Wednesday, 5 May 2021


Almost every North American I have met in my life has tended to be memorable in a good way. Perhaps I have simply been fortunate or perhaps it is the case that the best of America ventures out to see the world. In any event I have found you to be warm people with a strong sense of what’s just, an idealistic people I would say, with strong characters and a tendency toward an open, outgoing, curious and friendly character, willing to chat and pass the time of day on subjects of mutual interest.

But oh your politicians! They are a different breed entirely. They stimulate in me a phrase I coined for myself for such creatures long ago... “They don’t remind me of human beings”, not proper, full-blooded, natural-talking human beings. They more make me think of cold-blooded automatons, utterly flawed and untrustworthy faulty units (a well-loved phrase of a good friend of mind also coined to describe such cretinous creatures).

Where did these creatures of the night emerge from, which slime-ridden, noxious swamp of a 3rd rate Hollywood schlock-horror epic? They could pass for lizard men and women fresh from a 1950s era creeping blood-gurgling monster fest movie that used to appear on the screens of outdoor cinemas in god-forsaken dives in the Midwest. ‘The Mental Midgets that ate America’.

They would be funny if they weren’t so very murderous, so very quick to create tiny quivering bloody pieces out of innocent men, women and children trying to eke out a living in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, The Sudan or Yemen...

Obama epitomises the most cold-blooded but outwardly affable of the breed. He appears like someone you could grow fond of as a next door neighbor, doing all the right things, appearing warm and friendly, clapping you on the back with a merry quip. Then go muzzel his pet of choice before staring directly into its eyes as he rips its head off. The smiling assassin and Nobel Peace Prize winner at play.

But not one is any better than the other when you look a little deeper into their psyches. Not Carter, not Reagan with their support of death squads in Nicaragua, not Bush senior with his first foray into Iraq to save the royal family of group dictatorship in Kuwait. Certainly not monkey-boy Bush junior with his bald-headed vampire of a warmongering ape, Dick Cheney.
Obama is about covered and he, covered from head to toe in blood. Trump, the obvious sociopath, serial liar, amoral thug and business criminal... 'nuff said I think. Lastly and in some ways least of all, especially in the conscience department, Mr lock-em-away-and-through-away-the-key Biden, slaughterhouse of Iraq enthusiast, Crime Bill Biden. Just the last of a lamentably sorry bunch of mind-bendingly awful cretins and wannabe monsters.

Just the usual fare from a nation of good people infested with a love of fantasy over reality. The greatest fantasy of all of course is the notion that THIS TIME they’ll get it right and vote in the lesser of two evils and that by some miracle of Hollywood he or she is not as much of a blood-curdling, dull-brained, fright-monster as those who went before.

Of course the fantasy will never die. Just as in all those movies. The money means they will be sure ALWAYS to make a reappearance.



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