The Biden administration has had a difficult decision to make.
As China becomes an ever-greater economic power, overcoming the pandemic, the USA heads into an economic black hole.
If Washington continues to attack Moscow, Russia will grow ever closer to China and China’s defenses will be strengthened Just when the USA needs to weaken them.
If Washington makes somewhat friendlier overtures to Moscow it may not feel the need to connect quite so wholeheartedly with Beijing... though the hour is late for such a change of heart.
The economic damage caused by the pandemic and the continued rise of China has put the USA between a rock and a hard place.
There is now a need to retrench, to bring troops home and reduce expenses, to find ways to regroup all forces of power and tighten up the relationship with all allies worldwide.
It is a last-gasp strategy at best, quite possibly already too late with Russia fully committed and having no trust left whatsoever concerning Washington, its promises of talks or proposed agreements.
Biden has proposed a personal meeting with Putin very shortly after issuing mortal insults against him. Officials between the two countries are having talks. The no-brainer plan is clearly to split Russia from China if at all possible.
Is it possible that we have are reaching the end of Washington’s stream of invective and accusation against Vladimir Putin and the Russian state?
China will soon be totally invulnerable to North America. It is already virtually impermeable. The door is closing fast and Russia is almost inside.
Can the USA grab Russia and pull her back at the last moment?
It is extremely unlikely but this appears to be the desperate strategy we may be starting to play itself out now.
Russia playing along will have to be offered something big, something very tangible, rock solid and nothing easily subject to a break of trust and betrayal. The USA has proven to be totally untrustworthy for decades now. Why should Russia trust it now? What could possibly be offered to make her stand outside the welcome door to China rather than slam it shut on Washington?
Tuesday, 4 May 2021
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