There are without doubt a great many very real human rights abuses going on around the world and even cases of what could be called genocide. This latter term however is not to be used lightly as the term would certainly be cheapened by overuse.
The number of locations around the world where human rights abuses are taking place is likely to be very large. (Perhaps Julian Assange could tell us?)
Where however do we hear of most often in this context?
Currently, I think you will agree, it is China.
I wonder if you consider this to be wholly coincidental?
Russia and China have been consistently named as “adversaries” in the official state security reports of western nations, primarily the USA and UK for some time now.
These days China is tending to take over from Russia as primary whipping boy and scapegoat in terms of human rights abuses. Perhaps the somewhat similar situations of Alexei Navalny and Julian Assange is a little too close for comfort?
It has been “Russia! Russia! Russia!” for the past four years or so, now it is shaping up to be “China! China! China!” for the next four.
You will have heard repeatedly that China is, quite out of the blue, attacking one of its minorities, the Uyghur (or Uighur) people of the Xinjiang Province with reportedly genocidal intent. The use of the word 'genocide’ will without doubt bring associations with the Nazi and the Holocaust in mind for most people who have not had the time, interest or knowledge of where to look to think of it in any different way.
There is much to say about this subject. However, can I give you two intial facts here at the outset.
1. You may recall that for many years the Chinese Communist Party had a one-child per family policy. The Uyghur families as well as all other minorities were totally exempt from this policy. The intent was to expand, not diminish these populations.
2. Every significant official signpost, whether that be street signs or those in the Metro systems in the cities of Xinjiang, every single one of them, are in Uyghur script as well as the usual Chinese language (and most of the time also in English.
On this second point, you can easily confirm it as a young Canadian of Chinese heritage has visited several locations in Xinjiang where genocide is supposed to be taking place. I will add a link to one of his six videos below.
Max Blumenthal, arguably North America’s most knowledgeable and indefatigable investigative reporter has reported extensively on the claims that the Uyghur population of Xinjiang is suffering human rights abuses and genocidal policies. I cannot recommend his reports highly enough. Max has exposed how the vast majority of the reports being used by western allies to make these false charges stem from the work of one man, a Christian fanatic and virulent China-hater, Adrian Zenz.
As in this case along with other regime change operations in recent times it has proven useful to distance western intelligence agencies from the source of the kind of distortions and outright fabrications which can be very effective in undermining the so-called “adversaries” of the West. This is an additional level on top of already existing CIA cut outs such as the ‘National Endowment for Democracy’.
Max Blumenthal debunks US accusation of China's 'genocide' against Uighurs:
Adrian Zenz is a completely untrustworthy source and Max Blumenthal has gone to great lengths to point out that it only takes a relatively cursory examination of his printed material to see this.
Yet, such is the state of play among western nations fighting for their continued survival as global top dogs that such things as using accurate facts and having real evidence is completely secondary to having powerful motifs with which to influence western minds.
So many in the West are now otherwise employed and find that more than a shallow understanding of current geopolitical events is either too much for them, too overwhelming for them or simply not worth their effort. The era of the sound byte and headline surfers appears here to stay. And western state elites are very aware of this fact and use it relentlessly. Having western mainstream media news in your pocket relaying your believable lies hardly hurts in this endeavor.
So, what are the actual facts in relation to the Uyghur (Uighur) population in Xinjiang?
1. Around eight years ago the Xinjiang province was riven by multiple grotesque acts of terrorism. Hundreds of everyday civilians died as a result of bombings and vehicles driving full speed into crowds.
2. Most of the terrorist attacks talked of above were by two types of persons:
a. Wahhabi-influenced cultists who had been infected by Saudi Arabia, some of whom had been additionally motivated by fathers who fought against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan. Others had returned from fighting alongside other terrorists and anti-government proxy forces in Syria.
b. There has been a secessionist movement in Xinjiang province for a great many years now. Historically the region has gone from one cultural allegiance to another over centuries if not millennia. A proportion of the Uighur population are engaged in a violent campaign to create an independent state. The proponents have been engaged in multiple terrorist acts to bring this about.
