Wednesday, 27 January 2021


The permanent state of the USA constitutes all those who pass on from one administration to another all the while maintaining the same group-thought outlook regarding the exceptional nature of the USA.

There are of course a great many individuals involved and they cover many disciplines from the military field to that of intelligence to the purely administrative, to many serried ranks of analyst wonks and CIA staffers, many think-tank influencers of policy, the donors who expect to be kept informed and to have some input regarding policy and various other powerful elites from the media sphere.

They work in coordination with whatever politicians arrive as the next incumbents of the White House and its attendant corridors of power. They all have the same exceptionalist mentality where all not within their circle of allies are regarded as adversaries if not outright enemies.

These elites are all bound within the same belief bubble that no contrary data permeates. The only data to freely enter is that which supports their fixed concepts which they regularly reinforce with each other. All involved know that to voice any contrary view will be duly noted and that although they may never be officially notified of it, it will count against them and be seen as an indicator that they are suspect and worth monitoring as a potential agent of an adversarial power.

Within the permanent state there can only be agreement at almost every level. If you have seen Oliver Stone’s wonderful film, 'JFK’ about The Cuban Missile Crisis and the response by the two Kennedy brothers to it along with the Joint Chiefs of Staff you will know how this works at the everyday level. The general thrust of advice was to attack then invade Cuba potentially sparking a world war between the USA and the then Soviet Union. A single advisor spoke up in opposition to this policy offering a peaceful alternative. He prefaces his suggestion with a remark to the effect of, “I know I am ending my career by saying so, but this is my suggestion how we might best resolve this peacefully...”

I am sure you can intuit how even this situation of virtual gags on everyone offering a non-jingoistic, peace-preserving idea became even more of an issue after 9/11. Only warriors need apply at that point. And any suggestion that any moral, ethical or judicial barriers of any kind should be set that hindered U.S. freedom of action in any way in response to 9/11 were automatically a signal for an exit of whoever even broached the subject. There were to be no restrictions of ANY kind in the defense of America. No matter the consequences for others of of those actions wherever those effects were felt at home or abroad. The imperative was to do EVERYTHING and without limits of any kind that hit targets hard. Anyone not on board with that was out.

The problem with this gag of silence on anyone not on board and with of course the weeding out of all not totally and enthusiastically on board along with the way the post-9/11 protocols were set up to be incontrovertible and permanent until global control was asserted... is that this whole milieu and ethos is still with us today 19 years later.

The permanent state of the USA continued right through the Trump administration also. This can be seen in the type of people Trump put in positions of most power. People like Bolton, Pompeo, Haley and Haspel. Neocons to the core. Exceptionalists without exception. The most warmongeringly aggressive dogmatists to be found.

Trump was clever in that he echoed what the American public by majority wanted. They were and still are sick of war. America has been at war for decade after decade and the vast majority of Americans have consequently suffered while the elites who profit from war and its related industries did extremely well. While the 1% prospered and Washington’s elites and wonks did also the infrastructure of the USA was steadily crumbling, prices were rising while wages remained virtually static. The famous ‘American Dream’ became steadily less attainable. Both parents now had to work just to keep standing still, surviving from pay check to pay check forever unable to move upwards to the beautiful white picket-fenced home the American Dream promised. They were hit by bankruptcies and foreclosures through job loss and destitution due to ill-health and the unaffordable cost of health care. They saw conditions worsening around them with drug crime, murders and other crimes soaring, suicides rising, opioid deaths also and less and less options to escape the increasing hell they lived within. In recent times a militarized police force arrived on the streets and the killings of people of color by them rose while incarceration of those same people of color rose exponentially.

Two of the leading causes of this final circumstance are now president and vice-president. Biden, the author of the 1994 Crime Bill which resulted in a massive increase in the jailing of primarily men of color. As a self-proclaimed ‘Top Cop’ Kamala Harris worked hard to keep a clearly innocent man in jail and then on multiple occasions worked to reverse decisions that would have freed him as it was completely obvious that he was innocent. She then worked hard and succeeded in denying him any compensation for all the years he had been unjustly imprisoned. Industrialists in the state where Harris presided over the police department were using the cheap labor provided by the prison population. Harris was loath to release anyone due to a dedication to making the prisons under jurisdiction pay.

This is how the permanent state works. It does not work for the 99%. It works for the 1%. Always. No matter how it may protest about human rights of those in other nations or how they wish to bring everyone the benefits of freedom and democracy it is always a crock of shit, a devious ploy to simply increase the dominating effect of elite political power and the wealth of their elite donors. They care nothing for the people involved and have proven this by slaughtering hundreds of thousands in regime change wars of choice in recent years leaving the nations targeted devastated and impoverished.

These permanent and semi-permanent elites perform various tasks leading to the repeating final outcome of their group-thought mania and lies, increased division in our world, ever more efforts to create discord, warmongering designed to destabilize, undermine and fracture nations always bringing chaos in their wake using all the ultra-violent responses the CIA and U.S. military are capable of.

When convenient for political reasons to differentiate between particular politicians and a hidden ‘deep state’ this is only cosmetic at its heart. The deeper truth is that politicians of every persuasion know and follow what is best for them. idealist politicians are as rare as hen’s teeth. No one can navigate the channel to the White House without negotiating with those who hold the reigns of power and agreeing to their strictures regarding the division of those powers and the limits on individual power that are set.
Trump had choices he could have made that matched his rhetoric of seeking harmony with other nations, choices that reflected his statement that lessons had been learned from previous regime change wars and that this policy would end. But he chose rabid warmongers like Bolton and Pompeo, two men utterly opposed to all of these concepts that most Americans hungered for. That he chose such neocons tells you all you need to know about Trump in relation to the permanent state.

Trump saw where his best advantage lay of maintaining personal power and he was merely the latest to join the endlessly divisive, ultra-violent and endlessly warmongering permanent state.

Just as his rival, Biden and his neocon crew are likewise deep within that same insane state of mind that constitutes the greatest threat to stability and world peace, the permanent state of the USA.


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