The political elites of the USA, supported by the media elites of that nation are on a course set to create a disaster for our world.
With policies that brook no compromise it appears certain the USA will continue its recent track record of disastrous worldwide interventions, covert and overt destabilizations and ultra-violent interference.
I predict this will have no end until most of the world is in chaos
I strongly suspect that the set in stone goals agreed after 9/11 are to be taken to a final conclusion. Not that 'full spectrum dominance' by the USA can be attained but equally the goals and directions set post-9/11 cannot be refuted, even questioned. In the minds of the elites there the absolute security of the USA in perpetuity hangs on accomplishing them come what may. What will come of course, as ever when the U.S. acts in bullheaded manner, is continuing chaos, human misery, death and destruction. And this time worse than ever before.
I am convinced those at the top of the political power structure in Washington believe they have no choice and that their hands are totally bound by what was decided as the USA’s irrevocably foreign policy in the days after 9/11. I am certain they feel they have zero authority to change the protocols set at that time for any reason whatsoever and that the policy of regime change MUST continue to its logical conclusion.
Despite the almost uniformly disastrous results emerging from almost every regime change war carried out so far this I am sure doesn’t present a barrier of any kind to proceeding with more. And they have indeed been proceeding with several more since and continue to do so.
The regime change wars using a diverse armory of economic, cyber, psychological and subversive weaponry are progressing daily against Iran, Syria, Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua, Russia and China. Plus, without doubt several more on different scales of activity within Africa, Europe, Asia and Latin America.
Any belief that the exposure of lies that followed the regime change in Iraq would disqualify the policy or that the failure of the USA to achieve regime change in Syria would wreck the USA’s plans were and are mistaken.
The object is not necessarily to achieve the takeover of nations by U.S. friendly entities. If this proves possible obviously this will be a major bonus. But we can see in the case of Syria where the USA and its allies unleashed tens of thousands of extremist militants in the country complete with training, financing, transport and weaponry that end result foreseen was not that of a U.S.-friendly regime in place at the end of the campaign. It was enough that the nation be significantly weakened. Perhaps only as a first step for mopping up at some (perhaps much) later date... but at any rate a primary goal.
We can see this sub-goal of significant weakening at work in several locations in recent times. In respect of Venezuela sanctions and financial weapons have been used for years now. At least forty thousand deaths have been attributed to these and the squeeze on the economy of Venezuela goes relentlessly on.
Trump restarted the sanctions against Iran and his policies are being continued by the Biden administration. There is a spurious offer on the table regarding the question of iran’s nuclear development from the U.S. that purports to offer a way back to the nuclear deal broken by Trump but Biden is setting new conditions which he knows cannot be agreed by Iran. Meanwhile the entire nation is made to suffer, weakening its internal cohesion and driving the Iranian people into poverty and despair.
The U.S. elites with the compliance of their allies in Britain and Europe have their eyes on several other regime change targets other than those above. Syria is to be kept impoverished and unable to rebuild after a decade of war. Its own oil is being siphoned off by the U.S. military and the proceeds, without doubt used to finance further insurrections there or elsewhere in the region.
Libya was reduced from being one of the most stable and broadly secular as well as economically successful nations in Africa. Via the NATO campaign against it it is now a nation of chaos, weak and ever more weakened by interminably internal conflict. It really doesn’t matter much who takes over to western elites, as long as the nation remains weak. Naturally a west-friendly puppet government would be optimum for them, but as long as Libya can be kept weak that will do.
Iraq is in a similar situation. It once prided a health care and education system free for all and without any prejudice regarding the sex of those being cared for or studying. It was a predominantly secular state running on broadly socialist principles. Now it is a fragmented and constantly chaotic mix of power-grabs, religious enmity and potential for violent outbreaks with services a shadow of what they once were.
