Friday, 1 January 2021


I must admit I am feeling optimistic due to the broad geopolitical indicators I'm registering.

Regarding U.S. elites I suspect they will suffer great setbacks in 2021 and subsequent years due to the much reduced influence they will have worldwide. I predict U.S. influence will continue to reduce worldwide (and year on year from here on). That of China will increase, economically and subsequently politically.

As China trades as a partner to Europe through her Belt and Road pathways she will be assured of a seat at the high table across Europe, those places previously occupied by U.S. elites. Finally the post-WWII consensus within the EU that the USA is elite Europe's best friend, closest ally and assurance of security will atrophy and eventually, in subsequent years, disappear completely.

China is not militaristic and has no need to be. She may well make increased demands that Taiwan return to being an integral part of China in 2021 as the U.S. presence in the South China Seas diminishes and generally reduces across the globe.

China will continue to have a more robust, much less timid response, to aggressive western efforts to undermine her via destabilization efforts regarding Xinjiang, Hong Kong, Tibet and any other internal sovereign issue within China.

Russia will I am sure continue her progress economically with ever-enhanced infrastructure and moderate progress on social issues while maintaining traditional values at the highest level.

Though I would wish to see more socialism within both Russia and China along with the capitalism that is prevalent in both I am confident that with increasing economic success the gains made will allow this to occur.

I predict that the influence of both Russia and China will be seen to increase throughout 2021 and that the reputation of both will be enhanced while that of the USA reduces. I see no chance however of the attitudes prevalent in the USA and UK toward Russia and China changing. The insane policies of these nations toward both Russia and China look set to continue and even be strengthened.

However, as the nations of the European Union find ever more powerful reasons to connect with China and with Russia becoming an ever closer trading and political partner with China I see their reputations within Europe becoming enhanced along with a downgrading of UK and U.S. propaganda against them.

Biden will continue, along with the elites of the UK, to seek an undermining of Chinese and Russian sovereignty along with all other states not bowing to (the now diminishing) imperial U.S. demands. The protocols decided after 9/11 which make full spectrum dominance over the entire planet will continue to be pursued while the chances for such a dire outcome diminish throughout 2021.

China’s Belt and Road trade pathway into Europe will be crucial in all this. So too will be Russia’s completion of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. 2021 looks like being China’s year with Russia moving forward speedily also toward her greatest years still to come.

I am feeling ever more confident that the malignant years of the USA being the unipolar  global power and hegemon, the genesis of innumerable destabilizing acts both overt and covert are coming to an end. The era of U.S./UK state terrorism, colonialism and slavery both in terms of the historical and more insidious diplomatic will atrophy and eventually die and 2021 will see significant progress along this inevitable course. The West’s power will not be ended in 2021 but I predict we will see clear signs of its demise in 2021 and we will know by year’s end that we are well on the way toward the complete quarantining of all western elite militaristic interference which should occur very soon in subsequent years.

So, we have plenty of positive eventualities to look forward to in 2021. The Covid-19 pandemic which has been a blight on all nations has particularly weakened the economic power of the UK and USA. China has shown her superior ability to deal with immense crises such as the pandemic in her ability to exert state authority in a beneficial way for her people. This authority, reflected also in Russia, when benevolently used can be used in a similar manner efficiently responding to any other threats to mankind that may appear. This cannot be said for western nations whose response has been chaotic in response to Covid-19. People cannot help but compare China’s effective response to the absolute chaotic mayhem seen in the USA for instance.

In conclusion I wish you a wonderful year ahead. With the pandemic increasingly under control and diminishing in danger let us try to return to some semblance of normality, let us be kind to one another, seek commonality, find the areas we agree upon more than that which divides us. Thank you for your loyalty and your humanity.

My every best wish for you and yours for 2021!


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