Tuesday, 2 March 2021


The elite political infrastructure of the USA along with its intelligence agencies, security analysts, national defense think tanks and those within the U.S. military industrial complex form a self-perpetuating fear machine that’s very lucrative for everyone involved. For the rest of the world, especially those nations in the regime change sights of all of the above, it creates a potential hell on Earth.

There is precious little real thinking involved when America’s insane elites consider questions of foreign policy, there is only a predictable knee-jerk reaction. Every rival economy or different system of governance is seen in terms of a military threat requiring an aggressive, perhaps military solution. This mindset appears totally fixed within the institutions involved and wholly impermeable to change.

Several factors feed into the nexus of fear, paranoia, threat and cold hard cash that fuel the process.

The overarching myth is of course the permanent concept within the USA of a God-given and highly exceptional national status that raises America up to the highest possible level of sanctity at which point it has the self-awarded right to judge all others. Any deviation from the American model is seen as an anomaly to be fixed, a rogue element requiring disciplining, a blot on the global landscape, a defect needing fixed and a potentially highly dangerous threat to the glorious purity and exalted status of the USA.

The inevitable institutional fascism and racism this engenders is surely obvious.

In Thirties America Hitler and the Nazi Party of Germany were hugely popular. So much so that 20,000 Americans gathered in Madison Square Garden on Monday, February 20, 1939, many of them dressed in Nazi uniforms to hear speeches lauding Der Fuhrer and denigrating his racist targets. This was only one of many indicators that deep levels of racism and fascism are fundamental characteristics within the American psyche.

‘After a procession of flag bearers to a stage decorated with swastika-adorned pennants, U.S. flags, and a portrait of George Washington, a German-accented man leads the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. Kuhn steps up to the podium and casually remarks about how he is depicted as a "creature with horns, a cloven hoof, and long tail" by "the Jewish-controlled press." ... He begins to outline a program calling for a "socially-just, white, Gentile-controlled United States" and "Gentile-controlled labor unions, free from Jewish Moscow-directed domination." (Wikipedia: ‘A Night at the Garden’)

The early history of the USA set the scene for all that was to come in the context of inherent racism and fascism. The genocide perpetrated upon the original inhabitants were seen as lesser beings, dangerous non-Christian savages having no right to the land they had lived on for generations. Not long thereafter came the second indicator of what would eventuate into the fascistic and racist U.S. state of today, slavery. There can surely be no two more shameful foundation blocks for any nation. And yet the attitudes of that time which caused so much death, destruction and human misery still prevail as institutional modes of thinking among U.S. elites and much of the U.S. population today.

Those different to them are observed with suspicion, as a potential threat and requiring a belligerent stance with a view to gaining power over them and manipulating them or destroying them.

This is the prevailing institutional criminal insanity we see among U.S. elites today and which has existed within every U.S. elite going back all the way to the founding of the nation itself.

Not that fine words were not spoken then just as they are now. But these fine words belie the psychosis beneath, they are used as a perpetual fig-leaf to hide the paranoia and determination to come out on top that for them justifies all acts deceivingly termed ‘self-protection’. The same shallow patina of civilization is claimed for the most barbaric nation on Earth named every year as the most dangerous country on the planet in a global poll.

This myth of being exceptional, of being the holiest nation, pure in soul and intent, elevated by only the purest of all attitudes, motivations and systems jars monumentally with the perpetration of genocide and racism described above.  

But this myth permeates all else below. It permeates every aspect of American political life and extends deep into the concepts Americans firmly hold onto as a psychological prop allowing them to look down on all others and conceive themselves to have an inalienable right to change them by whatever means they choose.

The Military Industrial Complex of the USA could not thrive as it does without this myth. It could not sell its plans for new, multi-billion dollar weapons systems to the government without the notion that it was protecting the most exceptional nation on Earth, a nation that must never be under any threat as it carries the hope of God Himself to mold us all to His image.

Rank upon rank of individuals in coordinated groups constantly shore up the secondary myth of a perpetual threat to the most precious nation on the planet. Serried ranks of intelligence operatives, security analysts, think tank wonks and an endless array of specialists in creating the necessary fear that brings in the endless big bucks.

It is a self-perpetuating system whereby on a continual basis ever more than enough threat is created to keep the entire gargantuan gravy train running. The system extends well beyond the boundaries of the United States of course. Through myriad institutional connections its influence is felt throughout both western and eastern Europe. NATO is a prime vehicle for spreading this “necessary” fear with constantly renewed threats being created to suit the need for a compliant sheep-like response from European elites and populations. And you can imagine the treats experienced by European elites for bringing their nations into the fold.

The USA has sought and continues to seek the wrapping of the whole world in its dubious embrace spinning whatever lies are conceived to be most effective while never straying far from the big stick it can use to beat us into accepting that embrace at any moment.

Thus it has been until recent times. Aided by its primary simpering ally Britain these elites have sought to dominate and subjugate all nations across the planet that its power can permeate, undermine and bring into line, to make subservient and obedient to its will.

But those times are ending.

Two nations in particular are rebelling and demonstrating that they have the will and the economic power to resist. Those nations are of course China and Russia and it will be primarily China that ends the long history of the hugely detrimental effects U.S. institutional racism and fascism have had on our planet.

The era of western supreme dominance is ending. The period when the western powers could write their own propaganda history of their achievements is ending with it. There will be no more disregarding of their crimes. Even as their media elites try to ban any discussion of them in a cancel culture reminiscent of all fascistic cultures global access to the internet means others will continue to relay the facts. All of us should think how in the dark we would have been kept if there had been no Russia Today, no Max Blumenthal or John Pilger and all the others who communicate the other side of the story. If they had all be expunged and removed by those needing us to be conditioned by their own narratives where would we be now?

The corrupt elites of the West are losing control not only of the narrative but of their sources of power, both economic and political. They are losing what is today loosely called their diplomatic reach. In truth they have no diplomacy within them any longer. Since 9/11 they have made only demands in a war they are waging to stay relevant, stay dominant and continue their push for a total global reach that is disintegrating before their eyes.

We exist on the cusp of a new time. The old western order is dying and with its death a new era is rising that will not be in any way reliant on the brutality inherent in the dying empire’s insane institutions. The slate will be wiped clean of the old empire’s self-perpetuating paranoia based as it was on both a racist and fascistic outlook of us and them, the pure and the unclean, the superior and the inferior. A civilization is in prospect where tolerance of diversity, not hate of it are key. Agreements will be paramount, not aggression. Dialogue will be the way forward, not demands. A new warmth among sovereign nations safe from arbitrary attack and invasion will emerge to replace the constant threat of western wars of choice.

And America’s institutional insanity of vile racism and fascistic criminality will be forced back to its impotent mental cages in quarantine where at last it can no longer savage our world.

1 comment:

  1. Суверенные государства - ложное представление о Промысле Бога и очередное разделение. Всё от Бога и поэтому всё едино и под его Повелением. Суверенные государства - ложное представление о Промысле Бога и очередное разделение. Основная масса населения не осознаёт кто они и где они. Только Божественный Мировой Порядок создаст достаточные условия для осознания, самоопределения и реализации возможностей.



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