The primary interest of the USA was to see all major nations of the Middle East collapse in repeated disruption events bringing a chaotic collapse of previously quite stable systems of governance. Strong leadership, even authoritarian leadership (as seen in Saudi Arabia) is not a problem for U.S. elites where these are fully compliant with U.S. goals and ambitions in the region. But complete anarchy, chaos and a catastrophic breakdown of law, order and state services is actively sought elsewhere.
The Middle East, already a seat of great tension due to the Israeli-Palestinian question has been taken to ever more dangerous levels of fragmentation in recent years, a fragmentation where increasing poverty and desperation can give birth to ever more criminal and terrorist activity.
Though efforts by the U.S. elites to keep all nations in the Middle East in turmoil (except those favored by them) attention has shifted to some degree to other targets. Russia, which has been a target since at least 2007 in her new incarnation and increasingly China.
Efforts to instigate chaos in these two nations and instill weakness is in progress using a variety of means, some of which are simply variations on successful themes of the past.
The various means to generate a significant disruption within these nations or any nation the U.S. elites wish to weaken and if possible totally subvert include the sanctions mentioned before (always using spurious or semi-spurious justifications). These are the most clear cut examples within the weakening process. It is not their aim however to correct the asserted abuses. They are simply a means to generate as much discontent in the target nation to stimulate the greatest degree of chaos and disruption as possible while assisting in the general demonization process of the nation involved.
As George Orwell once said, “The war is not meant to be won, it is meant to be continuous”.
Russia and China are being tarred with the same brush in this respect. The power of propaganda has never waned since the Nazis, expert proponents of it saw how minds could be easily manipulated if the propaganda was simplistic enough and was endlessly repeated.
Hence we get Navalny in Russia, a racist hatemonger and egotistical self-publicist portrayed in the West as a hard done by freedom-lover and democrat, terribly abused by a criminally repressive state.
Hence we get any and every issue to do with either Russia or China that can be framed negatively used in 100% unbalanced and cynical form to create maximum outrage in the West and the very same in the target nation if at all possible.
In Hong Kong and Xinjiang in China a wholly false picture is generated through the use of anti-Chinese activists who are more than willing on very good U.S. NGO pay to create spurious reports of heinous atrocities that never did and never will exist. These are taken at face value by western elites and media alike and broadcast, not fact-checked in any way to the vacant western public mind and repeated ad nauseum by all the most trusted political and news sources. Still trusted mind you by a great many even after all the lies that have gone before generating the war, chaos and weakening of sovereign nations we have seen in the past.
The activists who hate the nations and systems of governance in question are excellent conduits that place the western elites at one remove from the lies generated. People who should not be trusted to state their own names accurately are used to write reports claiming exactly what western elites need them to in order to achieve their goals. And western media is only too happy to oblige in transferring the spurious facts in these reports as holy, unquestioned truth and objective facts.
In this way, proceeding now the USA and its allies will generate never-ending disruption on a world stage desperately requiring a greater degree of stability with which to find a unity of purpose in the face of the present threat of the Covid-19 pandemic and the future threats to come such as that of climate change.
These nations aligned together to destroy others comprise a violently brutal wrecking force, a combined lethal juggernaut creating destruction where only demands and no diplomacy need apply. The level of irresponsibility displayed goes beyond the power of words to convey. The end result cannot possibly be less than a level of chaos, death, misery and destruction greater than anything seen previously.
While looking out over a world half in flames, desperation and weakness bringing vulnerability to all manner of threats to it... will western elites be dismayed by what they have done?
I predict they will not. They will see the decline of all they survey, the inherent weakness and disorder of every nation they had long sought to bring to this condition, as a success.
This achieved they can now initiate the last steps of their plan. Using all the means at their disposal across land, sea, air and space they will then assert their will and enforce their control. The final goal, set after 9/11 to ensure the perpetual security of the United States of America by eliminating all entities not in compliance with the needs of the USA will then be within their grasp.
Thursday, 1 April 2021
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