The National Endowment for Democracy (NED) is the biggest collective asshole of them all, as you may already know to your cost... especially if you are unlucky enough to live in western Ukraine.
Dear old NED. Otherwise known as the ‘CIA in drag’.
NED: regime change purveyors to all western elites. All your Nihilistic Engineering and Destabilization are catered for!
THE riot support group of choice!
NED never lets a crisis go to waste. Any and all turbulence in target nations will be turned to western advantage in no time!
A spot of arson required, measured doses of Molotov Cocktails on cops heads, the very same beaten by way of bricks, chains or clubs? Perhaps a few corpses conveniently gunned down to keep the party going?
NED is discreet, always behind the scenes, happily manipulating while Rome burns.
And the best part of it all is... It’s all for a good cause. NED is busy spreading of freedom and democracy! ‘Course it is...
Ain’t that just so selflessly nice of them? To spend $millions just to set people free?
Awwwwwww... doesn’t it just warm the cockles of your heart?
Not quite as much as the cops on Maidan had under their melting helmets of course. A little more comfortable than hair-burning and skin-scalding hot, yep?
Also always standing by is the ever-helpful George Soros’ ‘Open Society’.
They will assist you in opening up YOUR society to gun totin’ rioter folks. They are ever-helpful in that regard, nothing is too much trouble. OS can outdo NED once in a while doncha know? If your nation qualifies by being one of top ten nations for good old regime change as listed at the State Department you’re in lick! OS is always standing by ready to set your nation on fire, train your dissidents and let you so you know exactly how to cause most trouble for all those uncooperative authority figures you may wish to torch.
George is SUCH a nice guy, freedom-loving and law-abiding... well distanced from the front line forces who help pro-democracy activists needing a helping hand subverting their government or president.
Both NED and OS have the big bucks to give you the edge over whatever societal norms and authorities may exist wherever you are world wide. Just give ‘em a call!
Lebanon, Myanmar, Syria, Yemen, Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, Iraq, Russia, China... you name it.
While the CIA works tirelessly with Mossad to light a few freedom fires under western foes NED and OS cover igniting of a few blazes of their own under their political structures. They cover the drones and destruction... we see to the destabilization. We’re a double act you see!
The double whammy can set some of those nations on the right kind of dwindling spiral that makes them open right up to some of the good old freedom and democracy. Just what the doctor... or at least the State Department, ordered. It’s a service to humanity, right?
Wherever necessary we can always call on our second team. They deal with any danger of bad PR. They soon get public focus and attention back over to where it should be, on those we just kicked massively in the gut. Human Rights Watch (Human Rat Waste) and Shamnesty are always happy to oblige with a few stories that provide the right perspective.
Then there’s the OPCW, the Optical Piss-Artists, Cunts and Wankers who can always be relied on to stick it ONCE AGAIN to those we have just given ANOTHER massive kicking right into the groin. They never let us down, ever. Even if a few of them turn straight and start truth-telling. They get matched out and shot, immediately.
If backup is called for there are a plethora of others who can lend a hand, those at NATO, assorted diplomats, academics, ex- and serving five-star generals, a prime minister and a president or two. Ever wonder why virtually the entire western world thinks as it does? Now you know!
Overarching all this good work and selfless democracy manufacture we know we can always count on MSM (Misinformation, Shit and Mayhem) to deliver any amount of soporific doses to those sheep looking in hoping for direction. In Syria its lovingly channeled in by The Shite Helmets and as many asstivists could ever possibly need. It all works a treat and there’s never a problem with funding. Nope! Never, EVER the slightest problem with funding.
We get nice big checks in regularly from those nice folks over at the Military Industrial Complex (MIC) and Wall Street so no need to worry on that score. Then there are the bottomless budgets of the State Department and Foreign Office. They top us up nicely any time we need it.
Hey, undermining governments can be a costly business, so you’ll find our websites asking you for additional contributions. Look, our junkets, assorted seminars, five-star presentations, office parties, black site upkeep and team-building exercises cost a pretty penny you know!
So... won’t you let us help you help others?
There’s a whole world out there needing deliverance from despotism and bombed or burned to accept the freedom and democracy they deserve!
We are the guys to do it.
Please give generously. Thank you!!!
Friday, 16 April 2021
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