Thursday 2 September 2021


The defeat of the West and its liberal values in Afghanistan has been comprehensive.

The twenty-year-long defeat of its attempts to supplant an existing culture with something akin (or identical if possible) to its own has totally failed and failed throughout those twenty years except for ultimately meaningless pockets in Kabul and even more meaningless pockets elsewhere.

So, where does this watershed defeat leave the elites of the West now stamping their feet demanding that their militaries return to the fray and reverse what they see as the betrayal of the Afghan people? In short, it leaves them up shit creek without a paddle. More than that it leaves them in a type of delusional stupor from which only hard reality can wake them.

There will be no return to the kind of murderous adventurism seen in the days of Bush Junior and Blair. Biden is signalling that with unusual clarity at the moment, something that has America’s jingoistic allies in Britain hopping mad and rattling their sabres impotently.

All the blood and treasure expended in Afghan has been for nought. The underlying strengths within the cultural backdrop of Afghanistan have once again come to the fore. Few of us might like them, but there they are. What are we to do? Essentially we are capable of doing almost nothing that can minimize their harmful effects in the short term. In the long term however we can hope to see an evolutionary form of progress that generally comes with a general rise in economic success. This however, may be disappointingly partial for many years, even beyond the lifetimes of those present today.

The alternative to assisting the new government of Afghanistan is to wage overt or covert war against it, or both simultaneously. This appears to be the mindset informing at least U.S. and British political elites currently. Afghanistan’s resources are to be denied it and it appears certain that the USA, Britain and France are seeking to set up the environment for sanctions to be applied to the new government and to bypass it in every way possible, including regarding humanitarian aid. In addition, it appears likely that the USA and Britain will secretly or openly support those holdouts resisting the new government of Afghanistan in the Panjshir Valley.

What is all this about? Why is the West acting this way? Why does it resist every effort by China, Russia and others to move Afghanistan toward a greater degree of stability? Why in general is the West doing all it can to foment unrest, fund subversive elements, train proxy extremists and bring division, strife, chaos and war in selected nations across the world?

The answer to the above lies in the concept held as sacrosanct holy writ by western political elites that they are the chosen ones, the valiant few burdened by the god-given duty to deliver western liberal values and cultural mores to all those labouring without them. However, this concept does not stand alone. It is also imperative that the West holds all the cards regarding economic advantage and power and thus ensure that their writ is never challenged and that any seeking to challenge it are speedily neutralized.

In the halls of power in Washington and Westminister, it is patently obvious that no one dares inform their superiors that such a plan is utterly insane and completely undeliverable. If any did dare it would not compute in the minds of those so permeated by the group-thought obsession that it MUST be delivered, that for it NOT to happen is completely unthinkable. This is the deranged and dangerous mentality that has informed these elites since September Eleventh 2001.

The protocols agreed then cannot be gainsaid, they cannot be questioned in any way. There is no authority capable of doing so, not even a president. The goal set then of complete domination of the USA globally so as to ensure the security of the United States in perpetuity is in no way subject to change. It was formulated as the obvious answer to the most existential threat the nation had ever encountered and anything less than the outcome stipulated would leave the USA to that degree vulnerable to attack. No element of vulnerability was acceptable. Absolutely none. Therefore an absolute level of full spectrum dominance across the planet was essential and nothing short of that state.

It is insane to think this was ever possible, of course it is. But once you take yourself back to that day in 2001 and the days following it and attempt as best you can to replicate the mindset of those meeting to plan the road ahead. Before too long we heard something of their plans, to arrange regime change in seven sovereign nations within a very short time frame. This was not to be, but we all know in which nations plans for these interventions DID take place.

The political elites of the USA and Britain are still absolutely minded to instigate the downfall of each and every state on the list that was eventually made public, and more besides. However, the means they will now deploy will not consist of the disastrous military “solutions” used in recent decades. At least that aspect of their insanity has had its most virulent aspect cauterized. They have had their fingers badly burned in Afghanistan. Iraq will be the next humiliation coming down the pike. Then Syria. But don’t think they will give up on the 9/11 protocols. That is simply impossible for them.

The insanity at the root of western foreign policy will continue to fester and corrode any semblance of realpolitik, any notion of honest to goodness diplomacy or agreement with those the insane elites of the West set up as their sworn enemies. The disease infecting the political elite of the West has no cure. No awareness will even be directed toward a cure. Instead, new energy will be injected into the mental dysfunctions generating ever-increasing division, misapprehension and the continuance of the delusion that a liberal dictatorship can be foisted upon the world.

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There is much stamping of feet occurring in western elite circles. Minds are reeling in shock and dismay. Petulant faces grimace in a grot...