President Theodore Roosevelt’s foreign policy was summed up by him in just a few well known words:
"Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far."
Since his time U.S. presidents and their minions have tended to dispense with the soft speaking part and instead have raised the sound level to a 9 out of 10 at least.
For many decades now it’s been a case of shouting to “DO AS I SAY, NOT AS I DO!” and raking whatever nation was currently in the cross hairs with either real or verbal bullets.
But you say, Americans are such nice people, and yes, I would certainly agree. This has been my experience too. So why then are their presidents and successive administrations along with their chief advisers and intelligence agencies staffed by what appears to be a recurring legion from Hell?
Why indeed?
Perhaps because they conceive of themselves as linked with a permanent umbilical chord to Heaven. And of course the thought never crosses their minds for a nanosecond that they are correctly perceived as the spawn of Satan by almost everyone else but themselves and the most zombiefied of their followers.
It takes real faith and self-assurance to murder one hundred thousand souls based upon believable lies and STILL consider yourself an angelic host of heavenly demigods with the pure light of Jesus flowing from your eyes. What should we say to that? “Exceptional!?”
But look around at the world of western mainstream media news. Do you see U.S. administration figures being quizzed by nightly news show anchors with knitted brows asking hourly how they can justify such conduct? No you do not. You find such people treated with utmost respect and the anchor hardly able to restrain her or himself from asking where the F are we gonna bomb next.
Does something seem slightly off about that to you?
Meanwhile, those two nations (plus France at the time) who said that attacking Iraq was a very bad idea, namely Russia and China are the bad boys on the block. Go figger... as they say in the land of the free. These two are supposed to be doing SO many evil things and many of them to do with human rights. You know there’s something I’ve been wondering... how does the right to life itself figure in this... and maybe the right not to have it taken away from you based on lies? It’s just a thought. As Bill Hicks used to say at times, I’m just sowing seeds.
But I am a troll, am I not? Or am I a bot? At least a Russian agent. One of those mean-minded spirits who wants to undermine all those rock-solid liberal western values such as it’s okay to engage in mass murder if you believe the lies you’re told.
I am surely Putin’s Puppet or Assad’s Apologist. No need to pay me any mind America. I am sure you had a lot more faith in the pussy grabber or the geriatric you have in place now.
I am at least not advocating any violence to anyone. Not like those I used to spar with on the net before the attack on Iraq commenced and for a number of years afterwards. They were the “Kill ‘em all and let God sort ‘em out” crowd. Nice people Americans, yeah? But yes, MOST of them are. A few of them... it’s not so sure. But one thing IS sure, they sure got a lot of self-belief.
It takes quite a bit of that to kill folk. Remember Obama boasting one time that he was good at killing folk. He was such a bundle of laughs at times. The grinning assassin, so adroit, good with words and every Tuesday (I think it was) he’d sign the death list, those who’d be spared a trial but simply blown to bloody pieces by drone that day.
Nice work if you can get it, huh? Apply in Nevada, just a few klicks from Area 51. If you’re lucky you’ll see a drone returning just I did quite recently. It was totally clean. Not a speck of blood on it. Antiseptic. Just like the young blood who operated her watching those little dark figures on a grey background getting splatterd that day.
It was just another day in the empire.
The sanctified, purified, sanitized, indemnified, glorified unholy American empire...
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