Thursday, 1 April 2021


It has long been considered wise to talk with those you consider to be your enemies. By doing so you have the possibility to reconcile some of the issues which divide you.

Firing accusations, threats and demands back and forth creates the opposite scenario, increasing the gap, emphasizing differences leading to making them irreconcilable.

As Winston Churchill once said, “It is better to jaw-jaw than war-war”.

So why are the elites of both the USA and UK preferring to ‘war-war’ in regard to Russia and China?

What could be the reasons they have for doing ‘the wrong thing’?

Why would they be so insane as to encourage increased misunderstand and division potentially leading to a complete breakdown in relations and a war of some kind?

It wasn’t even like this at the height of the Cold War between the West and the Soviet Union. Discussions and meetings took place at all levels to iron out differences between the two sides for the sake of the entire world.

Now diplomacy is all but dead.

What made the difference?

In my considered opinion only one event can cast a shadow large enough to make this kind of fundamental change in attitude to relations with those considered adversaries if not enemies.


Nine Eleven marked the day U.S. immunity from acts of war on its soil ended.

This event cannot possibly be overestimated in regard to its effects on western elites.

Previous to this event a whole raft of self-awarded, self-congratulatory, self-perpetuating and thoroughly deceiving memes, myths and group-thought notions were taken completely for granted:

1. The elites of the USA and her allies represented the pinnacle of goodness in the world.

2. The elites of the USA and her allies were wholly of selfless good intent to all.

3. The western world and its values were the highest possible aspiration for all nations.

4. The USA in particular was the exceptional example of perfect governance worldwide.

5. The mission of the USA and her allies was to bring freedom and democracy to all.

6. The right of the USA and her allies to interfere anywhere at anytime was God-given.
Suddenly, on 9/11 the saintly USA was attacked by an ungrateful world that not only did not accept 1-6 above but rejected them outright. A new meme was invented to cater for this:

Evil people envious of 1-6 above and jealous of the freedom and democracy enjoyed by the USA had acted with no justification whatsoever.

No account was taken of previous actions of the USA that might cause others to seek to harm it. This could be easily avoided as it was considered that the USA had never done any harm to anyone... ever. All that had been done, in Vietnam, Korea, across Latin America and elsewhere had all been done with only the best, selfless motives in mind and purely for the good of all.

This tied everything up in a nice red, white and blue bow for all U.S. elites and all citizens of the USA who felt no need to worry about these matters because they had perfect faith in the honorable nature of their superiors, that they acted only in everyone’s best interests at all times.

Coups, assassinations, infiltration, subversion, torture, death squads, demonization... all thoroughly acceptable due to the unquestioned aim to do good, to bring freedom and democracy with not an iota of self-interest involved.

Is this attitude wrong-headed? I would say so. However, if you are a typical American “patriot” who salutes the flag, supports the police and military on every issue and above all else believes 1-6 above at all times you would not agree in the slightest. And this is the point of view reflected all across the elite superstructure of the entire western world. Reflected too since 9/11 right across western mainstream media.

This could be encapsulated in a single phrase:

“The might of the West is always right.”


And if people die as a result of the West’s pursuit of the goals of bringing freedom, democracy and western values to the world then... it happened only by mistake, never intent or through mistaken policies that led to war and not reconciliation.

Reconciliation  has not been sought since 9/11. What HAS been sought is elimination.

Elimination of any and all entities that are not fully compliant with the USA being the dominant power in a unipolar world where it can monitor, control and interfere as it wishes 24/7 in perpetuity.

You cannot eliminate by diplomacy. Diplomacy leaves your chosen target for elimination in place. Diplomacy, when elimination is the goal, is a hindrance and not a benefit to you.

Thus, post 9/11, diplomacy has been completely omitted as a tool with which to ensure a safer world. We are now on an all or nothing course which is nothing less than the complete elimination of all entities the elites of the USA and West believe are a threat to global U.S. supremacy.

‘War-War’, not ‘Jaw-Jaw’ has been the sole agenda for the West and continues to be so to this day. Until the post-9/11 protocols demanding total U.S. domination and oversight globally are achieved there will be no true diplomacy engaged in.

Any attempts by European politicians to engage the Russian Federation in meaningful talks in an atmosphere of mutual respect will result in those politicians being blacklisted and campaigned against. Any and all activities of the Russian federation which may result in better relations with the West such as the development of the Sputnik V vaccine against Covid-19 will be downplayed, ignored or criticized by means of negative statements or outright propaganda.

Russia (and increasingly China) is treated in the same manner as Nazi Germany at the outset of World War 2. The elites of the West have fully assumed a war mode posture of total opposition where no compromise is contemplated let alone allowed. Only the means to achieve total victory over the enemy are considered, nothing else. All else is seen as the act of traitors, an abomination to be abhorred, rooted out and publicly pilloried.

This is considered the right and proper way to act by western politicians and the elites of western mainstream media. The enemies are demons and devils, sub-human animals undeserving of the slightest praise, ghouls, villains, murderous beasts where it is inconceivable that there could be common ground and a constant anathema is felt toward the very thought of seeking such a thing.

Call it 'The Forever War’, ‘The Cold War ver. II, 'The End Game’ or ‘The Ice Cold War' (as I do) or 'The Infinite Game’ (as it was described by a U.S. elite source recently) or any other form of words... ultimately it is 'World War III’ as it is being waged right here and right now.


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