VALDIMIR PUTIN 2000 -> 2007 -> 2021 -> WHAT'S NEXT?
The only surprise is that it has taken so long to reach this point where Biden insanely agrees that Vladimir Putin is a "killer" and in previous times asserted that "he has no soul".
The die was cast in Munich on February 14th 2007 when Vladimir Putin gave an address to assembled western elites in which he made two things very clear, firstly that under his watch at least, Russia would work in unison with western partners in response to global threats such as nuclear proliferation. This offer of cooperation was subsequently seen of little to no consequence due to the impact of Putin’s second major point. This being that he saw the U.S.-expected movement toward a unipolar world as inherently anti-democratic and was not at all in favor of it. In addition to this latter point he made it very clear that Russia would follow her own path based on her national interests working within a multi-polar world.
This I believe was the point where the entire group-thought permeated western world turned completely against Vladimir Putin. Until this point relations had been good, rosy even. George W. Bush praised Putin stating he saw a good soul in his eyes, Putin met with the Queen of England and was given a good reception everywhere he went. From 2000 to 2007 Putin and Russia were almost flavor of the month. Then came Munich.
It was after Munich that a blizzard of hatchet job articles appeared which continue to this day. Was this coincidence? I very much doubt it.
The USA was shaken to its elite roots on 9/11. The primary resulting decision which was made in the urgent deliberations which followed is quite clear; that America must have no enemies, that they must all be neutralized. More than that it must work to neutralize all factors, groups, individuals or nations that might potentially pose a threat of any kind. I emphasize ANY kind. This was to include action against ANY, even somewhat negative connotation, policy or opinion. Nothing was to be left to chance, a full scale all-pervasive, multi-target totally open-ended operation was to flag 100% of all entities caught within the net of categories mentioned. And further, no moral, ethical of legal barriers were to be raised against any action deemed necessary to neutralize these entities.
Putin simply fell very clearly into one of the categories on the 10th of February 2007. And obviously so.
There was no debate upon it. All the force of the solutions agreed upon throughout the intelligence and security apparatus of the USA and all of its allies was applied. Not only this, but post 9/11 editors and staff of all mainstream news outlets whether screen or print came to know that their compliance with the agreed post-9/11 protocols were required. Whether this was a formal requirement by some back channel or brought about through self-censorship, self-interest or war mode compliance through an assumed stance is unknown. But this entire panoply of effective force from the political through the diplomatic to the media was unified as one. Putin was effectively public enemy number one from Munich onward.
Putin however had very good reasons for his statement in 2007, reasons that he could not and would not set aside. The safety and sovereignty of Russia were his primary concerns. How could he possibly drop these in favor of U.S. requirements for a world that was 100% safe for it to the exclusion of almost every other consideration?
Subsequently we see Putin becoming ever more of a target the longer he remained in office. The tactics used against him increased in the level of outright aggression both in terms of rhetoric and special operations.
Putin was increasingly framed as a criminal, a thief and even a murderer. It was asserted that he plotted the disruption of the social networks of the West, the undermining of western democracy and values and, in 2016 a plot to instigate major electoral interference to have Donald Trump win the presidency. Then came the Skripals, later Navalny. The Skripals came just before the Russian World Cup and presidential elections in Russia. Who gained? Certainly not Russia and why use such a Russia-identified poison? And why use it again on Navalny? If there ever was a “Look, Russia did this!” event it was this one. Instead of bumping either the Skripals or Navalny off in a much less Russia-identifiable way, it was done to clearly be identified with as many Russia-harming headlines as possible.
Before anyone says western agencies wouldn’t do such a dastardly thing perhaps read some of the Snowdon papers on the CIA being able to make any hack identifiable to whichever nation it required to be named guilty. Look at the record of false flag events that took the lives of many more than one or two.
By the point we reach the Skripals and Navalny the myriad agents and agencies given the task of the global neutralization program initiated post 9/11 must have been getting truly desperate on the subject of Putin. he had already disrupted the Syria program to unseat Assad. he was not taking the right tack on Maduro and Venezuela. He was in a reasonable relationship with Iran. He was proving an even bigger threat than he did in 2007 and he seemed on course to build an ever closer relationship with China, a China that was in fact the main piece of the opposition chessboard pieces.
Libya had been taken down after Afghanistan and Iraq. Syria was supposed to follow. Then Iran. Russia was proving a formidable barrier to the remaining chess pieces. The way to the ultimate regime change of China was being barred and this was utterly intolerable.
The NSA was well on the way to a global surveillance overview. Space Corps would bring this to fruition. NATO was encircling Russia with assistance from a well-subsidised, well-bribed bevy of Baltic States. Progress was being made in pressuring China in the South China Sea. The United Nations was all but in the pocket of the U.S. but for the usual suspects. Britain was onside as ever. But this Russian Putin was continuing to stand in the way! He had to be broken.
Meanwhile standard tactics were being applied. Navalny was still of use. Pussy Riot had faded but had been of assistance for a while. The White Helmets in Syria had done good work in bolstering the anti-Assad narrative. The Hong Kong activists had done their best. Tibet was in abeyance for now but there was much to gain through hyping the Xinjiang/Uyghur op to the max.
The core program was to whittle down the outliers while still getting the Putin, Russia and China teams operating at maximum capacity, constantly receiving whatever funds were required to bribe, threaten cajole or blackmail those necessary to mount a concerted front against the main and secondary targets.
The elites of the western world had already been at war with many entities before 9/11 as part of the general exceptionalist ideal that is baked in as an integral part of the American soul but after 9/11 it for rocket boosters under it.
This unannounced war and the attendant war mode that all primary social, political and media elites are all fully signed on to continues and will continue until a final and very conclusive victory is reached... or the recognition of a humbling but undeniable defeat.
If the elites of the USA and their allies achieve victory then we will not simply have a unipolar world we will have a de facto prison planet. There will not be any reversion to trust by the USA as a safeguard of any kind even if all entities have indeed been subdued and totally neutralized, removed long since from office and ‘our people’ put in their place. No, that will not be sufficient. Constant monitoring will be required globally and even individually (if deemed necessary) to ensure the USA stays 100% safe.
If, as I suspect is almost inevitably going to be the case, as the West declines economically and China rises, it will eventually become clear to the U.S. elites commanding the heights where the 9/11 protocols are sacrosanct that there is no way short of the use of tactical nuclear weapons to achieve the goals set in those protocols. If our world gets past this stage and with China having the greater influence within the European, African and other continental dominance elsewhere the conclusion the post 9/11 protocols are lost will slowly gain the resignation required in Washington and Whitehall.
The prison planet scenario will have been avoided and though their patrician dominance is lost, the elites of the USA, UK and elsewhere within the orbit of western influence will hopefully gradually see that a safe world has nevertheless been born by the rise and rise of China, not as a patrician conqueror but as a goodwill trader and dealer in considered and intelligent judgement seeking agreement instead.
And what of Putin? Perhaps still there as president at this not too distant time, certainly still smiling, still willing to communicate and agree, to welcome the elites who once sought to destroy him to sit down and talk.
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