3. The majority of Muslims in Xinjiang are believers in standard Islam, not Wahhabism and are unaffected by the measures the Chinese Communist Party is taking to re-educate those who pose a threat to the entire population of the province and beyond.
4. Not all Uyghur people speak Chinese as spoken across most of China, not by any means. This is part of the overall problem. China’s economy has experienced exponential growth over the past thirty years but the Uyghur people have not been able to benefit fully due to this factor. The Chinese authorities are attempting to correct this.
5. Activists have portrayed the re-education camps set up to perform the tasks of vocational training, language classes, de-programming of jihadist beliefs and general embracing of Uighur people into Chinese society... as concentration camps.
6. The estimates of number of Uyghur people within these camps has been wildly exaggerated due to the method used to estimate them. Some small amount of data regarding the numbers involved in a village or two was extrapolated out giving enormous numbers which are scarcely credible. Another method which was used was to use satellite photography of the province and categorize any large new builds under the heading of these camps. The actual use of these camps as industrial infrastructure or any other use was discounted.
7. Far from seeking to eliminate the Uyghur people the Chinese authorities have sought to attract tourism to the province based on the very unique and colorful culture of the Uyghur people along with their special cuisine. It has no sense that they would seek to eliminate the culture altogether? What possible reason could they in fact have for doing this?
8. The Uyghur people are having children as normal in Xinjiang. You can see this for yourself and just how normal their lives are in general by watching one or more of the videos which the young Canadian made during his time in Xinjiang. I will post one link directly below. You will find others by copying and pasting in the bulk of the title he uses for each one in their various parts.
No attempt is being made to discover the facts of the allegations made continually by senior officials of the western world. It suits their purposes to merely assert allegations. The Chinese will refute them and have refuted them... however an object of the western elites is also to use the ‘no smoke without fire’ tactic leaving the assertions standing with no real proof or unbiased investigation made. Thus the impression can be given that these accusations are ongoing and uninvestigated due to Chinese intransigence and that therefore nothing the Chinese say can be trusted.
It is a similar technique to that used in the regime change operation in Syria and indeed, more telling than any other, that used by Hitler’s Nazis to view the Jews as a generalized mass of wrong-doing sub-humans. This is precisely what western elites are attempting to achieve in regard to the Chinese and specifically to the Chinese Communist Party and its leader today.
The elites of the western world are in a fight to maintain their very long-held global dominance. For whatever reason they tell themselves this is the reason why China (and latterly Russia) have been designated as “adversaries” requiring to be opposed. Western elites find it utterly unacceptable that what they consider their vital right to control our world geopolitically in perpetuity (and for their own self-interest if truth be told) is in jeopardy through the economic rise of others. Economic growth increases diplomatic reach and influence and this all western elites, in particular those of the USA and UK, the case of China is seen as an existential threat to a perpetual hegemony they conceive to be their birthright.
These are the factors involved. There is almost universal agreement among the ‘Five Eyes’ the main grouping of allies within the western orbit that each useful and believable lie be used against China (and Russia) for the reason given above. Only New Zealand has so far resisted the command that China be accused of genocide in regard to the Uyghur population in Xinjiang.
New Zealand refuses to accuse China of genocide against Uighurs in break with Western allies 5 May, 2021 09:58:
The West is at war to maintain its power over all nations across the world. The elites of the West are in a state of some desperation in this context as China continues to rise while it (especially now due to the Covid-19 pandemic) is falling. This desperation is the genesis of the lies being told concerning the Uyghur population. If it was not them it would be something else, those in Hong Kong, Tibet or elsewhere. With the purveyors of standard narratives in their hands they can enforce and ensure whatever narrative suits their purpose making the entire western world into a grotesque parody of Orwell’s nightmare vision in his world famous novel, '1984'.
And this finally begs the question... what *wouldn’t* the West say about China to weaken her at this moment?
Please find the first of six available videos by a young Canadian man of Chinese heritage who went to Xinjiang to find out what the reality was there as opposed to the hyperbole heard continually in the West:
Wednesday, 5 May 2021
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