In Science Fiction there is a genre where the Earth is imagined as having an alternate history. Sci-Fi authors then have unlimited license to imagine whatever altered Earth comes to mind. Perhaps an Earth where the Nazis won World War Two, or where the native population of what is now called the USA was not wiped out by European settlers. The imagination can run riot.
can imagine the first possibility above quite well today while
observing how history is repeating itself in North America. It is in
reality as if the Nazis did indeed win WWII while Russia remained
inviolate. Today Russia stands as opposed to fascism as she ever did.
But what of The United States of America?
In the Thirties Hitler was busy taking over every aspect of German life. There was to be only one view, only one media and only one message: “We are the perfect society, the perfect people and all others are inferior.” This is the message the world hears from the elites of the USA today and from many of its citizens also.
When you conceive yourself, your systems and your society as perfect then it become quite natural to see others as deficient, requiring molding in your image, to be lectured to and, if necessary taught better ways by whatever means you believe to be "necessary". Those others, “over there”, become sub-human to greater or lesser extent. Just as Nazi Germany had Fascist Italy, the USA has The United Kingdom. Fascism has become fashionable again.
You could be forgiven for thinking we have entered an alternate universe in recent times. Your confusion is unsurprising. The Western World has more and more resembled the world George Orwell created in his book ‘1984‘. His depiction of a dystopian world where one nation has its population programmed to believe a mythical enemy ‘over there’ constantly threatens them has obvious parallels today. Russia is the current version of Eastasia, the enemy in ‘1984‘. The population of ‘Oceania’ is constantly fed a diet of fear concerning the threat from ‘Eastasia’ to keep them obedient to rule from above. Fictions are constructed to maintain control and the population of ‘Oceania’ is constantly monitored by ‘Big Brother’ to ensure obedience to the required narratives.
In the same way the Nazis used every possible means to ensure the population of Germany remained programmed and obedient to their required narrative, undermining and ‘cancelling’ anyone who had an alternative view to theirs. Enemies were found within Germany as well as outside it, the Jews, Gypsies and any Germans not measuring up to Nazi standards and beliefs were suspect and subject to cancellation.
Media in both Orwell’s 1984 fiction and Thirties Nazi fact were a travesty of the truth, manipulated to create support for required narratives, altered, adjusted and skewed, all to condition the thought processes of an audience kept ignorant of reality. This is mirrored in the mass media of both the USA and UK in the present, altered day.
Since 9/11 there are no investigative journalists working within U.S. and UK mass media. Within the corporate and state media there is only an obedience to the rule that western states are not to be subject to criticism, that they are pure of motive and perfect in both system, practice and performance. And subsequently that those ‘over there’ are either allies who agree, or “enemies” who do not.
This is the Orwellian and fascistic world westerners now inhabit. It is truly as if the Nazis, “The Super Race” had won WWII while being driven from Russia’s borders.
Thought control is the order of the day in today’s West. There are now so-called journalists embedded with U.S. troops whenever they are called on to subjugate any sub-human, imperfect souls targeted for correction. They sit at briefings and are given the material that will serve as tomorrow’s headlines. Orwell would have nodded in wry recognition.
Any disobedient reporting now telegraphs the need for disciplining from above. Chris Hedges, the now independent observer was once a New York Times reporter. He had reported from theaters of war across the globe and found himself in disagreement with the USA’s planned attack upon and invasion of Iraq. He spoke out and was warned not to by his employer. He refused to be silence and was sacked. The cancel culture of shaming, blaming and censorship mirrors that found in both Nazi Germany and ‘1984‘. An atmosphere of threat to your livelihood if not your life is held over your head at all times. Speak out and bear the consequences. Or keep silent and obey.
Do you see the resemblances I speak of?
The times could hardly be darker. Not just because of Covid which is an added pestilence on top of all others afflicting the West. Its elites fail at every turn yet demand obedience from their populations. They demand obedience also from their compliant media. The right message must always be sent. The right narrative adhered to. The BBC was brought to book over a journalist by the name of Gilligan who dared to suggest the then government was severely economic with the truth regarding its desired war with Iraq. The result was a chastened BBC that from that time onward was noticeably complicit in forwarding the required state narratives regarding UK state regime change targets, notably above all others, Russia. The Guardian newspaper also was taught a lesson when it dared to publish Edward Snowden’s revelations concerning the illegal surveillance being carried out by the U.S. government. A squad from the Foreign Office was sent to the Guardian offices where they smashed the laptops holding this unauthorized data.
This is the western world after 9/11 that continues today in its paranoid, locked down condition claiming enemies are constantly plotting to destroy it, creating scapegoats and whipping boys, designing plans to occupy and destroy nations that it deems inferior and dangerous to its perfection. And of course dangerous to its “interests”. Those who already have so much have a rabid desire to maintain their position and can never possibly have enough to feed the greed and ambition that fascism requires to shore up its power and notions of unassailable exceptionalism.
If you live in the western world you cannot help but feel afraid. The fear is palpable but somewhat difficult to identify. It permeates the soul at both conscious and sub-conscious levels. You are told to obey and all will be well... at some unidentified moment. Once the “enemy” has been defeated, whether that “enemy” is real (Covid) or imaginary and state-created (Russia). Your obedience is demanded. Your mind is conditioned. Your voice is silenced.
You now live on an alternate Earth.
Will you submit to commands from above, or break free and reassert what you know to be real?
Wednesday, 3 February 2021
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