Monday, 11 January 2021


Vladimir Putin stands up hugely well as a world leader when you look around at the competition.

His detractors resemble mewling deviants with rabid hatreds tearing them apart as they spit venom toward him.

He and Russia are akin to anvils more than capable of wearing down all hammers.

All those with 'Trump Derangement Syndrome' are ignoring the fact that he has proven himself to be Putin and Russia's greatest enemy in recent years.

He has piled sanctions on Russia again and again and again.

He transferred lethal weaponry to Ukraine, Russia's greatest local enemy, something Obama refused to do for fear of instigating more death and destruction there.

He has attacked every single Russian ally in one way or another including China, Syria, Iran, Venezuela and Cuba.

No one can point to one single thing Trump has done that has in any way benefited Putin or Russia in meaningful terms. All he has done has harmed Russia in every possible way open to him.

People should open their eyes to the fact and stop believing entities such as the CIA, the FBI and the U.S. state department, entities that lie for a profession.

Vladimir Putin is an eminent world politician respected by most other world leaders. Only conniving western leaders frightened they are losing their power to control the world to China attack him with baseless accusations.

The western would needs to wake up to the lies being told and the endless accusations made and realize just how duped they have been regarding Vladimir Putin and Russia in general.

Unfortunately all the signs are that the Biden presidency will seek to tell even more lies about him and retell the old ones time after time thus permeating the minds of western listeners with these untruths.


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