvarnished truth came very close to being conveyed to the American people. This could arguably be called the peak of journalistic prowess in modern times. Journalists were on the ground with the troops near the front lines at times. They saw how badly things were going, they heard of the cruelties, the abuses and the suffering of both the Vietnamese people and the young U.S. soldiers conscripted to fight Uncle Sam’s war of choice. They knew that much of what was being conveyed by the political elites back home was bullshit, obvious propaganda where the war was constantly “almost won” and just another this or that was needed to gain victory. The reports these true journalists made helped diminish and ultimately destroy the effect of false confidence the political elites wished to frame the war. It could be argued that the war may have lasted just as long as the present Afghanistan campaign is now without the journalists of integrity reporting back to media outlets willing to convey their reports to the American public. The contrast with Afghanistan is indeed stark.
Such journalists hardly exist within the mainstream now. Wars began to be sanitized after the experience of Vietnam. No one should believe that U.S. politicians in power at that time welcomed the chance to end the war. Their statements to that effect were lies. They hated that news organizations had undermined them. They had certainly wished to keep the people back home completely out of the loop as they progressed their geopolitical goals. The loss of life on both sides was nothing to them. After all, this was war and anyway, none of their sons or daughters were over there at risk of death or being disabled.
After Vietnam the need to cauterize and contain the flow of information from theaters of war was recognized as a vital necessity. When it came to the attack upon and subsequent invasion of Iraq mass media had already begun its transformation into an adjunct of the entertainment industry. Ratings not integrity or rationality became the order of the day for news departments. Corporate owners demanded a new rationale that emphasized a creeping self-censorship where elite viewpoints validating the ever-closer relationship to the general elite consensus of American superiority and exceptionalism. Bad news was not good for business but war certainly was. In addition the revolving doors between all the various elites in America were all beginning to turn in unison.
So called journalists were generally firmly embedded within and received briefings from the U.S. Army in Iraq. They had next to zero contact with or access to everyday Iraqis and holed up in Baghdad swapping hearsay and the output of their latest briefing with one another. The contrast between their experience and that of those who had reported from Vietnam could not have been more extreme. This was the laziest form of “journalism” imaginable. It was so easy to simply take what you were given and report it as factual in terms that made it seem like news. It was cheaper, you received a regular supply of material and your bosses back home had enough product to provide a public that had been relentlessly motivated by patriotic fervor to accept it as valid.
The above was a winning strategy for all concerned on the western side
of the equation. For those Iraqi families who suffered the loss of a
loved one and there were hundreds of thousands this can hardly be said.
But, unlike in Vietnam few U.S. troops were dying so you could say
America had a good war in Iraq and most notably in Libya. The loop of
information had virtually been closed. Afghanistan however, has proven a
harder nut to crack regarding that loop. In due course Iraq will bust
it wide open too. Libya also. But for now Afghanistan is the main nation
leaking the bad news no media outlet wishes to hear in any detail. They
now use non-reporting in the main to tamp down the reality, a reality
that will sooner or later break free from containment, locally if not
Western mainstream media now flits from issue to issue depending on its butterfly mentality governed by what is good or bad for ‘their side’ and their corporate owners, sponsors and influencers amid the airtight exceptionalist ‘America the Great’ group-thought consensus. If Russia is the item as it has been for four years solid then the plethora of attack pieces containing accusations, assertions and endless opinions based on little evidence but massive belief in CIA talking points abound, as we have seen. The focus will flit to Syria if there is a need for a little more conditioning by western states. If China then totem issues will be identified, skewed remorselessly, stripped of context and delivered as massively misreported outrages against human rights. The same for Russia concurrently if necessary... but generally depending on the need at any particular time of state requirements.
This is the current state of “journalism” across the western world and those within its orbit who act in compliance with its elite goals. The manipulation of minds to align with the geopolitical goals of western elites. Nothing more and nothing less than the programming of consciousness, the conditioning of reality into whatever shape western elites require.
So what is the war being waged? What is the greater war that has initiated these others of recent years?
The war being fought by all western elites aided by warriors in many fields of life from the political elites to those within myriad areas of corporate life to the thick layer of information manipulators within mass media has at its heart the goal to shore up the dwindling effect of western global dominance.
This global dominance of western “civilization” over others, held for centuries, is approaching its end. The speed with which it has approached this end has accelerated in recent decades. The primary reason for this is the rapid economic expansion of China. Adding to this is the consensus among other powerful nations such as Russia that the misuse of western power in recent times shows how the West can no longer be trusted to act wisely but is instead intent on a wholly self-interested use of force against any sovereign nation that stands in its way.
The people and crucially the political elites of Russia and China have not suffered the blinkers put on all western audiences. They have seen clearly and without any filter applied the crimes against humanity and grossly illegal activities of western elites and are fully informed of every facet of the insanity gripping those elites, particularly since 9/11. The war being waged by the West is against them for that knowledge and for their subsequent stance of independence.
The war has the intent of weakening China and Russia sufficiently to bring them into line, to stop their broadcasters disseminating information not conducive to continuing western power and control.
The war is for nothing short of total global dominance.
And this is why, in the name of an existential fight for American and western dominance of its allies over all of humanity for the sake of its elite power in perpetuity all the transparent lies we see now fill our airwaves, screens and newsprint in the realm of mass media.
Nothing less than our freedom to access global reality is at stake and whether we will remain free men and women able to access truth or be kept blind, manipulated and fed endless lies.
Monday, 18 January 2021
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