Saturday, 10 April 2021


“If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.”

This is the well known phrase directed at those who complain about the competition being too great for them.

The West can’t stand the heat from China. China is beating western capitalism hands down at its own game.

The West is getting heat stroke in the kitchen of capitalism, but it can’t afford to get out of the kitchen, instead it’s trying to close it down.

Free market capitalism didn’t start in the West, it started where cities first sprang up, around 10,000 years ago in the East, in Mesopotamia. Building a business to produce something and sell it for profit was just a very natural thing to do. You had an excess of something of worth and someone else had an excess of something you could use or needed. When things got too complicated, too bulky, or someone wanted something but didn’t have anything you needed money smoothed things over. The coins used as a guarantee of value were made from something of worth, metal. Metal that could be melted if necessary and stored and used to buy something if not.

The East is the true home of capitalism, commerce and bargaining, not the West. While people in the West lived in rudimentary shelters that the then nomadic hunters and gatherers moved with them or made fresh when they traveled on civilizations had already risen and were trading in the East.

Much, much later with a supremacy complex somehow inbuilt, the elites of the West took an unwarranted aura of superiority out of thin air to themselves and imbued their rather violent and narrow souls with it. Currently they are starting to realize just how far from superior they really are.

And they don’t like it.

They don’t like it one little bit.

For centuries their petulant, Little Hitler egos have told them they  were the crown of creation, God’s people with a stolen religion, saints  permeated by the Devil’s lust for domination, violence and war. They  laid waste where they wanted, stole without compunction, enslaved,  murdered, raped and plundered in a psychopathic, conscience-free lust to  grab and exploit everything they saw in front of them.

Now they stand in shock with glazed, staring eyeballs at the karmic reward for all their avaricious aggression and haughty disdain, for their lording it over those they saw as their inferiors, primitives, peasants and sub-humans to be taken advantage of, their crops burned or stolen, their people enslaved or denounced as savages and informed they must now do as they are told by their new masters. Their new, western masters... who they should carry in sedans, cool with palm fronds, serve by dressing them, cleaning their households, growing their crops and satisfying their lusts.

The tables have turned. The "primitives" who were civilized when you mindlessly defecated in mud huts, the "peasants" who built cities of stone and often shared while you clawed at each other to steal out of ungovernable greed, who developed mathematics, astronomy and philosophy while you fornicated with your livestock... have taken their rightful place again.

Gandhi was once asked what he thought of western civilization.

“I think it would be a good idea”, was his response.

His answer was that it would be a fine thing.

The West didn’t stand much of a chance. It squandered what it learned from the Italian renaissance in an orgy of greed, an innate greed born of a mixture of pig ignorance and a propensity for brute force. The westerners of that time created an artifice that mimicked true wisdom, it was chiefly a copycat function where fine clothes and architectural styles were essentially stolen so a common British lout could look like a nobleman. The mind in question had a degree of stupidity within it that it believed it was what it only modeled itself on. And so the vile need for westerners to demand others see them as superior began. Empty men began to strut and demand obedience from those wiser souls, to make them bow and do them service.

That brutal epoch which reached its peak in the Wests wars in the Middle East waged as ever due to a mix of avarice, greed, criminality and a totally false but overweening sense of superiority and being exceptional, is ending.

The kitchen is going to get very hot indeed for the palefaces of the West. Their cheeks are going to BURN bright crimson. The embarrassment of their defeat is going to be excruciating indeed and the ignominy, utter humiliation and collapse of their totally false status is going to be so VERY richly deserved.

They simply cannot stand the competition. A competition they rigged in favor of themselves time and time again. But a competition that despite all odds against them those of the East will win hands down.

The war is virtually over and it is clear who will win. The thoroughbred that led at first but was hobbled by a half-mad donkey is now leaving its braying competitor far, far behind.


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