The continuing incarceration of Julian Assange at the behest of the USA is simply the latest example of the gross levels of hypocrisy displayed by the USA and UK.
They complain bitterly about the case of Alexey Navalny in Russia yet put Julian Assange, who exposed many of the West’s most heinous war crimes, through a draconian regime of torture.
Yet, various institutions, along with the political establishment of the USA and others all across the western world say they lay great store by the preservation of the human rights of others.
In attempting to measure this and the bottomless hypocrisy involved let us now examine what rights the elites of the USA grant *themselves* in respect of the human rights of others.
To begin… the first, and most obvious rights they have awarded themselves in recent years is the right to commit mass murder in the Middle East and elsewhere, to torture people as they wish and without any judicial oversight in black sites hidden from view across the planet and to effectively sanction entire populations as seen most recently in Venezuela.
In addition, the USA has abrogated the right to itself of either overtly or covertly subverting and undermining the governance of sovereign nations, most often in contravention of international law and the principles of the United Nations.
Historically we can examine a blood-strewn path of past U.S. activities, most notably across Latin America but hardly restricted to there. Attempted coups, successful coups, assassinations and myriad other acts of interference. In Nicaragua, the Reagan administration went to great lengths to assist the bloodthirsty Contra guerillas and was blithely uninterested in their attacks on schools and religious institutions, finding all such atrocities to be merely grist to their regime change mill.
Then there is the right to lie their heads off as they deem fit when the situation merits it.
All this with the best intentions in the world we are asked to believe. I wonder, does ANYONE seriously believe it anymore? There are those who will undoubtedly say they do. But do they really or are they simply myopically fixed on some illusory geopolitical goal and rabidly obsessed with those they consider mortal enemies?
What has all this to do with human rights or their preservation. Not very much at all as far as I can see.
Am I missing something? I don’t think so.
But wait. What about Guantanamo? Surely a beacon in the world for human rights and those glorious western values of justice and fairness?
When the Iraq war reached its bloody and reprehensible end the word went out that the USA was offering huge bounties for any “terrorist” brought to them. This became quite a profitable industry at the time. Those receiving these 'golden geese' had nothing to go on except the word of the bounty hunters that these were indeed terrorists and what they were later termed by U.S. officials, ‘Enemy Combatants’. This term was a useful ruse to deny these men any rights under the Geneva Convention. Just as torture was legalised so too was the denial of those in captivity to any true access to justice. They might get a military court if they were “lucky” but there would typically be no evidence against them except the word of those who had made a fortune from bringing them in.
Human rights from the USA? You’ve got to be kidding.
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