12 23 2054
We live in fear. But somehow life goes on. Each day brings multiple events that would scare the strongest of us to death. But we go on. Somehow.
I hope I don't have to tell you of what we suffer here now. I write this for you of the future. If you still have such a subject as 'History' you will know something of what I write. I am only anxious that the details have been distorted for you so here I wish to set the record straight.
You may I hope at least know where all this we have now began, in those lands that could suffer it least and recover from it least well. If they had even been allowed.
In those Arab lands that had arrived at a degree of stability over the millennia recovery from their fracturing was painfully slow. New, monstrous entities emerged taking advantage of the pain and resentment suffered. Time and time again they descended into turmoil, inching forward at times only to be plunged back into chaos. Even now there is only a semblance of peace governed by ‘The Network’, delivering instant “justice”.
China was the big one that set us on the course to here though Iran led the way initially. The strike on its nuclear facilities in the dying days of the Trump administration meant the die was cast for all that was to follow. It was all containment from that day onward.
Pandora’s Box had been opened wide. The attacks on Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya had prized the lid open just a crack. But the short, ten hour campaign against Iran blew it wide open and no one and nothing could close it back down. Until ‘The Network’.
Perhaps as a child you once found a nest of insects, wasps or ants perhaps? You were curious about what they were doing so industriously in there. They appeared alien to you, small, inferior, a whole society in an order you couldn’t possibly understand. So, you took a stick and began poking their nest just to see what would happen. You enjoyed the effects you saw, the pandemonium, you felt a buzz of adrenaline that you could create such panic. You became more than a helpless, ignorant child... you were having an effect!
That’s how it began to feel for some. They gloried in their power. Now they would achieve their goals they thought. At last America would show what it could do and the whole world had to recognize that it was no longer going to stand idly by while its enemies worked against it!
Iran became like a nest of insects beaten and poked by an enormous stick. The chaos created has never been fully documented. And not without good reason. We no longer live in an information age. Any semblance of reality in reporting is now strictly monitored and modified where necessary. They say the irresponsible spreading of bad news will only lead to more fear, to more unnecessary negativity (as they call it) and even more death and destruction. We are told to leave all injustice anywhere to ‘The Network’ for it will deal with it most justly, more justly than any other source. Talking about all that’s happening will only make matters worse they say.
Iran struck Israel immediately. But they were feeble strikes. The majority of their installations had been nullified during the preceding ten hours. But Israel was never one to turn the other cheek and struck back with ten times the lethal force hitting targets closer to Iran’s primary cities, Tehran, Isfahan, Yazd and Shiraz.
Iran mobilized her army which penetrated Saudi Arabia while suicide battalions hit every western entity within reach.
Israel applied its pressure on Washington at the very first detection of the first missiles from Iranian sites heading their way. A secondary campaign against Iran was mounted using carriers and bases closest to targets within it. Saudi Arabia and Israel, Kuwait and Qatar began separate campaigns. Iran was destined now for complete annihilation.
Like those insects you disturbed in their nest the more they struggled and panicked the more you laughed all the harder, beat and poked into their home loving the feeling of destructive power you had over them. So it was with all those who had demonized the Iranians to the point where they hardly seemed human at all. To those with such feelings in their hearts, pumped up with the adrenaline of self-justified anger, they were even less than ants. At least ants had a degree of innocence being part of the natural world. These were flawed human insects in their destroyers’ eyes, degraded non-humans, malevolent entities that deserved their death for the safety of humankind and specifically, for the safety of all Americans and their allies.
Now, all these years on ‘The Network’ is still kept occupied by sporadic activity in Iran though the wasteland it has become has dwindled vastly from those initial dark days. Now the ‘nullifications’ are relatively few and go unreported except on a need to know basis.
After Iran the message was broadcast that all nations must now fully understand the consequences of threatening America and that all anti-American activities, rhetoric and plotting must stop and immediately. This threat came eventually to be known in common parlance, due to the dire possibilities it portended, as simply ‘The Threat’, When it was said subsequently and in hushed tones everyone knew they need not ask “Which threat?”. There had never been a more ominous threat in living memory.
The chilling effect was immediate. The world fell silent in its shock. Mass media also. They no longer could be certain what speech was still allowed. How could they report what had happened? Clearly it could not be condoned. Yes, Trump had gone but the Biden administration had felt condemned to the acts which followed in the chain-reaction which had embroiled Israel and its other regional allies. America had taken a leap forward into a militarized future no one could predict the boundaries of. Who exactly was safe now and who remained a target of its wrath? What was safe to say any more?
The world outside the USA reeled in confusion. Everything had changed. Just as it had after 9/11 and again after Iraq. There was a new “normality”, unfamiliar and intensely threatening. The old reality had been bad enough due to the decimation Covid-19 had wrought. This new escalation in violence, of tension, threat and immense foreboding of what the future might now bring wrought an ominous and dreadful level of fear.
