Sunday, 11 April 2021


A very black pot is calling a rather pristine kettle black.

Western elites with their hands soaked in the blood of hundreds of thousands of victims over the last few years is calling China names.

Apparently quite oblivious to China’s growing power the western hypocrites attempt to crank up their propaganda against China in any way they can find.

Poking the Russian bear was not enough for them it seems (Russian sentiment against the West’s elites is more negative now than at any time during the Cold War.) But China is a far more dangerous case of seeming national suicide for the West than Russia. China has an array of weapons it no doubt wishes not to use, but undoubtedly will if it has to.

The West is clearly banking on the same ultra-arrogant misuse of its considerable power that it has wielded in so many crimes of its coalitions against humanity seen since 9/11 in the Middle East. It’s elites conceives themselves superior and invincible, able to topple leaders and undermine entire nations at will, completely impervious to criticism and totally immune from prosecution.

Western elites no doubt think they have nothing to lose and everything to gain from attacking China. They can see the end of their supremacy looming large on the horizon and it is China that will ‘bring it on’. Centuries of being top dogs have habituated western elites to having overwhelming power over others, able to direct and dictate waving its big stick in a constant threat of violence if it is not obeyed.

China, far from seeking confrontation is seeking to foster cooperation and the connections that lead to greater understanding, willingness to trade and the discovery of common ground. China is upgrading her part of the world in preparation for a world of connective activity where stability through tolerance and diversity is continually reinforced. For this China needs stability above all else. Benefiting the Chinese people can only be fostered and forwarded by creating a reliable foundation for trade where reliability and solid agreements build ongoing trust.

But all of the positives above are seen as negative and existential threats by the elites of the western world and their hyper-capitalist promoting friends of the corporate hierarchy. They demand that these developments be stopped, weakened, hindered at every stage and if possible destroyed. All for their exclusive self-interest. They say all is fair in love and war. Whoever coined this phrase ought to have added business also. This as seen by those in the West pushing the current war against China.

Playground bullies who have continually dominated their schoolmates without let or hindrance find it enraging when a new boy (or girl) emerges unwilling to take their shit and who faces up to them, ending their reign. So it is with a pathetic, entitled, ego-fueled West spoiled rotten by being the World’s bully for generations.

Each day we hear the lies of the propagandizer quorum of the West. These minions labor continually in a network of lie factories, planning and engineering new weapons of mass deception with which to sully the name of China. The political tools used rely on a western mainstream media totally invested in distributing each lie faithfully to audiences of millions,  one-sided tales of activities by China encouraging the world’s utmost disdain, disgust, and hate-fueled revulsion.

Grossly false allegations are made with impunity, patently false assertions of genocide, involuntary sterilization, forced labor and so-called concentration camps gain traction. Such claims made by the most dubious of sources, lying through their teeth, are accepted almost as holy writ, with zero investigation into their verity. Those investigative journalists who take the time to look into these claims in detail and then point out that they are false are framed as 'genocide deniers’. The campaign to denigrate China is extremely well funded with a powerful cadre of anti-China ‘troops’ constantly ready to attack all truth-tellers.

In its dying years the terminally weakened animal of the West is lashing out at those in its delusionary state it perceives as its enemies. This fog of self-engendered lies is all it sees. Reality has receded completely from its gaze, replaced by the horror of an all-pervasive threat to its existence, an existence the West founded on terror, exploitation, threat and ultra-violence.

The West cannot confront the imminence of its demise. Its power-junkies are riven by paroxysms of terror at the prospect of its fix becoming unavailable. The power granted by their terrorizing and exploiting of the world in their triumphant racist arrogance is being taken from them. Their hysteria is ALL they feel along with the desperate need to do ANYTHING to stave off the moment of their power’s total dissolution.

So, in their dying years they now attack Russia, China and a host of others. They do their very best to create a miasma of division and destructive misery, warmongering with diplomacy completely dispensed with and every form of power still left to them used as a lethal weapon..

But Covid has gripped the UK and USA, the two dying animals that in the constitute the two most feral animals of the western world. It has reduced them to near collapse exposing the most vulnerable aspects of their pseudo-democractic sewer system of governance. This karmic comeuppance is of course harming their general populations while its elites remain largely unaffected. Its elites are the primary criminals who ought to pay the ultimate penalty for their crimes, not their civilian populations.

China took speedy and effective action and is now emerging from the effect of the virus with renewed strength and vitality. She will see new wonders created and bring more and more of the Chinese people up from abject poverty as she has done over the last thirty years for one hundred million and more. The West meanwhile languishes in a terminal inefficiency that will be drag it continually down from here on, skewered by debt, riven by division, plagued by racism, dogged forever by elitism and crucified by its rabid obsession for maintaining dominance at all costs.

The final act of mercy finally putting these dogs of war out of their misery will be performed by China. But not as an act of vengeance. Simply by continuing to trade, continuing to build relationships, to invest solidly in itself and in others, moving forward in a carefully nurtured peace.

Do the Chinese feel a rising anger against the West’s malignant elites? Why would they not?

However, despite the single-minded focus of the Chinese Communist Party on generating wealth and fostering greater happiness and contentment for their people, the wrath of the Chinese people against those waging war on them may be unassuaged.

And this anger, if continually fed by the West, could in the long run prove the even FURTHER undoing of the entire western world.


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