Wednesday, 25 August 2021


Even geopolitical dullards can surely detect that something is wrong in the state of the USA, that is, the state of mind that is clearly affecting its elites and a great many of its citizens.

Look at Biden, Harris and Blinken as examples of that state of mind… or rather that state of mindlessness. You could be forgiven for thinking that instead of living, breathing and thinking human beings they are instead wind up dolls operated on some clockwork principle whereby words come out of their mouths delivered by some magnetic tape or pre-recorded CD. In short, they act and speak like mindless automatons.

Normally functioning humans have the ability to perceive, to one degree or another, the world around them and, using the information gathered, formulate a way to proceed that takes as realistic cognisance of the facts as possible so as not to screw up more badly than may potentially be the case. The partial embodiment of humanity that are Biden, Harris and Blinken appear devoid of most of the faculties necessary for this process to take place. A robotic stimulus-response mechanism, strictly according to some fixed circuit within their addled brains is clearly all they can manage.

Zombie movies can be fun for their outrageous blood-letting, exploding bodies and ridiculous facial expressions. To have these films reproduced in the political forum is not helpful however. The Biden doll is a particularly grotesque homage to such cinemascopic “delights”, The Harris mannequin also, in her own constantly grinning-gargoyle awfulness whereas the Blinken robot appears to be half shark with his flat dead eyes and dark-grey-in-depth demeanour.

A team made for a Hollywood horror flick, without even the flicker of a creative idea between them. Instead, they operate solely from a pre-scripted response, written for the cameras without the slightest deviation.

The entire U.S. empire of the elite soulless staggers forward in the same mindless way, grimacing, leering and pointing at potential victims as they go. Trump’s army of zombies and those of Biden can only be differentiated from one another by their dress sense. The Biden mob are well-heeled designer demons. Trump’s leering thugs were and are virtual brown shirts. Not one of them has two genuine brain cells to rub together... all they do is shout almost identical mantras: “America First!” “America is Back!”

America, first to wage war and America back from Afghanistan, the bookends of an eternally and predictably mindless foreign policy.

The empire of the ignorant was never going to end well. The brainless option of hitting out violently is not a solution. It is an invitation to further problems.

American elite stupidity is in fact very well known but rarely voiced... among western elites that is. Among the populace of western states however, it is legendary. Idiocy at Work should be the appropriate mantra. ‘America First’ and ‘America is Back’ do not reflect the true reality. Idiocy at Work reflects it perfectly. But hush... don’t make the babies cry with references to reality!

Ignorance of others is one of the USA’s most sacred institutions. It is the absent course at every university and college as all and sundry know it is completely unnecessary, all the requisite information comes directly from the American way of life. Exposure to shallowness is a constant, banality too. And brainless overindulgence will gain the rewards of the blissfully ignorant. Be a jock, don’t give a shit, eat your fries, drink your beer… and never rise from that couch. It’s all good. Stay asleep, stay stupid… and keep supporting whatever war they tell you to. “Goodnight America.”

When the majority know little and the rest only know to toe the line, when no one is thinking and everyone is reacting, when the group-thought monotone suits the majority and the bright ones get told to shut up and leave if you don’t like it, then you know that the vain emperors will keep blissfully strutting about sans clothes with the dullards admiring their finery… and those few who actually think will know beyond the shadow of a doubt, that the empire is not now and never was, truly conscious.

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