It was this fear that necessitated 'The Network’. The need for control as seen from the eyes of U.S. elites was more urgent than ever. The fear itself was a threat to U.S. interests and it was clearly seen it must be contained.
12 24 2054
The modification program to re-purpose all U.S. satellites began with the highest priority, Hubble chief among them. The mission of all astronomical sites were likewise ended and the new priority initiated. Both sites and satellites would compose what eventually came to be known as ‘The Network’.
China had long been seen as the primary threat to American interests. A plethora of economic weapons had been turned on her during the infamous Trump era but had failed to halt her progress. The situation had become intolerable. Nothing seemed to work to weaken her. Everything had been tried by way of tariffs, sanctions and propaganda, every lie that could be used had been publicized to the maximum through every western Human Rights entity to blacken her name and inhibit trade with her. All had failed. China continued to rise. This was intolerable.
China had initially responded to the attacks on Iran in the strongest possible terms, condemning it and specifically condemning the insanity of Trump. Then when Biden countenanced and aided all that later transpired, further condemnation was officially released. But on the issuing of ‘The Threat’ the Chinese leadership fell silent.
The months that followed where Iran lay a smoking wasteland of suffering, broken, in utmost pain, beautiful ancient buildings destroyed, power installations, roads, bridges in ruin... left a world in total shock.
The elites of all nations consulted feverishly, not least of them in the USA.
China and Russia met at the highest possible level to formulate a response to this new and intensely threatening situation.
Other weaker nations did what they could to protect themselves which was very little. Ultimately all huddled closer to the USA in a pragmatic if humiliating gesture of meek compliance to ‘The Threat’.
The USA was winning this final end game that had been played for hundreds of years, ‘The Great Game’ as it was called, and its elites new it. All she needed now was a containment policy to secure her gains. This containment policy was quickly realized and actioned. ‘The Network’ would be realized and the USA would be made safe for all Americans and in perpetuity.
Both China and Russia knew what the elimination of Iran portended for them. Plans were initiated to combine their defensive capabilities. But time was short and such plans had been easily predicted back in Washington. The onus was now on them to immediately fulfill what was clearly the obvious next step before their “enemies” organized against them.
As 'The Network’ was given the highest priority of any military project and maximum resources possible poured into it, the predictive next steps were drawn up to eliminated the now even more primary dangers to the USA emanating from its two remaining “enemies” and of ‘The West’ and their interests, Russia and China.
The elites of the West had not seen this eventuality emerging with any relish before Trump’s strikes on Iran however, those strikes had made what followed inevitable. The cards were now on the table, there could be no more bluffing. What needed to be done must now be done. They had no choice. The mentality of these elites worked like a clockwork machine. Compassion played no part. Sympathy for the suffering that would inevitably follow on from their obvious geopolitical conclusion could not and would not play any part in the decision-making process.
The strikes on Beijing and Moscow were accompanied by a warning delivered simultaneously.
That message was unequivocal:
‘U.S. defenses are strong. Any reciprocal attack will be responded to with ten times the force. If no response occurs no further strikes will be authorized. This restraint will remain until an assurance is given that compliance with U.S. hegemony in these new circumstances is fully acknowledged. Your respective leaders have exactly three minutes to comply. If no compliance is received within this time frame further action will be authorized.’
The inevitability of certain death for millions if they chose otherwise prevailed. The natural response of terrible rage over what had just occurred gave way to the dreadful knowledge of what anything other than compliance would mean. The USA had played the cards it had felt compelled to and had won the game.
Things moved very fast after this final escalation. Russia and China, totally humiliated, lost all geopolitical credibility and fell totally silent as all other nations gathered weakly within the orbit of the now all-powerful and all-threatening USA.
12 25 2054
We have had ‘The Network’ above us and all around us for over thirty long years now. It’s power to monitor us and apply “justice" to us is beyond imagination. The software has been honed to near perfection. The knowledge of brainwave patterns and the piercing quality ‘The Network’ sensor systems cover every centimeter of our planet.
Instant “justice” is dispensed outside the USA. Within it more normal practices are observed while monitoring goes on unannounced and action taken out of sight of prying eyes. The eyes of mass media stay closed as a matter of course anyway and social media has been fully compromised since the 2020s.
Discretion has proven the better part of valor worldwide.
Humanity makes the best of it as it always does. We try to be happy. We accept what cannot be changed. The odds are just too stacked against us now. Even those like me who live within ‘The Resistance’. We know we cannot win. But in our protective bubble as least we can think free... even if we cannot be free.
It’s Christmas Day. It ought to be a day of joy. If you see any spots on these pages... they were not the result of any rain shower.
May your future somehow, somehow... be better than our present.
Merry Christmas to you reader of the future... in love and hope.
Merry Christmas, from Planet USA.
Sunday, 17 January 2021
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