Saturday, 11 December 2021


Critical words are fairly useless at this stage when talking of the totally fixed mentality that is driving western elites toward war.

The level of group-thought myopia within elite western circles presents an absolute barrier to seeing geopolitical issues through anything but a single lens.

That lens provides all western elite viewers with an entire worldview that portrays them as the undoubted heroes and those they oppose as the undoubted villains. Not a chink of holistic understanding that might just possibly avert war appears possible.

That western elites have fallen to the level of sub-kindergarten rhetoric on issues of such vital importance is utterly lamentable. They sleepwalk within their belief bubbles toward war in as deeply an irresponsible fashion as could possibly be.

They talk of war as only those who have not known war can do. As if it is something to simply shrug one’s shoulders about before bowing to the inevitable.

That some of these misguided creatures do sometimes think of where their statements and actions are taking the world cannot be ruled out. But what certainly can be ruled out in the current atmosphere in the West is expressing such thoughts. Any one of them who even suggests that “jaw-jaw” is better than “war-war” as Winston Churchill once said would be immediately black-balled and no doubt designated as a ‘foreign agent’. That is the insane position the current elite crop within the western world have reached.

Why? What is truly at stake for this iron-clad fantasy of Russian and Chinese “aggression” to be built so solidly and reinforced daily?

What are the true dangers Russia and China pose for the West?

Is Russia through Vladimir Putin seeking to reconstitute the Soviet Union? Is Russia truly poised to invade Ukraine?

Are the western powers truly breaking their hearts over Chinese persecution of the people of Hong Kong, Taiwan and Xinjiang?

The above issues even if true do not seem to quite merit splitting the world into two warring camps the way western elites seem clearly intent on achieving. For their position is clearly one of painting at least Russia and its president as the new Nazi Germany and Adolf Hitler. China and Xi are without doubt too influential to give them this same framing but it appears only a matter of time before this occurs.

Really? Nothing can be done to alleviate these situations?

Russia has agreed to the route map at Minsk regarding Ukraine. It has nothing to gain by an unprovoked, preemptive strike on Ukrainian forces. It has stated that it WILL respond however if Kiev makes an attack on the regions of Donetsk and Lugansk where many now have Russian passports and who have long expressed their more favourable stance toward Moscow and their disillusionment with Kiev. They desire autonomy. The Minsk Agreement stipulates that Kiev pass the requisite laws to give the Donbass where they are situated federalised status. But it has not done so and also refused to speak to the leadership in the disputed regions. No “jaw-jaw” in this case either, a reflection of the attitude of the West toward all those it labels ‘adversaries’.

China has said it wants the reunification of Taiwan with China to be a wholly peaceful one. Its stance has not changed recently except in response to changes in U.S. policy decisions and rhetoric on Taiwan. On Hong Kong, China was faced with an at times extremely violent and destructive mob mentality. It took action to quell the situation mindful of its responsibility to ensure law-abiding citizens were not overly affected. Unlike similar eventualities in the USA in recent times where outbreaks of violence erupted in many cities, in Hong Kong not a single citizen died as order was restored. In Xinjiang, China has been faced by horrific terrorist outrages generally not given much coverage in the West. War-hardened Uyghur fighters with their prejudices hardened and techniques of violence honed in Syria had become a serious problem in Xinjiang along with the influx of Wahhabi teachings. The West, via skilled political activists called ‘genocide’, cheapening the word and providing little to no hard evidence outside of the activist’s claims.

These are the issues upon which western elites appear willing to push the world to the brink of war are they? I think not. The issues at stake are much closer to the hearts of western elites. The relatively trivial issues above are merely the areas of battle where the West’s elites can use its weapons in its real overall purpose, to move themselves closer to the real prize I wish to now examine.

Certain things regarding the true cause behind the situation we now find ourselves in are clear.

The western powers have been used to calling the geopolitical shots for as long as anyone alive can recall and for much longer. The benefits accruing from this status are manifold. Even if you dress up the self-interest in terms of self-glorification where the West is the guardian of human rights, democracy and decent values the determination to hold onto this patrician dominance is very understandable.

The economic status of China will eventually surpass that of the United States and the United Kingdom combined. It is only a matter of time. With economic success comes political and geopolitical influence.

Russia was almost brought within the permanent orbit of the western powers at the conclusion of the Cold War and the dissolution of the Soviet Union and Warsaw Bloc. The West had Russia just where it wanted it during Yeltsin’s time as president. Then came Putin and what the western elites thought was ‘in the bag’ proved otherwise.

With the worst possible synchronicity, 9/11 brought U.S. elites to agree among themselves that every single entity not complying with U.S. requirements for its perpetual peace must be eliminated.

In brief, these reasons and the naturally complex factors within each one provide a much more telling true cause behind the relentless push against both China and Russia, building now to some form of climax with only infrequent and very token attempts to alleviate the pressures that have inexorably been building.

Whereas during the Cold War diplomacy was seen as a vital art, a life and death pursuit if you will to avoid the unthinkable. Now, true diplomacy is all but dead. Yes, a few token efforts are made… while simultaneously others hurl pointed insults that betoken absolute mistrust. Accusations are thrown. Russian and Chinese Intentions and policies are framed as efforts to engage in deceit, plots and plans to undermine the West. In short, demonisation is the name of the game, the effort to portray entire peoples as evil and incapable of any kind of redemption. The ‘Better Dead Than Red’ mentality is fast returning. Where else can such mentalities lead but war?

The elites of the western world seem hellbent on walking, eyes shut with delusions blinding them about evil enemies only they in their saintliness can defeat with the fate of the entire world at stake.

But isn’t what is truly at stake their own myriad national interests and the possibility their status as top dogs will get taken away from them, with the loss of all the attendant benefits that position entails?

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