How many living in the West believe they live in a true democracy?
How many believe that their politicians work night and day for their benefit rather than for those of corporations, powerfully represented groups and other vested interests?
When they vote every now and then how many truly believe that one party or another will make the differences and instigate the changes they seek?
Yet these politicians have vested in them great power and exercise that power within the western system that is a virtual dictatorship.
The opposition party or parties can object to this or that, they can posture and parade their complaints, but the party in power wields the stick of primary influence and their minions by and large obey their commands.
How much influence does the average westerner feel he or she has over any politician or party?
They can write their views, form a committee, hold meetings, take signatures and protest their cause... but how often do the powers-that-be-take enough notice to make the change(s) they are calling for?
However, the most telling area where the pseudo democracies of the West are exposed to the fullest is in their foreign policies.
Since the Second World War we have seen the elites of the West act in the most aggressively non-democratic way possible, totally ignoring the natural ambition of most people to secure peace.
We have seen endless aggression from the West, and most of all from the elites of the USA who appear to have an unending appetite for interfering in other nations to their detriment.
The elites of the USA, and almost equally so of the UK, have waged an endless war of aggression against other powers in whom they detect a rival or potential threat to their interests. They have paid no notice whatsoever to the calls for peace and reconciliation coming from their populations.
This was most evident in the period before the illegal attack upon and invasion of Iraq. Millions across the western world showed their desire to have their elites avoid war. In a truly democratic system which paid attention to public sentiment western politicians would have adapted their plans to cater for this groundswell of opinion. But did we see any such adaptation of their plans? As we all know well, we did not.
In the United Nations too we saw this dissent from the rush to war and the inevitable deaths of thousands and the irresponsible destruction of an entire nation. Russia, China and France stood together at that time and told of what a totally criminal idea it was to attack and invade Iraq the way the western allies obviously had planned.
‘The then United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan stated in September 2004 that: "I have indicated it was not in conformity with the UN charter. From our point of view and the UN Charter point of view, it [the war] was illegal", explicitly declaring that the US-led war on Iraq was illegal.’ (Wikipedia)
The United Nations was founded on the principle that no nation should wage war on another that had not attacked it first.
The USA and UK flouted the most basic principle of the United Nations by attacking and invading Iraq. They used a series of lies and flawed assessments to make their planned action appear justified. The exact number who died as a result is a matter of argument but the figure is certainly in the hundreds of thousands.
The planned act of supreme irresponsibility and illegality went ahead with devastating and catastrophic results for the entire region. But did we hear an apology or an assurance that no such acts would be seen again? As we know once more, we did not.
What was seen next, far from an apology for getting it so very wrong at the cost of so many lives were several repeat performances in various formats, Libya, Syria and continuing to this day Yemen. (Of course the suffering in Syria goes on with a war where the denial of assistance by the West continues the cruel proxy was conducted there for a decade.)
What fine democratic principles the western elites adhere to in these nations. Their moral compasses readily embrace the dictator monarchs of the Gulf States in seeking to bring down those who do not adhere to their national interests, Yemen being only one case of many. Yet western politicians assert their rightness in each case, quite oblivious to public opinion within their so-called democracies. The lucrative arms trade blinds them to any democratic principles involved.
In the end where exactly can we look for signs that western nations are guided by leaders who are truly guided by democratic principles rather than their so-called defence industries and other corporate clients and donors? Where do we see the benefits of democracy? We see them only as pseudo concepts paraded within the disingenuous propaganda of incessant self-serving western political rhetoric. Pale shadows if that of true democratic principles where the interests of the mass outweigh those of the all-powerful minority.
Western “democracy” is a sham, a mirage, a cardboard cut-out behind which politicians snigger at the gullibility of their populations at being taken in time and time again by the theater of false promises at every election time.
These ever-interfering, bloody-handed, fixed-minded egotists displaying constant arrogance and aggression are far removed from any semblance of democratic intent. These are manipulators, cunning spinners of yarns for public consumption, behind the scenes operators and coordinators of what is best for them and their corporate clients and donor lobbies.
It is not democracy the people of the West experience. It is a deception, a denial of justice and a refusal of true accountability. It is in fact not a democracy at all, it is an all too obvious hardly-hidden dictatorship.
Saturday, 22 May 2021
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